Give a man a fish.......

At Rotagilla

It would appear the power elite are taking us down the road to civil insurrection.
We get this line of shit from the lefties regarding government....
" Where would we be without government? Without roads,fire department,police? "
On and on ...
That wack job Lizzie Warren..." If you own a business you didn't build it" crap
Government provided the roads the electricity the sewer etc....

Well who the fuck paid for it.
The government you say!

And where did they get the money from?

These lovers of big government....

..that's quite profound, little partisan. :salute:

You got it all figured out. :rolleyes:
If all the energy and resources devoted to apologizing for and subsidising bad life choices were devoted to educating people that citizens had a duty and responsibility to prepare for life, and take care of themselves, we could eliminate most poverty in a generation.

Continued dependence is the sole hope of the Democrat party, so, I expect no change.

If the factory that supported your community moves to China, is that a bad life choice?

That is the problem facing our cities. The jobs that used to sustain the people (you may even call them fish) are gone
Then move.

People aren't chained to a spot in this country you know.

You remind me of the dog on a nail story.

Tom just moved into a new neighborhood recently. He liked his house and his environment, but there was one thing he didn’t get.

His neighbor, Mr Tan, had a dog that kept howling non-stop. Literally. Day in, day out.


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“Auuuuuhhhh………. Aaaauhhhh……….”

Initially Tom thought the dog was just going through a phase, so he ignored the howls, thinking it would eventually stop.

But it didn’t. It continued howling.


1 day passed. Nothing changed. 2 days passed. Still howling. 3 days. 5 days. 1 week. 2 weeks. 1 month. Still howling, with no signs of stopping.

“Auuuhhh………….Oouuuuuhhhhh…….Au au auuhhhhh..”

Finally, Tom couldn’t stand it anymore. One fine day, he walked over to Mr Tan’s house to see what was going on.

Sure enough, there was the dog, sitting at the front porch, howling pitifully to whoever was walking by.


“Auuuhhh…Ouuuhhh….Auuuuuuuuuuuuuu………Au au au auu au au auuuuhhhhh….”

On the other hand, Mr Tan was relaxing on his bench at the lawn, leisurely reading his newspapers and sipping a cup of coffee.

Wondering what was going on, Tom walked up to Mr Tan.

Tom: “Hi Mr Tan, is that your dog?”

Mr Tan: “Which dog?” He glanced around. “Oh that. Yep he’s mine.”

Tom: “Why does he keep howling?”

Mr Tan: “Oh, that’s cause he’s sitting on a nail.”

Tom: “Sitting on a nail?!?” Tom gave the dog a bewildered look.

“..Okay… so why doesn’t he just get away from the nail then??”

“Well, Tom………”, Mr Tan took a slow sip of his coffee before replying.

“…That’s because he doesn’t find it painful enough yet.”

Very good answer....just move

Why don't people just move to locations where the fish are? Many times it is because they don't have the money to pack up and move to a location where they don't know anyone and don't know where the fishing spots (jobs) are

Many times locals resent those moving from other areas and hogging their fishing spots
More excuses.

And it's real easy to know where the jobs are. Just get your ass down to the nearest FREE library and look it up

Very good idea

I support government programs to assist people who need to relocate because there are no longer any fish in their area. But the idea that every poor person is able to pack up and move to another are is unworkable.
We get this line of shit from the lefties regarding government....
" Where would we be without government? Without roads,fire department,police? "
On and on ...
That wack job Lizzie Warren..." If you own a business you didn't build it" crap
Government provided the roads the electricity the sewer etc....

Well who the fuck paid for it.
The government you say!

And where did they get the money from?

These lovers of big government....

The government is "We the People"
Businesses benefit from the infrastructure that "We the People" have provided
At Rotagilla

It would appear the power elite are taking us down the road to civil insurrection.

It usually ends that way for oppressive governments.

This country was founded by "revolutionaries". We call them "Patriots"..the opposition called them "traitors".
Human history is littered with the wreckage of governments that became too corrupt and too oppressive....and the people who were loyal to them all said "that can't happen here.."
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Conservatives have little enthusiasm for funding the cost of education, so the teaching a man to fish part of that is hardly on the rightwing to-do list.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Conservatives have little enthusiasm for funding the cost of education, so the teaching a man to fish part of that is hardly on the rightwing to-do list.
It is more than that

It is the "screw you" attitude towards those who are struggling
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

This is one of the cornerstones of conservatism today. Self determination. No "free stuff". Who could have a problem with such a basic principle of society? Why don't Liberals get it?

But what happens when there are no fish where you live?
What happens if you can't afford a pole, tackle and a license?
What happens when you go to fish and are told......."Only members are allowed to fish here"

This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

LMAO you freaking libs are hilarious. FIRST you greedy bastards increase the cost of fishing and hunting licenses to the point poor people can't afford them. THEN you require GOBS of identification documents to get the license which you people keep telling us is hard for the poor to provide. AND you have the nerve to post this thread? That's some size 10 stones right there.
We get this line of shit from the lefties regarding government....
" Where would we be without government? Without roads,fire department,police? "
On and on ...
That wack job Lizzie Warren..." If you own a business you didn't build it" crap
Government provided the roads the electricity the sewer etc....

