GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump


The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.
Millions of honorable Republicans voted against Trump.

And millions of honorable Democrats, Independents and Republicans voted against hiLIARy...but you wish to disenfranchise them.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.
yes I agree, and I think to truly gain the respect of democrats, as honorable people, us republicans should go immediately out and start burning down businesses, sending death threats to people, (not sure if it matters who we send them too,) we should all threaten to pack our stuff and leave the country. And, we should non-stop cry on internet forums about our butthurt that no cream can cure.
What the elector did was to disenfranchise thousands of voters publicly, I wonder, if an elector from a predominantly minority voting district refused to cast his vote for Hillary even though thats what was dictated by his districts results, would the left be cheering him on or would we be hearing about some grand scheme to disenfranchise the minority vote again.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.
Millions of honorable Republicans voted against Trump.

And millions of honorable Democrats, Independents and Republicans voted against hiLIARy...but you wish to disenfranchise them.
Yup, and that's why Trump lost the popular vote by seven million ballots. Facts are a hard thing, aren't they, bowdick.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

And that is why you lost, bub.

It used to be that Americans could disagree without disparaging the honor of the opposition. You all decided that the opposition was EVUL and deserved to be destroyed. Well, that hasn't worked out too well for you.

And to quote myself:

"Stupid, ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bible thumping, gun hugging, fried cheese eating, NASCAR watching, fat Walmart Shopping, gas guzzling, Patriarch Nuclear Family living, Flyover Losers, knuckle dragging, hick hick hick hick Rubes"

Just a suggestion for the Dems: you might want to rethink the above Sales Pitch. It's not exactly closing the deal for you.

Trump won with liberal labor vote. You are clueless.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

And that is why you lost, bub.

It used to be that Americans could disagree without disparaging the honor of the opposition. You all decided that the opposition was EVUL and deserved to be destroyed. Well, that hasn't worked out too well for you.

And to quote myself:

"Stupid, ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bible thumping, gun hugging, fried cheese eating, NASCAR watching, fat Walmart Shopping, gas guzzling, Patriarch Nuclear Family living, Flyover Losers, knuckle dragging, hick hick hick hick Rubes"

Just a suggestion for the Dems: you might want to rethink the above Sales Pitch. It's not exactly closing the deal for you.

Trump won with liberal labor vote. You are clueless.

Trump won the electoral vote, which is how the Framers designed our system of government.

You are the clueless one, bub.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.
yes I agree, and I think to truly gain the respect of democrats, as honorable people, us republicans should go immediately out and start burning down businesses, sending death threats to people, (not sure if it matters who we send them too,) we should all threaten to pack our stuff and leave the country. And, we should non-stop cry on internet forums about our butthurt that no cream can cure.
What the elector did was to disenfranchise thousands of voters publicly, I wonder, if an elector from a predominantly minority voting district refused to cast his vote for Hillary even though thats what was dictated by his districts results, would the left be cheering him on or would we be hearing about some grand scheme to disenfranchise the minority vote again.

Tell us about the colored boy in the White House.

Then I promise to tell you about the rabbits, Lenny.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

And that is why you lost, bub.

It used to be that Americans could disagree without disparaging the honor of the opposition. You all decided that the opposition was EVUL and deserved to be destroyed. Well, that hasn't worked out too well for you.

And to quote myself:

"Stupid, ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bible thumping, gun hugging, fried cheese eating, NASCAR watching, fat Walmart Shopping, gas guzzling, Patriarch Nuclear Family living, Flyover Losers, knuckle dragging, hick hick hick hick Rubes"

Just a suggestion for the Dems: you might want to rethink the above Sales Pitch. It's not exactly closing the deal for you.
Now that was one mighty impressive rant right there. Puts anything Ive ever come up with to shame.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

And that is why you lost, bub.

It used to be that Americans could disagree without disparaging the honor of the opposition. You all decided that the opposition was EVUL and deserved to be destroyed. Well, that hasn't worked out too well for you.

And to quote myself:

"Stupid, ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bible thumping, gun hugging, fried cheese eating, NASCAR watching, fat Walmart Shopping, gas guzzling, Patriarch Nuclear Family living, Flyover Losers, knuckle dragging, hick hick hick hick Rubes"

Just a suggestion for the Dems: you might want to rethink the above Sales Pitch. It's not exactly closing the deal for you.

Trump won with liberal labor vote. You are clueless.

Trump won the electoral vote, which is how the Framers designed our system of government.

You are the clueless one, bub.

Yeah, well that isn't the only stupid shit the Framers did.

How about we go back to their way, and deny YOU the right to vote? eh?

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.
Millions of honorable Republicans voted against Trump.

