Hannity advises witnesses in Mueller probe smash their phones 'to little itsy bitsy pieces'

the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

For the love of GOD, don't play so STUPID. This information has been known for MONTHS and MONTHS.
If I were to find out for some reason I was under investigation smashing my phone would be SOP. It is their job to convict not my job to make it easy! This is the basis of our system each side fights with all verocity, wlecome to democracy and free market systems! I doubt Hannity needed to tell these people this, he was just being captain obvious!
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation. They destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.

Nice OPINION...too bad it has NO place in the world of REALITY!

From CNN:

FBI: Clinton staff destroyed devices with hammers - CNN Video

"CNN's Evan Perez confirms Trump campaign senior adviser Boris Epshteyn's claim that Hillary Clinton staffers destroyed her previous mobile devices using hammers."

D@MN, I do so LOVE completely DESTROYING the FALSE NARRATIVES and LIES snowflakes spew in an attempt to justify / make excuses for their beloved criminals!


By the way, by destroying their government devices / phones and the information on those phones, as well as destroying / taking and hiding sim cards, Hillary and her team COMMITTED SEVERAL UNDENIABLE CRIMES:




--- 1 criminal count for each FOIA and Fed Records Act per document / text / etc... destroyed while never having been turned in as required by both laws (


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the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

If suggesting or advising them to break the law, what does that say about someone that actually destroys their phone.

What do you want them to be locked in a safe somewhere. Also her deleting emails is a fantasy and conspiracy theory.

The law is the law...dumbass.
it is very clear that demolosers have no idea what precedence is. Especially for the law.
especially this guy on Tucker last night. Congressman Swalwell.
and delete 33k mails
and destroy hard drives with bleach bit *after* being told they would be reviewed.

The Devil is in the details, you are just repeating a Campaign Chant....! (just another lie) ;)

well i will partially agree here. the devil is always in the details. yet, it *ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS* the details fall in your opinions favor for whatever reason you wish to use in order to justify it.

repeating a campaign chant? i don't suppose you starting this off with NOPE! isn't the same denial the left does for EVERY FUCKING THING they have done?

i didn't bother to read the rest sorry. when you go into "here's why i'm right and you are wrong" i stop listening. lord knows i'm not always right and i've said so and gone "oops" when proven wrong on here. all you do is dig deeper and act surprised when i don't follow along.
the leeway you give your side is pretty fucking amazing given you refuse to do the same for the other side.
it's not leeway....it's following the facts.

some day, you may learn the difference.
what difference? i've never seen you follow the facts to something you didn't already pre-determine.

ie - you'll make the facts fit your fantasy.
hillary went through phones like a wino through wine. and i know for a fact if trump did this you'd be all over him saying the mere possibility of misuse is enough to fly the man. you know, use phones, dump 'em and get a new phone. people who don't want to be followed or tracked do shit like this.
Yess, she did! When you are Secretary of State and have over 50,000 employees working under you, along with thousands of other diplomats and heads of State from all the other Nations,

...and do not use a computer, only your Blackberry.....

it is going to get some use!

FYI- Her and staffers phones that were destroyed for security purpose, transferred their files to their new phones before destroying their old phones.

and in those transfers of phone and servers when upgraded, some information was scrambled and messed up, (not on purpose.... program problems) but the FBI was able to retrieve many of them and piece them together, and send them to the National Archives.

Nothing nefarious was found in those emails that were missing that the FBI managed to recover and piece back together, there was no purposeful action by anyone in the Hillary camp to hide anything in these emails. Comey testified under oath to that.... in a Trey Gowdy hearing....

This too has been reported....and backed up by congressional testimony.
or this.
it would be much less of an issue if trump or the right were given the same leeway but then it's just spun the other way.

like i said, when each and every time it goes YOUR way, YOU are the problem.
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

If suggesting or advising them to break the law, what does that say about someone that actually destroys their phone.

What do you want them to be locked in a safe somewhere. Also her deleting emails is a fantasy and conspiracy theory.

The law is the law...dumbass.
it is very clear that demolosers have no idea what precedence is. Especially for the law.
especially this guy on Tucker last night. Congressman Swalwell.

Democrats are just pushing the crap of "it depends on what the definition of "is" is".
If suggesting or advising them to break the law, what does that say about someone that actually destroys their phone.

What do you want them to be locked in a safe somewhere. Also her deleting emails is a fantasy and conspiracy theory.

The law is the law...dumbass.
it is very clear that demolosers have no idea what precedence is. Especially for the law.
especially this guy on Tucker last night. Congressman Swalwell.

Democrats are just pushing the crap of "it depends on what the definition of "is" is".

no, they just lie. repeatedly, like over and over and over and over. it's fking hilarious.
hillary went through phones like a wino through wine. and i know for a fact if trump did this you'd be all over him saying the mere possibility of misuse is enough to fly the man. you know, use phones, dump 'em and get a new phone. people who don't want to be followed or tracked do shit like this.
Yess, she did! When you are Secretary of State and have over 50,000 employees working under you, along with thousands of other diplomats and heads of State from all the other Nations,

...and do not use a computer, only your Blackberry.....

it is going to get some use!

FYI- Her and staffers phones that were destroyed for security purpose, transferred their files to their new phones before destroying their old phones.

and in those transfers of phone and servers when upgraded, some information was scrambled and messed up, (not on purpose.... program problems) but the FBI was able to retrieve many of them and piece them together, and send them to the National Archives.

