Gun owners need to understand:We're at war.

Instead of "imagining" shit that you want to happen, what are you DOING to make it happen? You can't live your life on just imagination. Losing touch with reality is a sign of mental illness. You ill?

a sign of mental illness, is being a liberal, that, sir is the GOD's honest truth, and your illness shows in every post you make.., please sir, get help soon !! :up:
Here's the problem with the gun nuts. Their two main reasons for wanting to have a gun are silly.

The first silly reason is that they need them to protect themselves from crime. Forget for the moment that out of 11,000 gun homicides in 2010, only 200 of them were ruled valid self-defense. Guns in the home are more likely to kill someone in the home, because between suicides and domestic violence, that's where most of the deaths come from. The Kellerman study found that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Congress's brave response to this was to cut any further gun studies.

The second, even sillier reason is that we need guns to protect ourselves against government. Besides the fact that the government will always have bigger guns, better guns and be better trained with them, the kind of people who say this sort of thing are much scarier than the government will ever be.

- Guns are used as many times and in lawful self-defense as they are illegal crime per the new Obama / National Research Council / CDC sanctioned study.

- Government had bigger guns and better forces - 600,000 died the last time.

CDC stopped studying guns after Kellerman found you were 43 times more likely to be killed by your own gun than a bad guy.

The last time, assholes fought so few rich white people could own black people.

The amazing thing is, 150 years later, you people are STILL a bunch of rubes fighting for some rich guys interest, and you are too stupid to realize it.
They would if they weren't already compensating for tiny penises.

now who would have guessed it ? Mr.JoeB bringing up PENISES.., me thinks this guy has a serious penis envy as he has none, nor the balls to go along with a penis. :up:

seriously Mr. JB, i believe you need to change your screen name to Mr.Richard Head :up: :clap2:
They would if they weren't already compensating for tiny penises.

now who would have guessed it ? Mr.JoeB bringing up PENISES.., me thinks this guy has a serious penis envy as he has none, nor the balls to go along with a penis. :up:

seriously Mr. JB, i believe you need to change your screen name to Mr.Richard Head :up: :clap2:

NOt sure why you are so concerned, other than you are "overcompensating"...
Instead of "imagining" shit that you want to happen, what are you DOING to make it happen? You can't live your life on just imagination. Losing touch with reality is a sign of mental illness. You ill?

a sign of mental illness, is being a liberal, that, sir is the GOD's honest truth, and your illness shows in every post you make.., please sir, get help soon !! :up:

IF you think (or imagine, whatever) that I am a liberal, you wouldn't know a liberal from a Martian. And as far as insults go; is the above really your best effort? Pitiful.
Here's the problem with the gun nuts. Their two main reasons for wanting to have a gun are silly.

The first silly reason is that they need them to protect themselves from crime. Forget for the moment that out of 11,000 gun homicides in 2010, only 200 of them were ruled valid self-defense. Guns in the home are more likely to kill someone in the home, because between suicides and domestic violence, that's where most of the deaths come from. The Kellerman study found that a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. Congress's brave response to this was to cut any further gun studies.

The second, even sillier reason is that we need guns to protect ourselves against government. Besides the fact that the government will always have bigger guns, better guns and be better trained with them, the kind of people who say this sort of thing are much scarier than the government will ever be.

here comes that "guns in the home" bullshit again, now please post your phony bullshit statistics that some liarberal wasted most of his/her brain power in that report you like to flaunt when you have no other argument.., so shut the fuck up OK ??

we "gun nuts" need guns simply because our Constitution and Bill Of Rights says we need them

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

here comes that "guns in the home" bullshit again, now please post your phony bullshit statistics that some liarberal wasted most of his/her brain power in that report you like to flaunt when you have no other argument.., so shut the fuck up OK ??

we "gun nuts" need guns simply because our Constitution and Bill Of Rights says we need them

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Just because the founding slave rapists were afraid of Indians and bears, isn't a good reason why you need to have a weapon.