And millions of honorable Democrats, Independents and Republicans voted against hiLIARy...but you wish to disenfranchise them.
Yup, and that's why Trump lost the popular vote by seven million ballots. Facts are a hard thing, aren't they, bowdick.
wow, its up to 7 million now? couple more days and he will have won with no votes cast for him at all, hell, he wont have even voted for himself. LOL
Only NJ permitted women to vote after the ratification of the Constitution, but the men got that rid of right quick.

Bowduck, you would be better off not having to vote, personally. You have trouble thinking.
Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.
Note for the non-Moonbats: Isn't it telling how the Progs only think Republicans are honorable when they act like Dems.

Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

And that is why you lost, bub.

It used to be that Americans could disagree without disparaging the honor of the opposition. You all decided that the opposition was EVUL and deserved to be destroyed. Well, that hasn't worked out too well for you.

And to quote myself:

"Stupid, ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bible thumping, gun hugging, fried cheese eating, NASCAR watching, fat Walmart Shopping, gas guzzling, Patriarch Nuclear Family living, Flyover Losers, knuckle dragging, hick hick hick hick Rubes"

Just a suggestion for the Dems: you might want to rethink the above Sales Pitch. It's not exactly closing the deal for you.

Trump won with liberal labor vote. You are clueless.

Trump won the electoral vote, which is how the Framers designed our system of government.

You are the clueless one, bub.

Yeah, well that isn't the only stupid shit the Framers did.

How about we go back to their way, and deny YOU the right to vote? eh?

The Framers also included a process to amend the Constitution. If you can get 3/4 of the states to agree to let California and New York decide how they live, then go for.

Good luck with that
Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.
Because that's a good measure of one's honorability.

And that is why you lost, bub.

It used to be that Americans could disagree without disparaging the honor of the opposition. You all decided that the opposition was EVUL and deserved to be destroyed. Well, that hasn't worked out too well for you.

And to quote myself:

"Stupid, ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, bible thumping, gun hugging, fried cheese eating, NASCAR watching, fat Walmart Shopping, gas guzzling, Patriarch Nuclear Family living, Flyover Losers, knuckle dragging, hick hick hick hick Rubes"

Just a suggestion for the Dems: you might want to rethink the above Sales Pitch. It's not exactly closing the deal for you.

Trump won with liberal labor vote. You are clueless.

Trump won the electoral vote, which is how the Framers designed our system of government.

You are the clueless one, bub.

Yeah, well that isn't the only stupid shit the Framers did.

How about we go back to their way, and deny YOU the right to vote? eh?

The Framers also included a process to amend the Constitution. If you can get 3/4 of the states to agree to let California and New York decide how they live, then go for.

Good luck with that

So you admit that the Framers got voting rights WRONG. Why then are you worshipping them as Gods?
Voting for Trump is a vote to dishonor God.

Now that Trump has won, I need to ask why do you Mormons keep pretending you are Christians?

Curiousity. And all my cats are mine. I have and am just suspended in time that you still to this day pretend to be Christians when you are not at all. Now this battle can go to other forums but lets start it here

Mormons are not Christians.

The Texas elector wrote in a blog post that he’ll “sleep well at night” knowing he held on to his convictions.

Torn between voting his conscience and dutifully casting his ballot for President-elect Donald Trump, a Republican member of the Electoral College said over the weekend that he would resign his post.

“I believe to resign is to honor the intent of the pledge as it relates to the people of my district,” Texas elector Art Sisneros wrote in a blog post. “Since I can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump, and yet have sinfully made a pledge that I would, the best option I see at this time is to resign my position as an Elector.”

Sisneros’ decision to step aside comes as some members of the Electoral College face mounting pressure from voters and advocacy groups to flip their votes against Trump, even if he won the popular vote in their states.

In his post, Sisneros argued that casting his vote for Trump would “bring dishonor to God,” and said that political parties and “winner-take-all” states destroyed the original intention of the Electoral College. Sisneros said in August that he was considering voting against Trump if the real estate mogul were to win the popular vote in Texas. But he told Politico Monday that he would instead resign.

The rest of the country’s 538 electors will choose Sisneros’ replacement when they convene on Dec. 19 to officially elect Trump as the next president. All of Texas’ 38 electoral votes are expected to go to Trump, who beat Hillary Clinton in the state by more than 800,000 votes.

“The people will get their vote,” Sisneros wrote. “I will sleep well at night knowing I neither gave in to their demands nor caved to my convictions. I will also mourn the loss of our republic.”

GOP Elector Resigns From Electoral College Rather Than Vote For Trump

It always warms my heart to see an honorable Republican.

Good for him, he made a good choice for him and for Trump.
Voting for Trump is a vote to dishonor God.

Now that Trump has won, I need to ask why do you Mormons keep pretending you are Christians?

Curiousity. And all my cats are mine. I have and am just suspended in time that you still to this day pretend to be Christians when you are not at all. Now this battle can go to other forums but lets start it here

Mormons are not Christians.

What part of being Christian do the Mormons fail to qualify for?

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