Nothing nefarious was found in those emails that were missing that the FBI managed to recover and piece back together, there was no purposeful action by anyone in the Hillary camp to hide anything in these emails. Comey testified under oath to that.... in a Trey Gowdy hearing....

This too has been reported....and backed up by congressional testimony.

The phones were destroyed long after Hillary was done as SOS, so that's total fucking bullshit.
and delete 33k mails
and destroy hard drives with bleach bit *after* being told they would be reviewed.

The Devil is in the details, you are just repeating a Campaign Chant....! (just another lie) ;)

After the Clinton lawyers went through the server and gathered all of the government emails for the National Archives back in December, her lawyers deleted all of her emails and sent the server to a Tech firm they had hired to manage their account....and told them to clean the server as clean as a whistle, and then it could be reused.

Again, this was for security measures that nothing was left on the server, especially the govt emails just turned over to the govt, in case there was any confidential info in the gvt emails...

Again Iceberg, this was December, the firm who got the server was given those instructions to make certain the server was cleaned, by one of the Clinton Lawyers handling it.

the server emails were not subpoenaed until the end of January or February, the following month....

WITHOUT the knowledge of the Clinton team or lawyer that gave the tech firm the direction, the Techie forgot to follow the instructions they were given by the client, and when he remembered that he forgot, HE Cleaned the server as he was instructed a month or two earlier. No one on the Clinton team spoke to him, since he was handed the server back in the December before.

NO ONE on the Clinton team ordered him to bleach bit the server AFTER the subpoena was issued. NO ONE..... backed up in testimony and FBI.
"Securit measures" my ass. It was done to destory the evidence. Someone would have to be terminally gullible to swallow what you're peddling.
Sean "Secret Sperm" Hannity? The Horrible American?

No wonder Trump is all fucked up. His listens to the worst person in the world, next to el-Rashbo.
hillary went through phones like a wino through wine. and i know for a fact if trump did this you'd be all over him saying the mere possibility of misuse is enough to fly the man. you know, use phones, dump 'em and get a new phone. people who don't want to be followed or tracked do shit like this.
Yess, she did! When you are Secretary of State and have over 50,000 employees working under you, along with thousands of other diplomats and heads of State from all the other Nations,

...and do not use a computer, only your Blackberry.....

it is going to get some use!

FYI- Her and staffers phones that were destroyed for security purpose, transferred their files to their new phones before destroying their old phones.

and in those transfers of phone and servers when upgraded, some information was scrambled and messed up, (not on purpose.... program problems) but the FBI was able to retrieve many of them and piece them together, and send them to the National Archives.

Nothing nefarious was found in those emails that were missing that the FBI managed to recover and piece back together, there was no purposeful action by anyone in the Hillary camp to hide anything in these emails. Comey testified under oath to that.... in a Trey Gowdy hearing....

This too has been reported....and backed up by congressional testimony.

The phones were destroyed long after Hillary was done as SOS, so that's total fucking bullshit.
it was creative. fake, but creative.
Sean "Secret Sperm" Hannity? The Horrible American?

No wonder Trump is all fucked up. His listens to the worst person in the world, next to el-Rashbo.
I see you have your jealous button on today.
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


Is Mueller still alive ?

What is this...year 3 ?
Typical Alt Right fake fact. It's just into the second year.
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


Is Mueller still alive ?

What is this...year 3 ?
Typical Alt Right fake fact. It's just into the second year.
Tell me. What’s it like to have alt right on the brain?
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


Is Mueller still alive ?

What is this...year 3 ?
Typical Alt Right fake fact. It's just into the second year.
Tell me. What’s it like to have alt right on the brain?
don't have any idea what that is. but thanks for playing.
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


Is Mueller still alive ?

What is this...year 3 ?
Typical Alt Right fake fact. It's just into the second year.
Tell me. What’s it like to have alt right on the brain?
Same way you dudes freek on everyone you don't like.
the Hillary team did not smash their phones when under investigation.

they destroyed them when they upgraded and got new phones, not to keep investigators from getting them.


Hannity is advising them to break the law. What a crooked jerk!

What criminal act would they be trying to hide by smashing them?

From my understanding, many of the witnesses are cooperating and going through their phones with them....to save them time and help them recollect correctly.

When a government employee obtains a new phone, the old one must be turned in. Taking upon yourself to destroy them is not a option for the rank and file

Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.


Clinton established nothing. There is a logical reason for Clinton doing that other than what you want to assign her behavior to. What Hannity is doing is obstruction of justice. That is a crime.
Why the hell not? The Hillary email "investigation" established the principle that destroying cell phones and wiping disk drives clean is perfectly acceptable to the FBI. Watch the snowflakes demand that Hannity be arrested for these comments.

Fox News host Sean Hannity appeared on Wednesday to advise witnesses in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation to destroy their personal phones before handing them over to prosecutors.

"If I advised them to follow Hillary Clinton’s lead, delete all your emails and then acid-wash your emails and hard drives on the phones, then take your phones and bash them with a hammer to little itsy bitsy pieces, use BleachBit, remove the sim cards and then take the pieces and hand them over to Robert Mueller," Hannity said on air.

The conservative television host's comments came after CNBC reported that Mueller's team had asked witnesses in its probe to turn over their personal phones for examination of encrypted messaging apps, like WhatsApp and Signal.

The reported request followed a court filing from Mueller's team accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of attempted witness tampering, in part using encrypted messaging apps.

The difference is Republicans freaked out because they thought Hillary might have something classified that someone sent her.

Trump has been working with the Russians to destroy this country.

Hugely different things.

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