GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law

This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,
And that is written where exactly?
in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,


The Constitution provides no mechanism for a re-vote of the Presidential election. However, it does provide three mechanisms by which a rigged election can be over-ridden.

  1. The Electoral College can collectively ignore the election outcome. Electors are nominally pledged to vote for a given candidate, but if enough of them act as faithless electors, it can change the outcome of the election.
    [*]Congress can reject the electoral votes from states with voting issues. Doing so requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress; this happened in the 1872 election, when the votes from Arkansas and Louisiana were rejected due to voting irregularities.
    [*]Congress can reject the election entirely by not recognizing any of the electoral votes, sending the election to the House of Representatives and Senate as provided in the Twelfth Amendment. It's unclear what "the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three" would mean in the context of an election where zero electoral votes were cast, so it's likely that, in practice, sufficient electoral votes would be accepted to generate a tie.

your twisting what I said to fit your narrative,,, very dishonest of you but expected,,
What the hell am I twisting? I presented facts and that is all. Stop playing childish games. You stated that the Constitution gives the president power to hold a new election, WITHOUT presenting any documentation of your clim, like you always do.
The same document tells you about the federal income tax.
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,
And that is written where exactly?
in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,


The Constitution provides no mechanism for a re-vote of the Presidential election. However, it does provide three mechanisms by which a rigged election can be over-ridden.

  1. The Electoral College can collectively ignore the election outcome. Electors are nominally pledged to vote for a given candidate, but if enough of them act as faithless electors, it can change the outcome of the election.
    [*]Congress can reject the electoral votes from states with voting issues. Doing so requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress; this happened in the 1872 election, when the votes from Arkansas and Louisiana were rejected due to voting irregularities.
    [*]Congress can reject the election entirely by not recognizing any of the electoral votes, sending the election to the House of Representatives and Senate as provided in the Twelfth Amendment. It's unclear what "the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three" would mean in the context of an election where zero electoral votes were cast, so it's likely that, in practice, sufficient electoral votes would be accepted to generate a tie.

your twisting what I said to fit your narrative,,, very dishonest of you but expected,,
What the hell am I twisting? I presented facts and that is all. Stop playing childish games. You stated that the Constitution gives the president power to hold a new election, WITHOUT presenting any documentation of your clim, like you always do.
thats not what I said,, go back and read it again,,
I did. You're full of shit as always

YOU SAID: if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,

I SAID; And that is written where exactly?
You Said: in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
I said: That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
You said: only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,
next time dont edit my comment to fit your narrative,,

my statement stands,,, and is backed up by the constitution and his oath of office,,
I did not edit your comments. I reposted them and shoved them in your face to show what a liar you are. You think that you can gaslight me by posting shit and then denying that you said it. Not working Bud. I am smarter than that. I am smarter, and more honest than you.. You know what you said. Own it.
everytime you quoted me you edited wat I said,,, you have yet to address my full quote,,,

dont get mad at me for what the constitution says,, maybe you should read it instead of putting your progressive spin on it,,,

my statement stands,,
You're still trying to gaslight me by trying to make me doubt what I know to be fact. And, you are still making assertions about the constitution that you can't document. You are a real pathetic mess Bud. Get the hell out of here .
you just think that because of your progressive indoctrination,,,
POTUS has a duty to protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic,, and the constitution gives him the power to do that,,
That does not mean that he can void an election based on the delusion that he was cheated.
I never said he could just void it did I,,,

again respond to my full comment instead of your edited version,,,
You said that he could call for a new election. What is the fucking difference. You are stil playing yuour childish and dishonest word games. Stop it!
the difference is why I said he could,,, why are you ignoring that part???
Stop it! Just fucking stop it with your cryptic crap. Explain what you're talking about or get out of my face.
my statement is in simple english and very short,, for the life of me I dont know why you cant read it,,,
Cut the crap. You are a major pain in the ass. I am not going to waist my time trying to figure out what you're taling about when you are to lazy and inarticulate to actually formulate a cogent and concise paragraph or two, with documentation , explaing exactly what you are saying. Get the hell out of here.
nothing to figure out,, its in simple english in about 6 words,,

are you just stupid or what???
I am done with your stupid ass. Anyone following this knows what is going on here with your stupid juvenile games. my work is done here.
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,
And that is written where exactly?
in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,


The Constitution provides no mechanism for a re-vote of the Presidential election. However, it does provide three mechanisms by which a rigged election can be over-ridden.

