Hannity is setting up Excuses already for when Trump loses

Whoa geeze you hurt my parts. When BECK fucking called Cruz the annointed ??????????????????

Hello on his mother fucking knees and fucking going after evangelicals?

You don't think there was a MOTHER FUCKING PROBLEM?

Didn't see it.

Beck is a charlatan. His schtick is to make republicrats look like archaic relics of medieval europe.

Beck called Melania a whore. My heavens this man has devotees. Then Beck the newly Mormon called Cruz the annointed and HE was going to fulfill the White Horse fucking prophecy,.


Romney then threw all his money after Cruz. Do you understand how insane this got?
Whoa geeze you hurt my parts. When BECK fucking called Cruz the annointed ??????????????????

Hello on his mother fucking knees and fucking going after evangelicals?

You don't think there was a MOTHER FUCKING PROBLEM?

Didn't see it.

Beck is a charlatan. His schtick is to make republicrats look like archaic relics of medieval europe.

Beck called Melania a whore. My heavens this man has devotees. Then Beck the newly Mormon called Cruz the annointed and HE was going to fulfill the White Horse fucking prophecy,.


Romney then threw all his money after Cruz. Do you understand how insane this got?

I remembered when you loved Glenn Beck. Your love life appears to be a carnival of stupidity.
Okey dokey fuck right off. Cruz was Bush unfinished. I will battle you to you go to ground. Cruz was all Bush all the mother fucking time. He was completely inside the beltway.

Well no he wasn't. He was the most despised Senator by the Establishment GOP in recent history and this is well documented. He stood against them in trying to stop the implementation of Obamacare and they turned against him like a pack of rabid dogs. He led the fight against raising the debt ceiling and again, they strong-armed his efforts and turned him into an "obstructionist" who "couldn't get along with anybody" ...a meme they continued to pound home through the primary.

Cruz WAS the anti-establishment choice... Trump is in bed with the establishment! He has now adopted one establishment position after another and is packing his campaign staff with establishment cronies from the Dole campaign (of all places). He's caved on taxes, on the minimum wage, on climate change, on immigration, on ethanol subsidies, on eminent domain... he has no plans to cut government spending or size and scope of government and he wants to replace Obamacare with single payer universal care.
Everything Trump does someone says someone did it to Trump first. Did what? Who knows? They just say it and expect it to mean something

No its old Irish. You hit me. I will crucify you back. Sort of a Boone thing. I was brought up this way. You get yourself to be hit and then you go in for the kill. That's the way I learned life. Punch me. I have no problem with you punching me. But then I smile at you. And paybacks a bitch.
Whoa geeze you hurt my parts. When BECK fucking called Cruz the annointed ??????????????????

Hello on his mother fucking knees and fucking going after evangelicals?

You don't think there was a MOTHER FUCKING PROBLEM?

Didn't see it.

Beck is a charlatan. His schtick is to make republicrats look like archaic relics of medieval europe.

Beck called Melania a whore. My heavens this man has devotees. Then Beck the newly Mormon called Cruz the annointed and HE was going to fulfill the White Horse fucking prophecy,.


Romney then threw all his money after Cruz. Do you understand how insane this got?

I remembered when you loved Glenn Beck. Your love life appears to be a carnival of stupidity.

You seem to have missed all my attacks on him lately. Get up to speed will you?
Whoa geeze you hurt my parts. When BECK fucking called Cruz the annointed ??????????????????

Hello on his mother fucking knees and fucking going after evangelicals?

You don't think there was a MOTHER FUCKING PROBLEM?

Didn't see it.

Beck is a charlatan. His schtick is to make republicrats look like archaic relics of medieval europe.

Beck called Melania a whore. My heavens this man has devotees. Then Beck the newly Mormon called Cruz the annointed and HE was going to fulfill the White Horse fucking prophecy,.


Romney then threw all his money after Cruz. Do you understand how insane this got?

I remembered when you loved Glenn Beck. Your love life appears to be a carnival of stupidity.

You seem to have missed all my attacks on him lately. Get up to speed will you?

So you fell in love with him years ago and he fucked you over. Welcome to cliche world.
Everything Trump does someone says someone did it to Trump first. Did what? Who knows? They just say it and expect it to mean something

No its old Irish. You hit me. I will crucify you back. Sort of a Boone thing. I was brought up this way. You get yourself to be hit and then you go in for the kill. That's the way I learned life. Punch me. I have no problem with you punching me. But then I smile at you. And paybacks a bitch.

Except its either a miracle or bullshit that not one time has Trump went after someone first. EVER.
Cruz did him first. Now I know you are a lib and you were trying to keep Hillary's side together. But hells bells you should have seen this side. It was mother trucking crazy.

