Even if you win the Senate, how do you propose to stop any executive action passed by the President?

Democrats couldn't get anything through Congress, what makes you think Republicans can?

Getting things through "Congress" will not be an issue,we will have both Houses.

There are various ways to get things done ;)

Money comes to mind.

Getting things through "Congress" will not be an issue,we will have both Houses.

Veto. Just like 43 did when the Dems controlled both houses of Congress

next contestant please. you're an idiot.
No way you're getting 60 votes in the Senate, and Pubs only want to deregulate business to get another corrupt bubble going anyway...In 2016 we're running the scum out of town...
It's unconstitutional, illegal, and we don’t support it,” Priebus replied when a Tea Party activist asked him about the president’s plans for an executive amnesty on a conference call hosted by on Monday evening.

“I don’t support it. It is wrong,” Priebus said. "It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty.”

Exclusive Priebus Rallies Base GOP Will Stop Obama s Un-American Amnesty if We Win Senate

Despite Jake's idiocy this is a mainstream republican position.

I didn't support it when Reagan did it, I didn't support when GW wanted to do it, and I am against it now.

What amnesty?
You haven't heard? (-: Obama's letting all these Mexicans with Obola in.
Obama and his agenda cant do shit without funding.

Been doing it for five years
Because he had the senate

What? Bwahahaha....Idiot still haven't learned how our Government works. It doesn't matter if both House and Senate pass a bill, ijit......the President can veto it. No wonder you make such stupid comments. And, you won't have enough votes to override a veto, but keep dreaming.
He can go down the amnesty road if he wants too, but the majority of the American people dont want it, and Congress will take him to court over it.
Obama's remaining to time in office will be vetoing bill after bill after bill and dealing with law suit after law suit. All his sanctuary cities will lose federal funding as well.
Let's say the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House.

Then they decide to play reindeer games with the funding of ObamaCare and whatever other programs they want to fuck with.

Every government shutdown which occurs after the GOP takes over Congress will be completely owned by the Republicans. The American people will see to that.

Are the Republicans stupid enough to shoot themselves in the head like that?
Even if you win the Senate, how do you propose to stop any executive action passed by the President?

Democrats couldn't get anything through Congress, what makes you think Republicans can?

Getting things through "Congress" will not be an issue,we will have both Houses.

There are various ways to get things done ;)

Money comes to mind.

Getting things through "Congress" will not be an issue,we will have both Houses.

Veto. Just like 43 did when the Dems controlled both houses of Congress

next contestant please. you're an idiot.

You do realize that that happens AFTER a Bill get through Congress?

Did you actually PAY for your education?
Let's say the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House.

Then they decide to play reindeer games with the funding of ObamaCare and whatever other programs they want to fuck with.

Every government shutdown which occurs after the GOP takes over Congress will be completely owned by the Republicans. The American people will see to that.

Are the Republicans stupid enough to shoot themselves in the head like that?

American's don't want amnesty, they never have.
It's unconstitutional, illegal, and we don’t support it,” Priebus replied when a Tea Party activist asked him about the president’s plans for an executive amnesty on a conference call hosted by on Monday evening.

“I don’t support it. It is wrong,” Priebus said. "It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty.”

Exclusive Priebus Rallies Base GOP Will Stop Obama s Un-American Amnesty if We Win Senate

Despite Jake's idiocy this is a mainstream republican position.

I didn't support it when Reagan did it, I didn't support when GW wanted to do it, and I am against it now.

What amnesty?
You haven't heard? (-: Obama's letting all these Mexicans with Obola in.
Obama and his agenda cant do shit without funding.

Been doing it for five years
Because he had the senate

What? Bwahahaha....Idiot still haven't learned how our Government works. It doesn't matter if both House and Senate pass a bill, ijit......the President can veto it. No wonder you make such stupid comments. And, you won't have enough votes to override a veto, but keep dreaming.

Silly girl, who will control the funding?
He can go down the amnesty road if he wants too, but the majority of the American people dont want it, and Congress will take him to court over it.
Obama's remaining to time in office will be vetoing bill after bill after bill and dealing with law suit after law suit. All his sanctuary cities will lose federal funding as well.
Obama is acting as chief executive. If Republicans want to overrule him, let them pass a law
The public supports immigration reform, republicans have been blocking it
He can go down the amnesty road if he wants too, but the majority of the American people dont want it, and Congress will take him to court over it.
Obama's remaining to time in office will be vetoing bill after bill after bill and dealing with law suit after law suit. All his sanctuary cities will lose federal funding as well.
Obama is acting as chief executive. If Republicans want to overrule him, let them pass a law
The public supports immigration reform, republicans have been blocking it

Perhaps , but for millions as Obama is getting ready to do.
American's are dead set against what he is planning, that is why he is waiting until after the election.
So Obama is planning to destroy what's left of the Democratic party by granting illegals amnesty?
Let's say the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House.

Then they decide to play reindeer games with the funding of ObamaCare and whatever other programs they want to fuck with.

Every government shutdown which occurs after the GOP takes over Congress will be completely owned by the Republicans. The American people will see to that.

Are the Republicans stupid enough to shoot themselves in the head like that?

American's don't want amnesty, they never have.

If there's any chance to stop any form of amnesty, and strengthen our southern border, it sure isn't through the Dimocrat party.
Say what you want about Republican politicians, but if you join the Dimocrats, you not only won't see stronger borders, but you will be joining a party that is pro-illegal. It's not just the Dim politicians, but the Dim voters themselves are all for illegal immigration.
Just like with Islam, the people who make up the Dimocrat party do nothing but make excuses and enable illegal immigration.
I've seen the enemy, and it's my next door neighbor, and my coworker. It's the people you pass every day. The enemy is the Dimocrat party.
So Obama is planning to destroy what's left of the Democratic party by granting illegals amnesty?
my guess, he is not, at least on a grand scale, but he's maneuvering the gop into more strident language in hopes of affecting the 16 election. He's not been a very good potus, imo, but he excels at demonzing the gop, which admittedly gives him every opportunity to do so.
If there's any chance to stop any form of amnesty, and strengthen our southern border, it sure isn't through the Dimocrat party.
Say what you want about Republican politicians, but if you join the Dimocrats, you not only won't see stronger borders, but you will be joining a party that is pro-illegal. It's not just the Dim politicians, but the Dim voters themselves are all for illegal immigration.
Just like with Islam, the people who make up the Dimocrat party do nothing but make excuses and enable illegal immigration.
I've seen the enemy, and it's my next door neighbor, and my coworker. It's the people you pass every day. The enemy is the Dimocrat party.
NICE way to work ISLAM in there. Outstanding. Two stars for bigotry.

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