Gun tragedy at Nordtstrom...when the police can't protect you....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Driving home from church WGN was discussing the murder of a 22 year old woman by her ex boyfriend at the Nordtstrom where she worked....From the discussion, this guy had been abusive when they dated and after they broke up, he had harrassed her constantly, threatening to kill himself and or her...and called her family and her sister...and would not back off. She apparently tried to get a restraining order on numerous times (Which is pointless....for the deranged, like this guy, it would have done nothing to protect her) but judges continuously turned her down.....

So, on Friday...he walked into her work, a Chicago Nordtstroms store, a gun free zone....and shot her, and then himself...

Okay anti would you have protected this woman? Take the gun out of the equation....this guy was going to kill this girl wether or not he had a gun....just ask the women who were stabbed, strangled, beaten or set on fire with gasoline.....

How would you have stopped this....keep in mind...apparently her family works for the Chicago Police dept. and even that didn't help her over the entire year she was being stalked....

Deadly Black Friday shooting at crowded Chicago Nordstrom Fox News

Police said the man shot his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, and then fatally shot himself. The station said shoppers were so scared they ran out of the store, leaving their bags and coats behind.

“I heard the two pops, then I just heard screaming,” a woman shopper told the station. “Then I just saw people running. I saw bags. It was terrifying.”

So...the police couldn't help her...the courts couldn't help her....she worked in a gun free zone...which obviously did not help her....and again...even if you sprinkled pixie dust and made all guns disapear from the planet....he would still have tried to kill her....just with a knife, his hands or any other number of primitive weapons.....

So anti gunners, how would you have saved this woman?
Gun free zones do not work. They are zones where the criminals can strike unimpeded by those willing to defend others.

Every woman should be armed. That would give these bastards something to talk about.
I am pro gun, did he legally own the gun? If yes it should have been confiscated, and why did the liberal court turn down restraining orders? More proof that perpetrators have too many rights in the liberals eyes. This guy should have been taken into custody for the threats. Get the pot heads out of the court system and make room for the violent POS out there

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Yea for gun free zones where only the criminals are armed

The only cure for a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
I never go to Nordstrom's unarmed. All those dress racks make ideal ambush blinds. You never know how a salesperson is going to react if he fails to make the sale. Disgruntled customers there to return clothes that don't fit are likely near the edge. Shootouts could break out at any minute over the last baby blue alpaca sweater that is on sale, being snapped up by a shopper.
Well, considering this girl knew that her stalker had threatened to kill her, and had been menacing her and her family for at least a year....I don't think that it would have been a dumb idea for her to have gotten a concealed permit and carried a gun...considering there was no other force that was going to help her...not the police, or the courts and since just killing him, one solution, goes against most people's sense of civility, and has consequences of massive proportions....

Yea, your right....she was better off not being armed...I mean what was the worst that could have happened.......oh yeah.....he walks into her place of employment and murders her......

There is that.....

So...mister insightful....what would you have done to help this girl....since you are so smart and all?

Please, enlighten us and any victims of stalkers who may be reading this post....since you have the wisdom of ages.....
This also goes to how added fees and restrictions only help attackers and hurt defenders...this girl was going to the University of Chicago...studying for her LSATs so odds are, since she was working at this job...she wouldn't have had a lot of extra cash for permits, 16 hours of classes, plus the cost of the pistol, and ammo, plus any added cost the anti gunners can think of.....

Every extra cost added to exercising the 2nd amendment hurts the innocent and helps the attackers....
I never go to Nordstrom's unarmed. All those dress racks make ideal ambush blinds. You never know how a salesperson is going to react if he fails to make the sale. Disgruntled customers there to return clothes that don't fit are likely near the edge. Shootouts could break out at any minute over the last baby blue alpaca sweater that is on sale, being snapped up by a shopper.
This girl probably thought it was safe also. Turns out criminals show up in the damnest places
I am pro gun, did he legally own the gun? If yes it should have been confiscated, and why did the liberal court turn down restraining orders? More proof that perpetrators have too many rights in the liberals eyes. This guy should have been taken into custody for the threats. Get the pot heads out of the court system and make room for the violent POS out there

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did he legally own the gun?

