Has Trump destroyed the Republican Party

Republicans destroyed themselves by refusing to adapt to a 21st century America
Like the democrat party the GOP'ers were sent from, their party is in far worse shape for not adapting....

The Democratic Party that is winning the election? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
No....but they are more of hot mess than the Republican Party.....

that is true

one thing i have wondered for awhile

is just how many people will vote trump

because of the signage at her rallies

almost always there is a sign there

with TRUMP in square in the middle of the sign


it doesnt appear to be a well thought out sign
The Republican party of Reagan from the 80's is for sure completely different today. Not even close to the same.
The Republican party of Reagan from the 80's is for sure completely different today. Not even close to the same.

By the same token JFK wouldn't recognize the Rat party of today....he CUT TAXES and wiretapped MLK.
True. Although it should be pointed out that he cut taxes from 91% to 70%. Today that rate is 39% Corporate 52% to 48%. Today it is %15 to 30%. I think it's pretty obvious JFK wouldn't approve of those massive reckless cuts to today's numbers. 70% to 39%? Yeah I think that needs to be raised a bit after it has been proven that it doesn't grow the economy (the excuse those with the most use to advocate for their small rate)

I'm glad you admire JFK lets bring tax rates back to the levels he cut them to!
Low information lefties who rely on left wing blogs probably aren't aware that Obama destroyed the democrat party and republicans won the biggest victory in mid term history less than two years ago. Will the wife of a pervert president who wasted her adult life defending her husband's abuse of women be able to depend on the liberal media to save her political ass? It looks as if Hillary put the end to the dying democrat party.

Voters are more interested in a government that can provide FOR them. They want the government to provide them with $1000 a month retirement (our current tip to the elderly to live on), so they don't have to plan for their own financial future. They want a government that will cover their health care costs, the average retirees have a dependency on only what government can provide. People on welfare, unable to provide for themselves can qualify for a free cell phone, while the average taxpaying voter will never think about how these costs are being paid. Our nation has a problem with instant gratification that draws the average American into $2,300 in credit card debt. The democrats will spend more time blaming the rich, over the encouragement to seek higher education and pursuing higher careers goals. As long as voters have someone to blame, a government to turn to as their "bail out" plan for their own situations, they don't have to look to their own needs to plan and be more accountable.
Has Trump destroyed the Republican Party

HELL NO, now listen to me carefully the GOP leadership destroyed the Republican party. The GOP leadership lied to the American people racking up trillions in debt and lost the House, Senate, and White House by 2008.

The Tea Party was born in 2010. The GOP leadership kissed the Tea Party's ass and ran over 60,000 campaign ads advocating popular Tea Party positions and policies. The American people bitch slapped the hell out of Democrats dealing them an historic loss in 2010...but after the election the GOP leadership took a giant mocking shit on the Tea Party and went right back to spending like drunken sailors.

In 2014 the Tea Party again bitch slapped the shit out of the Dem's and took over the Senate. So now the GOP leadership controlled both, and again AFTER the election the GOP leadership took a giant mocking shit on the Tea Party.

2016...exasperated with the GOP leadership's lies and arrogance, and mistreatment of the very people who won them the House and Senate, the people nominated Trump. The GOP leadership and establishment hacks own that 100%. The GOP establishment candidates couldn't even garner 5% of the vote in the primary in spite of $200 million in ads. When Trump won like the true lying snobs they are they have been shooting torpedo's into their own candidate and supporting Hillary, wow shocker.
Republicans destroyed themselves by refusing to adapt to a 21st century America

That "adapting to the 21st century" has resulted in nearly doubling our national debt in 8 years. An expansion of more government programs is a cost we can't afford.

Yes, and unfortunately that message doesn't sell. The majority of Americans want free stuff. They don't want to hear they can go out and earn whatever they want, they want to know what they are going to be given, and they just don't care what the cost of that free stuff is in the end
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

The media is paid for by the Clintons. They are in the bag for them... she spends like mad man.

No wonder they have lost all journalistic integrity.
I'm glad you admire JFK lets bring tax rates back to the levels he cut them to!

I don't admire JFK...he damn near started a nuclear war, backed down and took our missiles out of Turkey as a trade-off to Khruschev, backed out on the invasion of Cuba leaving us with mud on our face at the Bay of Pigs, and got us involved in Vietnam....a war I was sent to. He hung out with a woman who was also the mistress of Sam Giancana, the Chicago rackets boss, who later had a hand in murdering him in Dallas. It's also thought he sent Bobby and Peter Lawford to Hollywood to overdose and murder Marilyn Monroe. The LA cops liked those two big time in that homicide but were blocked by Hoover. And in saving the worst for last, LBJ used his assassination to ramrod through the "great society" that has cost us exactly the same amount as the current national debt....$20T and the inner-cities are worse off than they were before 1964.
Republicans destroyed themselves by refusing to adapt to a 21st century America

That "adapting to the 21st century" has resulted in nearly doubling our national debt in 8 years. An expansion of more government programs is a cost we can't afford.

That has nothing to do with it

Well we had a $820 Billion stimulus package that (no surprise) included a lot of government waste programs, Harry Reed wanting to keep federal unemployment extension in play until Pelosi lost the house, an ACA program with a website that exceeded $2 Billion to get it to work while insurance companies UnitedHealth and Aetna are bailing out, a Chevy Volt with government subsidies and incentives totally $3 Billion which produced only 23,461 in sales (well under the 45,000 Goal Chevy had with a decline projection of 21,000 in 2017). I don't know, exactly how much are republicans required to adopt with this new 21st century America?

Obamacare Website Costs Exceed $2 Billion, Study Finds

Some Chevy Dealers Pull Plug on Volt – 2012 Sales Well Below Goals - National Legal & Policy Center

Why The New Chevy Volt's Sales Are Only So-So - HybridCars.com

Chevy Volt Costing Taxpayers Up to $250K Per Vehicle

Aetna, UnitedHealth pulling out of Obamacare, leaving customers with fewer options
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?
The GOP was vulnerable and Trump hijacked it.

The GOP loves rich white men in general. They worship them.

That is what made the GOP vulnerable to Trump.

Trump has lots of money, most of it bamboozled from investors and bankers and some from the TV audience.

So the GOP was vulnerable and Trump was a prime pirate to hijack it.

And he did.

He came, he saw, he hijacked it.

The Frontline special says it all -- Trump got into the race for POTUS to punish BHO for humiliating him at the Correspondents' Dinner.

After Trump is gone, the GOP will return to its former level of ineptitude and incompetence at the POTUS level.
The answer is yes if he loses. If he wins the cows in the Republican establishment will become his footstool. They in fact are the real danger if he wins. They are the ones that would be the enablers, as a President can get little done - witness what they did to the current President, and if they deny Trump funds he can't do very much on his own. The only other real problem here is if he would attempt to appoint a yes man for himself to the Supreme Court and the Republicans went along with it. If the choice were overtly pro-choice and pro-citizens united they would approve such a derp.

If he loses then the Republican party is no more. The core establishment will still be in place, temporarily, but that party is already split into at least three different cohorts, a loss in a month will mean the Republican Party either dies out or is rebuilt to more resemble the American people. What a concept.
I do not see how it matters.

What is the endgame? Opposing the other guy until we all die thirty years from now in a nuclear war?
My hope is Democrats take back the Senate and Paul Ryan is reasonable negotiating with hillary and the new democratic majority leader.

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