Has Trump destroyed the Republican Party

OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?
The Republican party destroyed itself long before Trump came along.

I partially agree. They sure haven't done themselves any favors. But the reality that the greedy leftists breed like rabbits and people aren't that smart and believe the leftist media. The deck is stacked against the message of self sufficiency when Democrats keep saying success is free and the media keeps saying they are right
You people need to see who the rich are funding. They are funding state house and senate Republicans. They realize they can get more done at the state level.

Republicans seem to think the rich and corporations shouldn't have to pay what we've always agreed was a fair share.

We catch guys like trump not paying their fair share yet you still defend them.
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Um....we destroyed the GOP'ers who were destroying the Republican Party......

You don't like it? Then Fuck off.....
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.
Fascists have taken over the democrat party.....
Drumpf did not/has not destroyed the R party.

He IS the Republican party.

Remember when we all thought the tee potty was as low as they could go? We were wrong.
By the men of the GOP refusing to clean house on this Trump guy, it sure give the impression that they are for him. Especially now that Cruz has thrown in his hat. I suppose doing that might get him off the hook for illegally taking campaign money when he knew he was ineligible to run for or be president...hoping for a pardon from a president Trump maybe?...
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?
The GOP was vulnerable and Trump hijacked it.

The GOP loves rich white men in general. They worship them.

That is what made the GOP vulnerable to Trump.

Trump has lots of money, most of it bamboozled from investors and bankers and some from the TV audience.

So the GOP was vulnerable and Trump was a prime pirate to hijack it.

And he did.

He came, he saw, he hijacked it.

The Frontline special says it all -- Trump got into the race for POTUS to punish BHO for humiliating him at the Correspondents' Dinner.

After Trump is gone, the GOP will return to its former level of ineptitude and incompetence at the POTUS level.
Democrats a a bunch of ghouls. You don't actually care about dead people for their votes, you feed on their spirits, which is why you dig up graves and eat the rotting flesh of dead people.

OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?
The Republican party destroyed itself long before Trump came along.

I partially agree. They sure haven't done themselves any favors. But the reality that the greedy leftists breed like rabbits and people aren't that smart and believe the leftist media. The deck is stacked against the message of self sufficiency when Democrats keep saying success is free and the media keeps saying they are right
You people need to see who the rich are funding. They are funding state house and senate Republicans. They realize they can get more done at the state level.

Republicans seem to think the rich and corporations shouldn't have to pay what we've always agreed was a fair share.

We catch guys like trump not paying their fair share yet you still defend them.

You are so full of shit, you smell like an outhouse
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.

There are nothing but liberals in the Democrat party. Just for fun, name some non-liberal Democrats ...
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.
Fascists have taken over the democrat party.....

True, but BooBoo doesn't know what a fascist actually is, so he won't get that
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Yes Trump has destroyed the Republican party--but he is really the secondary source of this destruction.

The primary source of this destruction comes from FOX News and right wing talk show hosts that have directed their midget minions into a war against Establishment Republicans aka Reaganites. They have attacked and eaten their own--shattering the Republican party into pieces, with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole , half truths and all out lies. They do it for political entertainment, ratings and those obscene profit breaks, not truth or full disclosure. Their motus of operende is to leave out critical facts to swing a story to the right, to keep their right wing audiences at a certain level of hysteria over topics of interest. They were extremely successful at convincing their audiences that there is no other trusted news sources, henceforth this group of people have been living in a conservative media bubble for a couple of decades. The end result of this? The Republican party has been reduced into a book of conspiracy theories for DUMMIES.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

If Trump were a candidate in 2008 or earlier he would have been laughed at and ridiculed off of the stage. This anger started in 2008/2009 era with the rise of the Tea Party and exploded after Obamacare. Right wing talk show hosts, and Tea Party politicians invaded the political scene making all kinds of promises to other angry Republicans. Tea Party politicians, like Ted Cruz also took advantage of a lower intelligence group, with phony impossible campaign promises, and he too attacked Establishment Republicans. This road lead right up to DONALD TRUMP in 2016 who has also exploited their ignorance.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him

Henceforth, Republicans for the first time in 60 years are losing white educated voters.
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates
How Trump Is Badly Losing The White College Educated Vote | Huffington Post
The Latest Clinton Converts? White, College-Educated Voters

Here is a great example.

If these right wing talk show hosts still exist after the Republican party gets hit with a 200' High Tsunami on election night--I doubt the Republican party of Lincoln or Reagan will ever be back.

As G.W. Bush stated he fears that he may be the LAST Republican President, and he may very well be right.
George W. Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' - CNNPolitics.com

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"Has Trump destroyed the Republican Party"


In fact, the GOP is in fairly good condition.

Yes, they’ll fail to win the WH this year, but come 2017 they’ll be in control of both the House and Senate, they’ll control a majority of the state houses and governors’ mansions.

And given how unpopular Clinton is, she’ll likely be a one-term president – where by 2021 Republicans will control both Houses of Congress and the WH.
"Has Trump destroyed the Republican Party"


In fact, the GOP is in fairly good condition.

Yes, they’ll fail to win the WH this year, but come 2017 they’ll be in control of both the House and Senate, they’ll control a majority of the state houses and governors’ mansions.

