Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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So, you believe that it's genetic? LOLOL! What a buffoon.

This is not a question of belief. Belief does not enter into it at all in any way whatsoever.
A four leaf clover does not "believe it is a four leaf clover", it just IS one.
It is not nor has it ever been a threat to the survival of three leaf clovers, and since it is still indeed a clover, it carries all the same qualities and virtues of a clover.
Don't have any children. But if I did, I guarantee you they would not be gay.

I'm sure Dick Cheney felt the same way ;)
You can't be sure of that unless he told you how he felt.

I can be 100% sure because of his stated positions on the issue PRIOR to his daughter coming out, and his change of heart AFTER she came out.
And by the way, that's also no different than Nancy Reagan's stated positions on stem cell research PRIOR to Ronnie having Alzheimer's versus her change of heart AFTERWARD.

Sorry you were not aware of the Cheney family change of heart but it's very old news.
It's also very old news that Right wingers are always against something till it affects them directly, and they're always sure they would never have a gay kid, until they suddenly DO have one.
It's my opinion there is no such thing as a gay kid. They're confused. I would love them regardless. I raised my kids with the instruction of Godly values and knowing who they are. Homosexuality is sin, just like drunkenness, gluttony, adultery, fornication, etc. The problem with today's kids is many parents are accepting the teaching of the world instead of Godly instruction.

You're entitled to your own opinion but you're not entitled to your own facts.
Don't have any children. But if I did, I guarantee you they would not be gay.

I'm sure Dick Cheney felt the same way ;)
You can't be sure of that unless he told you how he felt.

I can be 100% sure because of his stated positions on the issue PRIOR to his daughter coming out, and his change of heart AFTER she came out.
And by the way, that's also no different than Nancy Reagan's stated positions on stem cell research PRIOR to Ronnie having Alzheimer's versus her change of heart AFTERWARD.

Sorry you were not aware of the Cheney family change of heart but it's very old news.
It's also very old news that Right wingers are always against something till it affects them directly, and they're always sure they would never have a gay kid, until they suddenly DO have one.
It's my opinion there is no such thing as a gay kid. They're confused. I would love them regardless. I raised my kids with the instruction of Godly values and knowing who they are. Homosexuality is sin, just like drunkenness, gluttony, adultery, fornication, etc. The problem with today's kids is many parents are accepting the teaching of the world instead of Godly instruction.

You're entitled to your own opinion but you're not entitled to your own facts.

r: 68459"]
Don't have any children. But if I did, I guarantee you they would not be gay.

I'm sure Dick Cheney felt the same way ;)
You can't be sure of that unless he told you how he felt.

I can be 100% sure because of his stated positions on the issue PRIOR to his daughter coming out, and his change of heart AFTER she came out.
And by the way, that's also no different than Nancy Reagan's stated positions on stem cell research PRIOR to Ronnie having Alzheimer's versus her change of heart AFTERWARD.

Sorry you were not aware of the Cheney family change of heart but it's very old news.
It's also very old news that Right wingers are always against something till it affects them directly, and they're always sure they would never have a gay kid, until they suddenly DO have one.
It's my opinion there is no such thing as a gay kid. They're confused. I would love them regardless. I raised my kids with the instruction of Godly values and knowing who they are. Homosexuality is sin, just like drunkenness, gluttony, adultery, fornication, etc. The problem with today's kids is many parents are accepting the teaching of the world instead of Godly instruction.

You're entitled to your own opinion but you're not entitled to your own facts.[/QUOTE]
Yes, I am if the facts agree with my opinion and they do. Children aren't born gay. There are many factors that encourage people to believe they are homosexual.
So, you believe that it's genetic? LOLOL! What a buffoon.

This is not a question of belief. Belief does not enter into it at all in any way whatsoever.
A four leaf clover does not "believe it is a four leaf clover", it just IS one.
It is not nor has it ever been a threat to the survival of three leaf clovers, and since it is still indeed a clover, it carries all the same qualities and virtues of a clover.
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".

I'd also hasten to add that you lack the ability to understand what a continuum is, would you like a definition supplied to you?
Bisexuality is proof that a homosexual behavior pattern is a learned addiction. It's a progressive choice and not an absolute conclusion.
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Bisexuality is proof that a homosexual behavior pattern is a learned addiction. It's a progressive choice and not an absolute conclusion.
A would be drunkard who remains a teatotaler will never get drunk, sir! And it is also being discovered that behavior can change one's thought and brain patterns.
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Good then we can identify the gay gene and abort all the gay fetuses.
Problem solved.
Good then we can identify the gay gene and abort all the gay fetuses.
Problem solved.

Not before we perform a retroactive abortion on people who believe they have the right to play judge, jury and executioner, starting with the impotent, and impossibly absurd homophobic named Slyhunter.