Now the Cruz versus Trump deal goes back to Beck deciding that those pictures from Melania as a super model never dreaming she would be the wife of a potential President did a semi nude spread for GQ.

So Cruz sets his dogs on Melania. Starting with Beck putting it out there that Melania was posing for lesbian porn.

Cruz had nothing to do with the pictures of Melania!!! IF you have ANY evidence to the contrary, you can have Ted Cruz sent to federal prison for 2 years for violating federal campaign finance laws. The pictures were revealed by an anti-Trump PAC which was unaffiliated with Ted Cruz in any way. Not only was the PAC unaffiliated, the principal members had no connection whatsoever to Ted Cruz. There is simply nothing there... it's a claim Trump made that has no basis of support. A total outright LIE!

And Melania DID do a lesbian photo shoot... the pictures will be released... probably in October so as to have maximum political effect. Glenn Beck doesn't have anything to do with this! He has simply reported that it's coming out and has advised the Trump campaign to get ahead of the curve on it.

It's ironic that you are flailing around trying to blame all of this negative shit coming down on Trump on the very people who you desperately need to show up and vote for Trump. That's remarkable to me.... I can't believe there are people that stupid and they are apparently republicans.
Lately Hannity has been doing his usual thing where he blames EVERYONE else for EVERYTHING. His latest is to say that ANY and EVERY republican that doesnt vote for Trump is helping Hilary and if Hilary wins every single bad thing that happens from that day forward is Trumps fault for being such an inept failure.....

:slap: Just kidding. He says that every republican that doesnt vote for him or endorse him "OWNS IT". So if Hillary puts someone on the Supreme Court Ted Cruz owns it! McCain owns it! You own it! And YOU! And that guy! And you in the back!

Not Trump tho.....nope nope nope

Hannity is such a twit

Prove it bitch.
Romney then threw all his money after Cruz. Do you understand how insane this got?

Yes, because people who I know to be lucid intelligent people still support Dump.

The only reason Dump joined the GOP is because the meat puppet queer is a dismal failure. If Bush was as bad, Dump would have ran as a democrook in 08 and he would have won.
Everything Trump does someone says someone did it to Trump first. Did what? Who knows? They just say it and expect it to mean something

Are you kidding me? I can give you the timeline when Beck moved in on Melania and what they were doing was calling her a whore doing lesbian porn.
Romney then threw all his money after Cruz. Do you understand how insane this got?

Yes, because people who I know to be lucid intelligent people still support Dump.

The only reason Dump joined the GOP is because the meat puppet queer is a dismal failure. If Bush was as bad, Dump would have ran as a democrook in 08 and he would have won.

I'm not getting you at all. Not at all.
Lately Hannity has been doing his usual thing where he blames EVERYONE else for EVERYTHING. His latest is to say that ANY and EVERY republican that doesnt vote for Trump is helping Hilary and if Hilary wins every single bad thing that happens from that day forward is Trumps fault for being such an inept failure.....

:slap: Just kidding. He says that every republican that doesnt vote for him or endorse him "OWNS IT". So if Hillary puts someone on the Supreme Court Ted Cruz owns it! McCain owns it! You own it! And YOU! And that guy! And you in the back!

Not Trump tho.....nope nope nope
just preparing the rubes
This is all about Trump, Hannity, Ailes, Bannon, etc., setting up their own RWnut cable channel or the like after the election.
Okey dokey fuck right off. Cruz was Bush unfinished. I will battle you to you go to ground. Cruz was all Bush all the mother fucking time. He was completely inside the beltway.

Still love you TD, But I vehemently disagree.

The beltway hated Cruz as much as the establishment globalists. The Dump campaign against him was despicable. I'll probably still vote Dump, but I will not have any pride while doing so.

But it turns out Cruz is a liar. This hurts my parts but I will freely admit I got snookered by him and Heidi. They hate him because he is a snotty asshole. Not that he and his wife were an outsider. Heidi and Ted were going to become the "new Bushes" in town.

For crying out loud Pete I could not believe how tied into the Bushes they were. Oh and I used to love the Bushes till I figured THAT shit out. I feel betrayed by so many but I can put on my big boy pants even though I am a chick and rock on.

This has been a nightmare.
I have heard that Hannity is an advisor to the Trump campaign...
Makes sense...Hannity and Trump have been joined at the hip lately.
This is all about Trump, Hannity, Ailes, Bannon, etc., setting up their own RWnut cable channel or the like after the election.

You've got Fox going down and you really think these moves by Murdoch's extreme left wing children are to bolster what?

His kids are left wing maniacs. They took out his wife for crying out loud and gave him Jerry. This is bazooka barf time. They gave their father Jerry Hall.

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