And given how unpopular Clinton is, she’ll likely be a one-term president – where by 2021 Republicans will control both Houses of Congress and the WH.

Nope there has been too much damage already done to the Republican party to win seats. You seem to forget that Trump has chased off every single voting block you can shake a stick at. Primarily Hispanics. 17% of the population are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column when the GOP nominee has always needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Republicans, especially in the entire southwest of this country need Hispanic support to win elections. Without them they lose. In my state of Colorado no one can win a state wide election without Hispanic support. So this year I know for certain that Democrat senator Michael Benett will be reelected, there is no possible chance of unseating him with our Republican candidate. In 2014 in Colorado Republican Cory Gardner won by taking a huge chunk out of the Latino vote in this state.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

The other HUGE issue is women. Women in this country are sick and tired of getting attacked by Republicans. Abortion, Planned Parenthood was never campaigned on by President G.W. Bush or any Republican GOP nominee prior to 2012. In fact it's the reason that Romney lost in 2012. His fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee of the party. By again a lot of stupid people dragging the party into an already settled 45 year old U.S. Supreme court decision. These people are still here, and judging from the amount of knuckle dragging candidates they put on the debate stage in 2016, they didn't learn a dam thing from the loss in 2012. Of course again, they were lied to by right wing talk show hosts, who continually stated that Romney wasn't conservative enough, which couldn't be farther from the truth.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

Blacks used to be in the Republican column, up until the Great Mississippi flood and President Hoover. They've never come back, and I fear that Latino's nor women will ever be back. Frankly, they've had enough of the offensive remarks, the degradation, the bigotry and misogyny that has been fully exposed in the last 2 Presidential election cycles. And as we see their 2016 platform is more extreme and divisive than ever.
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OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?
Trump didn't destroy the Republican Party. A New York limousine liberal like Trump couldn't have put a dent in it if it wasn't already destroyed.

Bush Junior and his legion of retards, liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths destroyed it.

Trump is the trash collector.
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?
The Republican party destroyed itself long before Trump came along.

I partially agree. They sure haven't done themselves any favors. But the reality that the greedy leftists breed like rabbits and people aren't that smart and believe the leftist media. The deck is stacked against the message of self sufficiency when Democrats keep saying success is free and the media keeps saying they are right
You people need to see who the rich are funding. They are funding state house and senate Republicans. They realize they can get more done at the state level.

Republicans seem to think the rich and corporations shouldn't have to pay what we've always agreed was a fair share.

We catch guys like trump not paying their fair share yet you still defend them.

You are so full of shit, you smell like an outhouse
Because you are unaware? Ok idiot
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.

There are nothing but liberals in the Democrat party. Just for fun, name some non-liberal Democrats ...
Hillary and Obama. Remember they are in wallstreet pocket? Remember GE owns Obama?

Some days you argue there's no difference between the two parties and some days you argue different.

Example: Bernie is liberal but hillary is not.

And for the record, don't you say none of the guys who ran for the GOP nominee are conservatives? Rinos???
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.

There are nothing but liberals in the Democrat party. Just for fun, name some non-liberal Democrats ...
Hillary and Obama. Remember they are in wallstreet pocket? Remember GE owns Obama?

Some days you argue there's no difference between the two parties and some days you argue different.

Example: Bernie is liberal but hillary is not.

And for the record, don't you say none of the guys who ran for the GOP nominee are conservatives? Rinos???
You mean like gM, Obama owns GE....
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.
Fascists have taken over the democrat party.....

True, but BooBoo doesn't know what a fascist actually is, so he won't get that
You don't either fool! Bush was a fascist
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.

There are nothing but liberals in the Democrat party. Just for fun, name some non-liberal Democrats ...
Hillary and Obama. Remember they are in wallstreet pocket? Remember GE owns Obama?

Some days you argue there's no difference between the two parties and some days you argue different.

Example: Bernie is liberal but hillary is not.

And for the record, don't you say none of the guys who ran for the GOP nominee are conservatives? Rinos???
You mean like gM, Obama owns GE....
OK, Republicans seem to have been trying to destroy the party for decades. But seriously. I live in one of the ultimate swing States, North Carolina. And the Republicans are broke. McCrory is running for Governor, Burr is running for Senate, and Trump is running for President. And I see zero from any of them in terms of ads. I've seen about 2 Trump ads, ever, none for weeks. None for Burr ever. And I saw regular McCrory ads ... a month ago ... and nothing since.

Trump was going to fund his campaign, but he left the rest of them out to dry. Now he seems to have left himself out to dry too. So, WTF. Have Republicans just cashed it in?

Er, no.

Despite the Republican base going Full Retard in this election, the Republican Party is an incredibly enduring institution, regardless of those "conservatives" who want it destroyed.
Just wait for 2018. Low voter turnout almost always favors the GOP because there base votes every two years.

I heard the other day conservatives are the majority in the GOP but liberals are a minority in the democratic party.
Fascists have taken over the democrat party.....

True, but BooBoo doesn't know what a fascist actually is, so he won't get that
You don't either fool! Bush was a fascist
Bush was a progressive, unlike your Obama who's is a dyed in the wool fascist....

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