  1. The Electoral College can collectively ignore the election outcome. Electors are nominally pledged to vote for a given candidate, but if enough of them act as faithless electors, it can change the outcome of the election.
    [*]Congress can reject the electoral votes from states with voting issues. Doing so requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress; this happened in the 1872 election, when the votes from Arkansas and Louisiana were rejected due to voting irregularities.
    [*]Congress can reject the election entirely by not recognizing any of the electoral votes, sending the election to the House of Representatives and Senate as provided in the Twelfth Amendment. It's unclear what "the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three" would mean in the context of an election where zero electoral votes were cast, so it's likely that, in practice, sufficient electoral votes would be accepted to generate a tie.

your twisting what I said to fit your narrative,,, very dishonest of you but expected,,
What the hell am I twisting? I presented facts and that is all. Stop playing childish games. You stated that the Constitution gives the president power to hold a new election, WITHOUT presenting any documentation of your clim, like you always do.
thats not what I said,, go back and read it again,,
I did. You're full of shit as always

YOU SAID: if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,

I SAID; And that is written where exactly?
You Said: in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
I said: That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
You said: only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,
next time dont edit my comment to fit your narrative,,

my statement stands,,, and is backed up by the constitution and his oath of office,,
I did not edit your comments. I reposted them and shoved them in your face to show what a liar you are. You think that you can gaslight me by posting shit and then denying that you said it. Not working Bud. I am smarter than that. I am smarter, and more honest than you.. You know what you said. Own it.
everytime you quoted me you edited wat I said,,, you have yet to address my full quote,,,

dont get mad at me for what the constitution says,, maybe you should read it instead of putting your progressive spin on it,,,

my statement stands,,
You're still trying to gaslight me by trying to make me doubt what I know to be fact. And, you are still making assertions about the constitution that you can't document. You are a real pathetic mess Bud. Get the hell out of here .
you just think that because of your progressive indoctrination,,,
POTUS has a duty to protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic,, and the constitution gives him the power to do that,,
That does not mean that he can void an election based on the delusion that he was cheated.
I never said he could just void it did I,,,

again respond to my full comment instead of your edited version,,,
You said that he could call for a new election. What is the fucking difference. You are stil playing yuour childish and dishonest word games. Stop it!
the difference is why I said he could,,, why are you ignoring that part???
Stop it! Just fucking stop it with your cryptic crap. Explain what you're talking about or get out of my face.
my statement is in simple english and very short,, for the life of me I dont know why you cant read it,,,
Cut the crap. You are a major pain in the ass. I am not going to waist my time trying to figure out what you're taling about when you are to lazy and inarticulate to actually formulate a cogent and concise paragraph or two, with documentation , explaing exactly what you are saying. Get the hell out of here.
nothing to figure out,, its in simple english in about 6 words,,

are you just stupid or what???
I am done with your stupid ass. Anyone following this knows what is going on here with your stupid juvenile games. my work is done here.
so you cant read 6 words in simple english,,

yeah better you run away,,,
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,
And that is written where exactly?
in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,


The Constitution provides no mechanism for a re-vote of the Presidential election. However, it does provide three mechanisms by which a rigged election can be over-ridden.

  1. The Electoral College can collectively ignore the election outcome. Electors are nominally pledged to vote for a given candidate, but if enough of them act as faithless electors, it can change the outcome of the election.
    [*]Congress can reject the electoral votes from states with voting issues. Doing so requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress; this happened in the 1872 election, when the votes from Arkansas and Louisiana were rejected due to voting irregularities.
    [*]Congress can reject the election entirely by not recognizing any of the electoral votes, sending the election to the House of Representatives and Senate as provided in the Twelfth Amendment. It's unclear what "the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three" would mean in the context of an election where zero electoral votes were cast, so it's likely that, in practice, sufficient electoral votes would be accepted to generate a tie.

your twisting what I said to fit your narrative,,, very dishonest of you but expected,,
What the hell am I twisting? I presented facts and that is all. Stop playing childish games. You stated that the Constitution gives the president power to hold a new election, WITHOUT presenting any documentation of your clim, like you always do.
The same document tells you about the federal income tax.
That makes NO sense at all. You seem to be in the same league as the Regressive Hunter
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,
And that is written where exactly?
in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,


The Constitution provides no mechanism for a re-vote of the Presidential election. However, it does provide three mechanisms by which a rigged election can be over-ridden.

