Good riddance to Trump's stupid trade wars

Thank god Biden plans to raise taxes so companies will be raising prices. Oh Yeah, oh boy higher prices!!!
Raise the minimum wage so labor can afford it!
Good grief, are you educated or just playing games ??
I'm pretty sure he is a spambot.
Hey give the child a break he can’t help it that he was barely able to get through first grade. All that crack when he was in the womb did too much damage.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Biden’s ‘tweet-free’ policy
Trade wars are also inflationary; raise the minimum wage so Labor can afford our first world economy!

How does the compensation of USA employees compare to CHinese?

And worker protections?
Why do you care? Capitalism is about market based economics and a profit motive. Why are Capitalists willing to go there for profit instead of stay here for the general welfare?

Listen up cupcake and try to follow the adult conversation.

Cheap chinese labor makes it hard for our labor to compete on a global scale. We can make our minimum wage as high as we want, maximum benefits, and worker protections.

How do we compete with china which has none of these?

This is the real world. Not your socialist professor land of make believe,

Why is so much stuff made in China and why is it so cheap darling?
Please think before you answer honey.
The problem is the right wing believes it is moral to compete with cheap labor in our first world economy. And, then complain about the Poor.

As a consumer, do you make your purchased decisions based on price considerations?
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Biden’s ‘tweet-free’ policy

You're about to get rolled over and you don't even know it yet. China is going to rule the roost, and you will obey, or else...
What happened to free market Capitalism right winger?

So free market capitalism involves the theft of intellectual property and trademarks, as well as violating patents?
Committing crimes?

Where did you study economics sweetheart?

What was the textbook?
By Al Gore and Michael Moore maybe?
Nobody is forcing Capitalists to go to China.

The topic is about trade tariffs on the Chinks for anti-competitive business practices. Try and stay on topic and ask again when you need more help keeping up sugar cookie.

I have no idea what your comment: "Nobody is forcing Capitalists to go to China." has to do with the topic?

Please explain butter cup?
Blame Capitalists, don't advocate for Big Government y'all only allege to abhor in socialism threads. They go there for their Profit motive not Morals motive.


Can you put me in touch with your dealer pretty please?
And after four long years, there’s still as much Chinese made crap on the shelves as ever.
Thank god Biden plans to raise taxes so companies will be raising prices. Oh Yeah, oh boy higher prices!!!
Raise the minimum wage so labor can afford it!
when the min wage go us prices go up thus inflation goes up and pretty soon the raise did nothing for those who it was intended to help . education and trade skills earn you more money if your not to lazy to go after them . if you prefer to be handed a living by the government you will get exactly what you deserve
Not at the same pace; the minimum wage may double but prices won't. A gain in purchasing power (parity) for Labor. Why not ask Congress for a tax break to help business cope with the minimum wage raise?
you really dont know anything about economics do you.
Trump's tariff wars got us absolutely nothing, in fact our trade deficit got worse if anything...Trade will fade to background under Biden’s ‘tweet-free’ policy
Trade wars are also inflationary; raise the minimum wage so Labor can afford our first world economy!

How does the compensation of USA employees compare to CHinese?

And worker protections?
Why do you care? Capitalism is about market based economics and a profit motive. Why are Capitalists willing to go there for profit instead of stay here for the general welfare?

Listen up cupcake and try to follow the adult conversation.

Cheap chinese labor makes it hard for our labor to compete on a global scale. We can make our minimum wage as high as we want, maximum benefits, and worker protections.

How do we compete with china which has none of these?

This is the real world. Not your socialist professor land of make believe,

Why is so much stuff made in China and why is it so cheap darling?
Please think before you answer honey.
The problem is the right wing believes it is moral to compete with cheap labor in our first world economy. And, then complain about the Poor.

As a consumer, do you make your purchased decisions based on price considerations?
lol. I base it on my marginal propensity to consume or save.
Thank god Biden plans to raise taxes so companies will be raising prices. Oh Yeah, oh boy higher prices!!!
Raise the minimum wage so labor can afford it!
when the min wage go us prices go up thus inflation goes up and pretty soon the raise did nothing for those who it was intended to help . education and trade skills earn you more money if your not to lazy to go after them . if you prefer to be handed a living by the government you will get exactly what you deserve
Not at the same pace; the minimum wage may double but prices won't. A gain in purchasing power (parity) for Labor. Why not ask Congress for a tax break to help business cope with the minimum wage raise?
you really dont know anything about economics do you.
You don't know you need more than ad hominems, do you?
And after four long years, there’s still as much Chinese made crap on the shelves as ever.
Do you think you can just stop a Clinton nafta train on a dime ???? Well there ain't no Chinese toilet paper on the shelves, because somehow the leftist must have been told that Covid was on it's way also from China, and that they'd soon be crapping in their drawers every 5 minutes from it. Rotflmbo.

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