Well who the fuck paid for it.
The government you say!

And where did they get the money from?

These lovers of big government....

The government is "We the People"
Businesses benefit from the infrastructure that "We the People" have provided
No lately the government is " Give me all your shit so I can give to those democratic voters over there"
We get this line of shit from the lefties regarding government....
" Where would we be without government? Without roads,fire department,police? "
On and on ...
That wack job Lizzie Warren..." If you own a business you didn't build it" crap
Government provided the roads the electricity the sewer etc....

Well who the fuck paid for it.
The government you say!

And where did they get the money from?

These lovers of big government....

The government is "We the People"
Businesses benefit from the infrastructure that "We the People" have provided
No lately the government is " Give me all your shit so I can give to those democratic voters over there"

I think you are saying, "Give me all your shit so I can pocket some of it and use the rest to bribe people to vote for me, then I'll increase taxes on your ass and take some more"
This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Sounds like the person having been taught to fish simply has to make excuses when what he's learned doesn't provide him as much as someone else when the problem is still with the learner.
We get this line of shit from the lefties regarding government....
" Where would we be without government? Without roads,fire department,police? "
On and on ...
That wack job Lizzie Warren..." If you own a business you didn't build it" crap
Government provided the roads the electricity the sewer etc....

Well who the fuck paid for it.
The government you say!

And where did they get the money from?

These lovers of big government....

The government is "We the People"
Businesses benefit from the infrastructure that "We the People" have provided
No lately the government is " Give me all your shit so I can give to those democratic voters over there"

And yet, our government has some of the lowest tax rates in the world

Most of the "shit" being paid by our government goes to red states
This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Sounds like the person having been taught to fish simply has to make excuses when what he's learned doesn't provide him as much as someone else when the problem is still with the learner.

Its always easier to fish with the best equipment, no competition and a fishing hole with the most fish in it.
We get this line of shit from the lefties regarding government....
" Where would we be without government? Without roads,fire department,police? "
On and on ...
That wack job Lizzie Warren..." If you own a business you didn't build it" crap
Government provided the roads the electricity the sewer etc....

Well who the fuck paid for it.
The government you say!

And where did they get the money from?

These lovers of big government....

The government is "We the People"
Businesses benefit from the infrastructure that "We the People" have provided
No lately the government is " Give me all your shit so I can give to those democratic voters over there"

And yet, our government has some of the lowest tax rates in the world

Most of the "shit" being paid by our government goes to red states

I'm calling you out, that's a lie! A decades old lie the left continues to tell. By the way when are you people going to get some new material, its like watching re-runs from the 1970's.
You can teach a million men how to fish, but it won't help them if they live in a desert.
..that's quite profound, little partisan. :salute:

You got it all figured out. :rolleyes:
If all the energy and resources devoted to apologizing for and subsidising bad life choices were devoted to educating people that citizens had a duty and responsibility to prepare for life, and take care of themselves, we could eliminate most poverty in a generation.

Continued dependence is the sole hope of the Democrat party, so, I expect no change.

If the factory that supported your community moves to China, is that a bad life choice?

That is the problem facing our cities. The jobs that used to sustain the people (you may even call them fish) are gone

Happened to my brother. Instead of whining, he took it upon himself to learn a different method of "fishing". That didn't involve the government doing for him. It involved him taking it upon himself to do what so many demand the government do for them because it's easier to sit on your ass and whine than get off it and improve your place in life. While the "fishers" may have no say if the factory they work for moves to China, they do have a say in how they react to it. Taking the sit on your ass and whine attitude is a bad life choice. Life isn't about what happens to you but how you handle it. Some choose to handled it. Too many choose to let the government do it for them.
We get this line of shit from the lefties regarding government....
" Where would we be without government? Without roads,fire department,police? "
On and on ...
That wack job Lizzie Warren..." If you own a business you didn't build it" crap
Government provided the roads the electricity the sewer etc....

Well who the fuck paid for it.
The government you say!

And where did they get the money from?

These lovers of big government....

The government is "We the People"
Businesses benefit from the infrastructure that "We the People" have provided
No lately the government is " Give me all your shit so I can give to those democratic voters over there"

And yet, our government has some of the lowest tax rates in the world

Most of the "shit" being paid by our government goes to red states

I'm calling you out, that's a lie! A decades old lie the left continues to tell. By the way when are you people going to get some new material, its like watching re-runs from the 1970's.

I live in NJ where we get about 67 cents on our tax dollar
Tell me about all the federal spending in your state. Like all your "free stuff"?
This is where government comes in. The idea that once you have taught people to fish, your job is done does not always work in a society. Sometimes we need government to break dowmn barriers to fishing

Sounds like the person having been taught to fish simply has to make excuses when what he's learned doesn't provide him as much as someone else when the problem is still with the learner.

Its always easier to fish with the best equipment, no competition and a fishing hole with the most fish in it.

Actually, it sounds to me as if it's easier for you to make excuses than to look for answers

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