Marcus Dee

not known but if he had restraining orders for domestic violence

then he would have been not legal to have firearms

Nadia Ezaldein fatally shot in shooting at Downtown Nordstrom Homicide Watch Chicago Mark every death. Remember every victim. Follow every case.
Ezaldein also tried to request an order of protection but backed out of the request when Dee threatened to kill himself if she went through with it, family members said. Relatives said the woman was also hesitant to report abuse or harassment because Dee's parents were police officers.

"She thought his parents could cover it up," a sister said.

Law enforcement sources said Dee's parents are both Chicago police officers. A woman who answered the door at an address associated with Dee answered "no" when asked if Dee lived at that address. She declined further comment.

Nordstrom shooting victim dies day after her birthday - Chicago Tribune
I never go to Nordstrom's unarmed. All those dress racks make ideal ambush blinds. You never know how a salesperson is going to react if he fails to make the sale. Disgruntled customers there to return clothes that don't fit are likely near the edge. Shootouts could break out at any minute over the last baby blue alpaca sweater that is on sale, being snapped up by a shopper.

You sir are a douche. A real woman died a very real death and you mock her death and her family's loss. Fuck you.
I never go to Nordstrom's unarmed. All those dress racks make ideal ambush blinds. You never know how a salesperson is going to react if he fails to make the sale. Disgruntled customers there to return clothes that don't fit are likely near the edge. Shootouts could break out at any minute over the last baby blue alpaca sweater that is on sale, being snapped up by a shopper.

You sir are a douche. A real woman died a very real death and you mock her death and her family's loss. Fuck you.

No, sir, or madam. I mock the person who started this thread. but, I don't want you to feel left out, so I am also mocking you! I have a tendency not to take people seriously who believe that we all should go to Nordstrom's armed, to protect the innocent. I mean, what the hell? Who is looking after the people at Nieman Marcus?

And, while we are on the subject, I wonder how many times I have read on this board, "Liberals never let a gun tragedy go to waste."?

Oh, the irony....
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“So...the police couldn't helpher...the courts couldn't help her....she worked in a gun free zone...”

This fails as a post hoc fallacy.

There's no evidence that if the victim had been armed with a gun she'd still be alive. There's also no evidence that a 'gun free zone' was in any way 'responsible' for her death. What we do know is that your attempt to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain is reprehensible.

Last, depending on the jurisdiction, although a private property owner might designate his premises a 'gun free zone,' that still wouldn't prevent a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm from indeed doing so, provided the property is not legally a prohibited area.
I am pro gun, did he legally own the gun? If yes it should have been confiscated, and why did the liberal court turn down restraining orders? More proof that perpetrators have too many rights in the liberals eyes. This guy should have been taken into custody for the threats. Get the pot heads out of the court system and make room for the violent POS out there

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When a restraining order is issued, a gun permit should be stapled to it.
I have a tendency not to take people seriously who believe that we all should go to Nordstrom's armed, to protect the innocent.

Although I also support the ability to carry a weapon into public spaces...including places of business since the right to bear arms is a Constitutionally protected right....and since people don't believr businesses should be allowed to serve who they want when they want then they shouldn't be allowed to violate the 2nd amendment either....that said....we are not talking about random violence here....this woman was targeted by an obviously mentally ill ex boyfriend...with a year of abuse in her history and threats of violence...

How many times do we have to see this equation work itself out before we take it seriously and allow these women to carry weapons....

Since killing this man before he presented himself as an immediate threat is looked down on by society...that forces the intended victim to have to wait until the time and place of the attackers choosing and to allow the attack to go right up to the point of execution before she would have been allowed to take defensive action the anti gunners want it...she would have to face a male attacker, who most likely would be armed with a weapon, unarmed, and at the time and place of his choosing...

What sane world thinks that is fair? What morons think this is the best way for her to deal with her problem....?

Anti gunners think funny....
There's no evidence that if the victim had been armed with a gun she'd still be alive.

Well...genius....there is a lot of evidence that since she was unarmed she was killed, you know...the fact that he killed, I think I would rather be on the side of arming these victims and see how that plays are truly a genius of limited ability....

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