  1. The Electoral College can collectively ignore the election outcome. Electors are nominally pledged to vote for a given candidate, but if enough of them act as faithless electors, it can change the outcome of the election.
    [*]Congress can reject the electoral votes from states with voting issues. Doing so requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress; this happened in the 1872 election, when the votes from Arkansas and Louisiana were rejected due to voting irregularities.
    [*]Congress can reject the election entirely by not recognizing any of the electoral votes, sending the election to the House of Representatives and Senate as provided in the Twelfth Amendment. It's unclear what "the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three" would mean in the context of an election where zero electoral votes were cast, so it's likely that, in practice, sufficient electoral votes would be accepted to generate a tie.

your twisting what I said to fit your narrative,,, very dishonest of you but expected,,
What the hell am I twisting? I presented facts and that is all. Stop playing childish games. You stated that the Constitution gives the president power to hold a new election, WITHOUT presenting any documentation of your clim, like you always do.
The same document tells you about the federal income tax.
That makes NO sense at all. You seem to be in the same league as the Regressive Hunter
figures you didnt know that one either,,,
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
And the Trumpsters don't care.

Why should they? We've learned that this is what they've wanted all along: An aggressive, pugilistic, autocratic, nationalist, authoritarian strongman.

He may not be done. He's capable of anything.
Should foreign interference be determined, among other things...

This opinion article explains it in detail.
Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his 2018 executive order, authorizing military response to cyber warfare, see NSPM 13 – [your]NEWS

Depending on the results of the report, this ultimately might have influence.
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.

Lock him up.
Lock "her" up. state Senatory Amanda Chase, VA Gubernatorial wannabe. If this is what the republicans have in Virginia, it is no surprise they are going Democrat.exc
arent you a good little fascist for wanting to jail your political rivals,,,

That's the only solution they know
Oh, the irony!

I bet you've spent more than a few minutes chanting "lock her up".

people who have committed crimes deserved to be locked up....
disagreeing or having another viewpoint is not a crime except in the minds of progressive control freaks.
They want to destroy disagreement....imprison it.

Stop.... Irony.....overload.... Can't take much yourselves....!

View attachment 429811

Childish Memes do little to mitigate the point being made dude....Fact remains that lefty wants to jail people for disagreement and having another is uniquely left wing.

This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
And the Trumpsters don't care.

Why should they? We've learned that this is what they've wanted all along: An aggressive, pugilistic, autocratic, nationalist, authoritarian strongman.

He may not be done. He's capable of anything.

When a nation is invaded by a foreign regime.....martial law is the only way out. The aggressive, pugilistic nationalists are already in the streets wearing Antifa and BLM garb.
Haven't you been watching?
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
And the Trumpsters don't care.

Why should they? We've learned that this is what they've wanted all along: An aggressive, pugilistic, autocratic, nationalist, authoritarian strongman.

He may not be done. He's capable of anything.

When a nation is invaded by a foreign regime.....martial law is the only way out. The aggressive, pugilistic nationalists are already in the streets wearing Antifa and BLM garb.
Haven't you been watching?
Wow. I'm sure that's what you're told in your world.

Martial law, another example of how you guys want to return to Europe of the 30s and 40s.

Out here, in the rest of the country and the rest of the planet, we see a different reality.
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
And the Trumpsters don't care.

Why should they? We've learned that this is what they've wanted all along: An aggressive, pugilistic, autocratic, nationalist, authoritarian strongman.

He may not be done. He's capable of anything.

When a nation is invaded by a foreign regime.....martial law is the only way out. The aggressive, pugilistic nationalists are already in the streets wearing Antifa and BLM garb.
Haven't you been watching?
Wow. I'm sure that's what you're told in your world.

Martial law, another example of how you guys want to return to Europe of the 30s and 40s.

Out here, in the rest of the country and the rest of the planet, we see a different reality.

Left wing = Martial law dumbass.... The reason why it's called Martial law is because it's a military action.....Lefty hates the Military even though it has provided him with a safe haven from which to force his opinion on all of his neighbors......the Vaccine issue is just one of those instances....I keep reading posts here from the leftybots about corralling large numbers of people and basically holding them at gun point to needle them back to saftey.....and you're telling me that the right is authoritarian? Go read a real history book dude.

This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
And the Trumpsters don't care.

Why should they? We've learned that this is what they've wanted all along: An aggressive, pugilistic, autocratic, nationalist, authoritarian strongman.

He may not be done. He's capable of anything.

When a nation is invaded by a foreign regime.....martial law is the only way out. The aggressive, pugilistic nationalists are already in the streets wearing Antifa and BLM garb.
Haven't you been watching?
Wow. I'm sure that's what you're told in your world.

