GOP voters must be really shitting their pants over this election


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.
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Oh ignorant Billy, the republicans won't lose the house

God are you stupid.....

Dems will be left with a full-blown socialist candidate instead of a semi-socialist after Hill-Beast gets indicted or strokes.........and not necessarily in that order.

I see a run on 'Depends' by the that the OP mentions it.
Dems will be left with a full-blown socialist candidate instead of a semi-socialist after Hill-Beast gets indicted or strokes.........and not necessarily in that order.

I see a run on 'Depends' by the that the OP mentions it.
You don't know Hillary..She wrote a book called it takes a village.....I was too far left for me...Just like my wife who loves the old hag...
great cartoon on that link.

No matter who wins... The rich win...workers lose and if you are so stupid and ignorant and anti american to believe different you truly are dumber than dirt.
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.

Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.

I'm right and you know it.
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.

I'm right and you know it.

Far left drones are never right, that is why you only run your religious narratives that are not connected to reality..
A part of me is hoping Hillar will win that way people will begin to see the ineffectiveness of democratic economic policies. I'm constantly being told how many jobs were created during the Obama years but jobs were also created during the great depression. Perhaps even a lot more than any other decade but no one would ever consider the 1930s a positive economic time. There are many groups who are disproportionately affected by recessions (aka hispanics and blacks). Many of those groups vote democratic but after 16 years of democratic presidents these people may begin to wonder how come it is so hard to find a job in a country that is suppose to be so prosperous. I think if we wait long enough this kind of economic thinking will be removed completely from this country and the debate will be settled once and for all.


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