Well Regulated Militia. Army and Cops. Only guys who need guns.
Instead of "imagining" shit that you want to happen, what are you DOING to make it happen? You can't live your life on just imagination. Losing touch with reality is a sign of mental illness. You ill?

a sign of mental illness, is being a liberal, that, sir is the GOD's honest truth, and your illness shows in every post you make.., please sir, get help soon !! :up:

IF you think (or imagine, whatever) that I am a liberal, you wouldn't know a liberal from a Martian. And as far as insults go; is the above really your best effort? Pitiful.

heavens no sir ! i do not insult as you infer, i am merely stating the facts and truth about liarberals, being as "Martians" do not exist (a FACT !!) that proves you are a LIBERAL !!
The Gun-Age may have passed some hundred years ago, along with the horse and buggy and watering troughs, yet, as one of my gun-nut friends lovingly shows me his arsenal I wonder what is the attraction of guns, what makes them so special to some? Is it the workmanship, the potential power, the political message, the manly message, fear, what makes guns so attractive to some?
Are you a talker or a shooter. Just curious.

Mr.Zeke.., or shall i call you Mr. Mouth ? you too are all mouth, come to my home and try to take just one gun from me forcefully and you will soon find out i am NOT a "talker", as you are :up:

look honey! another big talker and no walker.

takes big talk to make idle threats on an anonymous internet forum.
The Gun-Age may have passed some hundred years ago, along with the horse and buggy and watering troughs, yet, as one of my gun-nut friends lovingly shows me his arsenal I wonder what is the attraction of guns, what makes them so special to some? Is it the workmanship, the potential power, the political message, the manly message, fear, what makes guns so attractive to some?

Fair question- I think its the legacy of the gun. It's a tool every tyrannical government wanted to eliminate to ease their assault.

Dictators and Gun Control | America In Chains

Like the Brits going after the powder kegs in Lexington and Concord, to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Tung et al. The link will take you to further explanation

Also, guns are a family tradition for many. I have some my Grandfather owned and he passed down to me the first shotgun I ever fired at 11 years old.

Guns represent power which in turn, have made this country the free one it is

The Gun-Age may have passed some hundred years ago, along with the horse and buggy and watering troughs, yet, as one of my gun-nut friends lovingly shows me his arsenal I wonder what is the attraction of guns, what makes them so special to some? Is it the workmanship, the potential power, the political message, the manly message, fear, what makes guns so attractive to some?

Fair question- I think its the legacy of the gun. It's a tool every tyrannical government wanted to eliminate to ease their assault.

Dictators and Gun Control | America In Chains

Like the Brits going after the powder kegs in Lexington and Concord, to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Tung et al. The link will take you to further explanation

Also, guns are a family tradition for many. I have some my Grandfather owned and he passed down to me the first shotgun I ever fired at 11 years old.

Guns represent power which in turn, have made this country the free one it is


guns represent power?

i thought they were just a tool for hunting, recreation, and self defense.

you seem to be projecting something onto guns that reflects your own personal insecurities. i don't need a gun to feel powerful. maybe you do.
The Gun-Age may have passed some hundred years ago, along with the horse and buggy and watering troughs, yet, as one of my gun-nut friends lovingly shows me his arsenal I wonder what is the attraction of guns, what makes them so special to some? Is it the workmanship, the potential power, the political message, the manly message, fear, what makes guns so attractive to some?

Fair question- I think its the legacy of the gun. It's a tool every tyrannical government wanted to eliminate to ease their assault.

Dictators and Gun Control | America In Chains

Like the Brits going after the powder kegs in Lexington and Concord, to Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Tung et al. The link will take you to further explanation

Also, guns are a family tradition for many. I have some my Grandfather owned and he passed down to me the first shotgun I ever fired at 11 years old.

Guns represent power which in turn, have made this country the free one it is


guns represent power?

i thought they were just a tool for hunting, recreation, and self defense.

you seem to be projecting something onto guns that reflects your own personal insecurities. i don't need a gun to feel powerful. maybe you do.

Yes, a gun represents power. That's why it's called FIREPOWER.

Ever heard what General Patton called the M1 Garand?

"the greatest single battle implement ever devised by man."

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Yes, a gun represents power. That's why it's called FIREPOWER.

Ever heard what General Patton called the M1 Garand?

"the greatest single battle implement ever devised by man."


you need a gun to feel powerful?

im sorry to hear that.

gun owners aren't really at war, as i am a gun owner and im not at war.

well maybe we are at war with idiots who need a gun to feel liike a man.
Yes, a gun represents power. That's why it's called FIREPOWER.

Ever heard what General Patton called the M1 Garand?

"the greatest single battle implement ever devised by man."


you need a gun to feel powerful?

Um, no.

It's not a need, but a right


And no right is absolute, including the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment; consequently all rights are subject to reasonable restrictions.

Also, with rights come responsibilities, it’s the irresponsible rhetoric such as that by ‘gun rights’ extremists which poses the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.

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