Gun owners need to understand:We're at war.

Wait a minute, I thought you just said you wanted us somewhere other than here when WE are supported by the Constitution and your WANTS are not.

Seems your the unhappy one with the 2nd Amendment which makes me happy. Not unhappy such as yourself


I'm not the one who's at war, even though I am a gun owner.

I'm not the one fed up with government actions.

I'm not the one angry at new laws.

That's you.

Rather than trying to impose your views on the nation with violence, why don't you just move away.

This thread is very stupid. No one is at war if they type about it one minute then go shopping at Walmart the next. You guys are pathetic.
Wait a minute, I thought you just said you wanted us somewhere other than here when WE are supported by the Constitution and your WANTS are not.

Seems your the unhappy one with the 2nd Amendment which makes me happy. Not unhappy such as yourself


I'm not the one who's at war, even though I am a gun owner.

I'm not the one fed up with government actions.

I'm not the one angry at new laws.

That's you.

Rather than trying to impose your views on the nation with violence, why don't you just move away.

This thread is very stupid. No one is at war if they type about it one minute then go shopping at Walmart the next. You guys are pathetic.


If things are so bad then let's get this party started. Naw, you guys are all talk.

Sounds good. I assume you mean, we'll meet at your house? What dates/times? Do you have an adequate firing range nearby? Got some plans for what we'll practice and when? Lists ready for rosters, classes, exercise sessions, combat practice?

Or are you all talk?
Gun owners need to understand:We're at war.

More ignorant nonsense, hysteria, demagoguery, and hyperbole.

Gun owners are ‘at war’ with no one.

If fact, the greatest threat to the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment comes from idiot extremists such as the OP, not 'the government.'

Their fear and stupidity have been driving up prices for months, causing many firearms to become too expensive or unavailable, along with ammo, reloading supplies, and accessories.

It’s ridiculous.
No one who is at war yaps about it on any anonymous internet discussion forum with a traceable IP address.

We have been at war for a number of years. So far it's been a cold war. That might change or it will stay this way pending a revolution at the ballot box. It's entirely possible that election results won't be accepted any more than the jury verdict.
We have been at war for a number of years. So far it's been a cold war. That might change or it will stay this way pending a revolution at the ballot box. It's entirely possible that election results won't be accepted any more than the jury verdict.

Only Fascists refuse to accept election results.
There is only one way to deal with these issues, and that is secession from the USA.

If gun extremists really believed in what they say they do, they would all march towards New Hampshire or Rhode Island or Delaware, take over the population, elect State legislators who will file a petition for secession, and submit it to Congress.

If a state actually demanded secession the other states would grant it.

I say we let all the gun extremists, homophobes, racists, Neo-Confederates, Creationists, anti-Abortionists, and other right wing malcontents have their own little piece of the USA and go bye bye.

Lets see
Gun Extremist-Yes I love the 2nd amendment so guess that makes me a "gun extremist"
Homophobe-nope. All for gay rights.
Racist-Depends on your idea of racist.
NeoConfederate- ABSOLUTELY!
Creationist-hell no
Anti abortionist-yes I am against murdering babies

Gun owners need to understand:We're at war.

More ignorant nonsense, hysteria, demagoguery, and hyperbole.

Gun owners are ‘at war’ with no one.

If fact, the greatest threat to the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment comes from idiot extremists such as the OP, not 'the government.'

Their fear and stupidity have been driving up prices for months, causing many firearms to become too expensive or unavailable, along with ammo, reloading supplies, and accessories.

It’s ridiculous.
Dang and here I thought that was the whacko lefties trying to trample on my right to own what kind of gun I want and ammo...stupid me...
The anit-gun group will never win. Start trying with something of substance, change the Bill of Rights. Then you might get what you want

We have been at war for a number of years. So far it's been a cold war. That might change or it will stay this way pending a revolution at the ballot box. It's entirely possible that election results won't be accepted any more than the jury verdict.

Only Fascists refuse to accept election results.

They don't accept jury verdicts either.
We have been at war for a number of years. So far it's been a cold war. That might change or it will stay this way pending a revolution at the ballot box. It's entirely possible that election results won't be accepted any more than the jury verdict.

Only Fascists refuse to accept election results.

They don't accept jury verdicts either.

Is that why Bush commuted Scooter Libby's sentence?

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