Good riddance to Trump's stupid trade wars

Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy
China has been winning the trade war for 45 years. President Trump was the first President to stand up to them. The tariffs help protect our industries. Thatā€™s why China and the EU use them against the US, because they work.

The deficit has little to do with it. Manufacturing jobs were created as a result of it.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy
Good riddance to all of those good paying jobs??? get ready for rising gas and food prices.....get ready for shutdowns over a cold virus.....
Stupid stupid biden voters....
It's true. They have a dam short memory or maybe they just like to be abused, something they might have grown up with.
Yeah that whole Independence thing is a sham....better to rely on China for everything.

Funny how the same people who BITCH about companies like Walmart are just so happy to make sure Walmart can fill their shelves with cheap Chinese goods. Hey but thats good for Walmart!
Trump was on track to bring some of that money back to U.S. manufacturers.... oh yeah, but Trump is Hitler.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy
Ben.. if you re a black man, your neighborhoods are ph uked up. How can neighborhoods like separate nations take endless amounts of free money, free resources, free government services, and free money, free resources from private concerns and still stink? It is like being junkies! Joey B. will save you though. Kamala will give you a B.J. to make you feel better. And me. I am tired of paying for it.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy

Yep Biden will look the other way as business goes back to usual with China stealing our intellectual property, and stuffing money in the pockets of select few Americans in order to
gain trade advantage over us.
People bitching over trade war are short sighted. Real negotiation takes time and pressure, sometimes on both sides. You just have to fight through it. Four years is a very short time and the communist CHinese government is a long term player.
American politicians are locked into a 4 year cycle and China knows this. They take advantage of our impatience because they know we will infight and then cave in to pressures both internal and external.

Another four years of Trump would have set America up for 20 years. Thus, the Wuhan Virus, MSM Big Tech and "all hands on deck" to put anyone but Trump in power.

I've listened to the politicians who dislike Trump. I wish I had a platform to debate them, there is so much that Americans need to hear that they simply are not hearing. These flakes are concerned with their own pockets and orbits of influence. Such a devitiation from the heroes of yesteryear
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy

You're about to get rolled over and you don't even know it yet. China is going to rule the roost, and you will obey, or else...
What happened to free market Capitalism right winger?

Free market capitalism that includes the Paris Accord, Crony Capitalism, NO regulations (in China or Mexico), devaluation of the yuan, state "partnership" with high tech firms trying to gain access in Beijing (theft/control)?

Tell me how any of this leads to free markets?
Ask the right wing. Capitalists do it for their profit motive and bottom line.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy
Trade wars are also inflationary; raise the minimum wage so Labor can afford our first world economy!

How does the compensation of USA employees compare to CHinese?

And worker protections?
Why do you care? Capitalism is about market based economics and a profit motive. Why are Capitalists willing to go there for profit instead of stay here for the general welfare?
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy

You're about to get rolled over and you don't even know it yet. China is going to rule the roost, and you will obey, or else...
What happened to free market Capitalism right winger?

So free market capitalism involves the theft of intellectual property and trademarks, as well as violating patents?
Committing crimes?

Where did you study economics sweetheart?

What was the textbook?
By Al Gore and Michael Moore maybe?
Nobody is forcing Capitalists to go to China.
What is worse about this type of thinking, isn't even just the economic, it's the throwing under the bus, into the prison and into the graves so many good citizens of China who can only dream of living without oppression.

As they fight and die, so many cowards in America wish to emulate them. It's disgusting. I can only hope that those who allowed America to lose it's place, pay a price.
Only a Talking point for the right wing in socialism threads.
Thank god Biden plans to raise taxes so companies will be raising prices. Oh Yeah, oh boy higher prices!!!
Raise the minimum wage so labor can afford it!
Good gawd stop with the stupid.

Raising the minimum wage by government---does not help anyone except the rich whose asset values go up.
1) It costs jobs---fewer people working making more on welfare costing taxpayers
2) it causes inflation making everything more expensive (raising profits for the rich) and causing old people and those on a fix income It to resort to dog food to eat
3)it pushes manufacturing overseas making china happy but the US poorer.
4) It means skilled workers making over $15 an hour or have worked their way up are paid about the same as the unskilled workers making the $15 an hour who haven't worked their way up----which means all of their skills and extra time working become meaningless.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy
Good riddance to all of those good paying jobs??? get ready for rising gas and food prices.....get ready for shutdowns over a cold virus.....
Stupid stupid biden voters....
cold virus??
For most that's what it amounts to.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy
China has been winning the trade war for 45 years. President Trump was the first President to stand up to them. The tariffs help protect our industries. Thatā€™s why China and the EU use them against the US, because they work.

The deficit has little to do with it. Manufacturing jobs were created as a result of it.
Only false Capitalists need protection from Capital competition.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Bidenā€™s ā€˜tweet-freeā€™ policy
it got us more manufacturing back home and higher wages pumpkin. It also got us more self reliant and less dependent on foriegn nations in times of emergency. And raised our revenue base by both the tariffs and by more taxes on higher wages.
In right wing fantasy you are Always Right; it just seems like Hoax to the rest of us.


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