Happy Easter America! No more DACA!

DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
lol ! Easter Sunday and we see just how Jesus like you cons are . “Deport them all”.

Jesus would spit in your face .
So, Donald ended the program and told congress to fix it. Republicans control congress. But it’s the fault of Democrats.


Conservatives take no responsibility for their own actions.

He was willing to make a deal that would have let them stay, at great political cost.

The Dems were not.
He offered a 3 year extension in exchange for wasting $25 billion. That's shit and both he and you know it.
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Happy Easter!

My favorite holiday that the Christians stole from pagans while forcibly converting them to their religion.
lol ! Easter Sunday and we see just how Jesus like you cons are . “Deport them all”.

Jesus would spit in your face .

Our ability to absorb immigrants without harming our nation and ourselves has a limit and that limit was passed quite a while ago.

Jesus would understand.
So, Donald ended the program and told congress to fix it. Republicans control congress. But it’s the fault of Democrats.


Conservatives take no responsibility for their own actions.

He was willing to make a deal that would have let them stay, at great political cost.

The Dems were not.
He offered a 3 year extension in exchange for wasting $25 billion. That's shit and both he and you knows it.

THree years from now, if the Wall was built and being completely ineffective, you dems would likely be in charge of Congress when it was time to discuss the issue again.

THe dems refused the deal that would have let them stay.
lol ! Easter Sunday and we see just how Jesus like you cons are . “Deport them all”.

Jesus would spit in your face .

This is what happens when a godless cretin who doesn't believe in Jesus, tries to hijack Jesus to make a political point.

Jesus was never about politics, and he certainly wasn't about spitting in the faces of those who disagreed with any political position that anyone tried to falsely attribute to him.
DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
No.....what are you watching? CNN? he got the first installment of dollars for the wall in the bill he signed and he is in the process of linking the wall to national security (which as commander and chief he has a right to do) and is going to use some of the Pentagon dollars to finish the wall...then it's a simple matter of imposing tariffs on Mexico to recoup the money....Turn off CNN you are only getting half the story....
DIdn't he sign the Omnibus deal that forbid building the wall?
No.....what are you watching? CNN? he got the first installment of dollars for the wall in the bill he signed and he is in the process of linking the wall to national security (which as commander and chief he has a right to do) and is going to use some of the Pentagon dollars to finish the wall...then it's a simple matter of imposing tariffs on Mexico to recoup the money....Turn off CNN you are only getting half the story....

Is he not forbidden from using that money to build the prototypes developed?
Is he not forbidden from using that money to build the prototypes developed?
No at least not as of yet but I'm sure the Dems will try to bring that up....but you can't build a defense with out a prototype so I'm sure it won't hinder him one bit...
With the number of people crossing the border illegally it is with out a doubt a national security issue....Mark my words the wall will be built and we will be installing it by 2020....Ensuring Trump's re election....
Is he not forbidden from using that money to build the prototypes developed?
No at least not as of yet but I'm sure the Dems will try to bring that up....but you can't build a defense with out a prototype so I'm sure it won't hinder him one bit...
With the number of people crossing the border illegally it is with out a doubt a national security issue....Mark my words the wall will be built and we will be installing it by 2020....Ensuring Trump's re election....

He better. Because if he does not, he will be ensuring a dem congress and a one term administration.
He better. Because if he does not, he will be ensuring a dem congress and a one term administration.
I don't see the Dems winning in 2018...they don't have a winning message...they don't have a bright outlook to offer the people...all they have is hatred for Trump....it may be enough but I kind of doubt it...
If the Dems somehow do win the house and the senate in 2018 you may be right but in that case Trump may decide to drop from the ticket giving the nod to Pence in 2020....that is not an impossibility....The Trump supporters would rightfully come to the conclusion that he was forced out and would rally around Pence in mass making it impossible for Pence to lose...JUST my opinion...

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