Martial law, another example of how you guys want to return to Europe of the 30s and 40s.

Out here, in the rest of the country and the rest of the planet, we see a different reality.

Left wing = Martial law dumbass.... The reason why it's called Martial law is because it's a military action.....Lefty hates the Military even though it has provided him with a safe haven from which to force his opinion on all of his neighbors......the Vaccine issue is just one of those instances....I keep reading posts here from the leftybots about corralling large numbers of people and basically holding them at gun point to needle them back to saftey.....and you're telling me that the right is authoritarian? Go read a real history book dude.

Um, I quoted YOU. You said, "martial law is the only way out".

You guys really need to unplug from your universe for a while.
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.

Lock him up.
Lock "her" up. state Senatory Amanda Chase, VA Gubernatorial wannabe. If this is what the republicans have in Virginia, it is no surprise they are going Democrat.exc
arent you a good little fascist for wanting to jail your political rivals,,,

That's the only solution they know
Oh, the irony!

I bet you've spent more than a few minutes chanting "lock her up".

people who have committed crimes deserved to be locked up....
disagreeing or having another viewpoint is not a crime except in the minds of progressive control freaks.
They want to destroy disagreement....imprison it.

Stop.... Irony.....overload.... Can't take much yourselves....!

View attachment 429811

Childish Memes do little to mitigate the point being made dude....Fact remains that lefty wants to jail people for disagreement and having another is uniquely left wing.

Absolutely and completely incorrect!!!

"The left" (by which I assume you me those of us who are Democrats) do NOT wish to jail anyone for a difference of opinion. These criminal are doing their best to undermine the fabric of our society. Atempts to overturn a free and fair election by force are crimes. Abuse of the court system is a crime. Abuse of power is a crime. Inciting violence is a crime. Perjury is a crime. These are not made up things. These are all things that have happened while the GOP tries to subvert the Democratic process and disenfranchise 81,000,000+ voters.

Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.

Lock him up.
Lock "her" up. state Senatory Amanda Chase, VA Gubernatorial wannabe. If this is what the republicans have in Virginia, it is no surprise they are going Democrat.exc
arent you a good little fascist for wanting to jail your political rivals,,,

That's the only solution they know
Oh, the irony!

I bet you've spent more than a few minutes chanting "lock her up".

people who have committed crimes deserved to be locked up....
disagreeing or having another viewpoint is not a crime except in the minds of progressive control freaks.
They want to destroy disagreement....imprison it.

Stop.... Irony.....overload.... Can't take much yourselves....!

View attachment 429811

Childish Memes do little to mitigate the point being made dude....Fact remains that lefty wants to jail people for disagreement and having another is uniquely left wing.

Absolutely and completely incorrect!!!

"The left" (by which I assume you me those of us who are Democrats) do NOT wish to jail anyone for a difference of opinion. These criminal are doing their best to undermine the fabric of our society. Atempts to overturn a free and fair election by force are crimes. Abuse of the court system is a crime. Abuse of power is a crime. Inciting violence is a crime. Perjury is a crime. These are not made up things. These are all things that have happened while the GOP tries to subvert the Democratic process and disenfranchise 81,000,000+ voters.

Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
it wasnt a free and fair election and thats why the dems have blocked any chance of allowing that to happen,,,

and who are you to determine what the fabric of society is or isnt???
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.

Lock him up.
Lock "her" up. state Senatory Amanda Chase, VA Gubernatorial wannabe. If this is what the republicans have in Virginia, it is no surprise they are going Democrat.exc
arent you a good little fascist for wanting to jail your political rivals,,,

That's the only solution they know
Oh, the irony!

I bet you've spent more than a few minutes chanting "lock her up".

people who have committed crimes deserved to be locked up....
disagreeing or having another viewpoint is not a crime except in the minds of progressive control freaks.
They want to destroy disagreement....imprison it.

Stop.... Irony.....overload.... Can't take much yourselves....!

View attachment 429811

Childish Memes do little to mitigate the point being made dude....Fact remains that lefty wants to jail people for disagreement and having another is uniquely left wing.

Absolutely and completely incorrect!!!

"The left" (by which I assume you me those of us who are Democrats) do NOT wish to jail anyone for a difference of opinion. These criminal are doing their best to undermine the fabric of our society. Atempts to overturn a free and fair election by force are crimes. Abuse of the court system is a crime. Abuse of power is a crime. Inciting violence is a crime. Perjury is a crime. These are not made up things. These are all things that have happened while the GOP tries to subvert the Democratic process and disenfranchise 81,000,000+ voters.

Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
Lock them up!
it wasnt a free and fair election and thats why the dems have blocked any chance of allowing that to happen,,,

and who are you to determine what the fabric of society is or isnt???
any evidence it wasnt free & fair?

it wasnt a free and fair election
That's a lie. Everyone and their cousin has looked for fraud and nobody has come up with any.

Your premise is false, your entire statement invalid.

Try again.
who said its only about fraud,,, and there is a lot of fraud claimed and has yet to be properly addressed in court or any cross examination done,,,

your deflection is proof there is something to hide and that it wasnt a free and fair election,,,
This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok when you don't like the outcome of an election. They are not patriots. They are traitors and terrorists

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law (

The U.S. has never declared martial law, which gives the military broad powers in a time of crisis, at the federal level. But it has been used in some instances at state and local levels during disasters or times of unrest, such as in Hawaii following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

It's a legal grey area and any effort by Trump to use the military to overturn the election results would be immediately thwarted by Congress or the Supreme Court.

Trump's legal challenges to the election have been broadly dismissed by the courts, including the Supreme Court. The president and his campaign have not been able to prove the wild accusations they've made on social media and cable news.
if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,
And that is written where exactly?
in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,


The Constitution provides no mechanism for a re-vote of the Presidential election. However, it does provide three mechanisms by which a rigged election can be over-ridden.

  1. The Electoral College can collectively ignore the election outcome. Electors are nominally pledged to vote for a given candidate, but if enough of them act as faithless electors, it can change the outcome of the election.
    [*]Congress can reject the electoral votes from states with voting issues. Doing so requires a majority vote in both houses of Congress; this happened in the 1872 election, when the votes from Arkansas and Louisiana were rejected due to voting irregularities.
    [*]Congress can reject the election entirely by not recognizing any of the electoral votes, sending the election to the House of Representatives and Senate as provided in the Twelfth Amendment. It's unclear what "the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three" would mean in the context of an election where zero electoral votes were cast, so it's likely that, in practice, sufficient electoral votes would be accepted to generate a tie.

your twisting what I said to fit your narrative,,, very dishonest of you but expected,,
What the hell am I twisting? I presented facts and that is all. Stop playing childish games. You stated that the Constitution gives the president power to hold a new election, WITHOUT presenting any documentation of your clim, like you always do.
thats not what I said,, go back and read it again,,
I did. You're full of shit as always

YOU SAID: if he can prove foreign intervention in the election he has a responsibility to call for it and a new election,,,

I SAID; And that is written where exactly?
You Said: in the constitution and supported by his oath of office,,
I said: That is a piss poor answer but exactly what I would expect of you
You said: only because you reject the constitution and what it says,,
next time dont edit my comment to fit your narrative,,

my statement stands,,, and is backed up by the constitution and his oath of office,,
I did not edit your comments. I reposted them and shoved them in your face to show what a liar you are. You think that you can gaslight me by posting shit and then denying that you said it. Not working Bud. I am smarter than that. I am smarter, and more honest than you.. You know what you said. Own it.
everytime you quoted me you edited wat I said,,, you have yet to address my full quote,,,

dont get mad at me for what the constitution says,, maybe you should read it instead of putting your progressive spin on it,,,

my statement stands,,
You're still trying to gaslight me by trying to make me doubt what I know to be fact. And, you are still making assertions about the constitution that you can't document. You are a real pathetic mess Bud. Get the hell out of here .
you just think that because of your progressive indoctrination,,,
POTUS has a duty to protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign or domestic,, and the constitution gives him the power to do that,,
That does not mean that he can void an election based on the delusion that he was cheated.
I never said he could just void it did I,,,

again respond to my full comment instead of your edited version,,,
You said that he could call for a new election. What is the fucking difference. You are stil playing yuour childish and dishonest word games. Stop it!
the difference is why I said he could,,, why are you ignoring that part???
Stop it! Just fucking stop it with your cryptic crap. Explain what you're talking about or get out of my face.
my statement is in simple english and very short,, for the life of me I dont know why you cant read it,,,
Cut the crap. You are a major pain in the ass. I am not going to waist my time trying to figure out what you're taling about when you are to lazy and inarticulate to actually formulate a cogent and concise paragraph or two, with documentation , explaing exactly what you are saying. Get the hell out of here.
nothing to figure out,, its in simple english in about 6 words,,

are you just stupid or what???
I am done with your stupid ass. Anyone following this knows what is going on here with your stupid juvenile games. my work is done here.

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