And you don't get to decide /thread either.
You are free to decline further participation though.
When are these nutty cults going to get off the anti-LGBT thing?
Why argue back and forth about what causes people to be gay? What good does it do for anyone?

Some of these crazies sound as if they would harass any child that they had if he or she was gay. People who would do such a thing should have their children taken away from them. Too many of these kids have been forced by their supposedly "loving" parents into traumatic "conversion therapy" and other quack "medical" practices that originate in the shit cults, which result in lasting damage to the child.

Shoot. I didn't know that my arguing with my friends about who was the cuter [male] actor on some TV shows when I was in elementary school at about age nine meant I was straight. We didn't even know what sex was at the time. We certainly didn't know what the term "heterosexual" meant. We just were. These anti-gay people need to grow up.
When are these nutty cults going to get off the anti-LGBT thing?
Why argue back and forth about what causes people to be gay? What good does it do for anyone?

Some of these crazies sound as if they would harass any child that they had if he or she was gay. People who would do such a thing should have their children taken away from them. Too many of these kids have been forced by their supposedly "loving" parents into traumatic "conversion therapy" and other quack "medical" practices that originate in the shit cults, which result in lasting damage to the child.

Shoot. I didn't know that my arguing with my friends about who was the cuter [male] actor on some TV shows when I was in elementary school at about age nine meant I was straight. We didn't even know what sex was at the time. We certainly didn't know what the term "heterosexual" meant. We just were. These anti-gay people need to grow up.

"Some of these crazies sound as if they would harass...??"
We got one guy here who has decided that he's entitled to inflict pregnancy termination on fetuses he doesn't like!
I'm pro choice but it's the choice of the MOTHER, not some asshole who plays "internet tough guy", so much so that I suspect he HAS some latent closeted gay issues that keep him up at night.

In fact, the RATIO of seemingly closeted gay men with anxiety on this forum far outweighs the number of closeted gay men in real life, so it must be something about political forums with gay threads that brings them out of the woodwork!
And again, repeating for all needing:
I started this thread because I have gay friends, and I always wondered what it was like growing up for them.
Well, turns out it was mostly Hell.
I always wanted to sit down with the parent of a gay child who had cut them off and just ask WHY.
Respectfully, I wanted to know if they felt hurt, or betrayed, or whatever.

This thread has garnered very little respect (except from a few who actually have more than two brain cells) but what it HAS done is, it has seemingly stirred up the wrath of perhaps a DOZEN very stressed out males who have some very serious issues. They weren't even all interested in the actual issue, they just couldn't resist coming in here to make sure we all knew how they FELT ABOUT GAY PEOPLE...WHICH WAS NOT THE QUESTION.
You know what they say, the louder they protest and scream, the more closeted they are.
When are these nutty cults going to get off the anti-LGBT thing?
Why argue back and forth about what causes people to be gay? What good does it do for anyone?

Some of these crazies sound as if they would harass any child that they had if he or she was gay. People who would do such a thing should have their children taken away from them. Too many of these kids have been forced by their supposedly "loving" parents into traumatic "conversion therapy" and other quack "medical" practices that originate in the shit cults, which result in lasting damage to the child.

Shoot. I didn't know that my arguing with my friends about who was the cuter [male] actor on some TV shows when I was in elementary school at about age nine meant I was straight. We didn't even know what sex was at the time. We certainly didn't know what the term "heterosexual" meant. We just were. These anti-gay people need to grow up.

"Some of these crazies sound as if they would harass...??"
We got one guy here who has decided that he's entitled to inflict pregnancy termination on fetuses he doesn't like!
I'm pro choice but it's the choice of the MOTHER, not some asshole who plays "internet tough guy", so much so that I suspect he HAS some latent closeted gay issues that keep him up at night.

In fact, the RATIO of seemingly closeted gay men with anxiety on this forum far outweighs the number of closeted gay men in real life, so it must be something about political forums with gay threads that brings them out of the woodwork!
Hey you expect the right to abort based on whimsical excuses such as, it'll interfere with my life. I come up with better ones, like have a genetic defect like having Downs Syndrome or having the Gay gene.
All anyone needs to do is regard thousands of years of history to reveal that homosexuality was always considereed a convenient way to enjoy sex without any regard of complications while exerting one's power/control over another. Just look at ancient Rome and Greece. They had homosexuality (particularly with slaves) and yet marriage to a person of the same sex would have been considered quite out of the question! Marriage was for producing legal heirs and uniting families. Marriage for love is a very recent invention influenced primarily by Christianity. To now suggest that gay marriage needs to be respected is to fly in the face of thousands of years of logic, culture, legality, and even the study of diseases. It certainly gains no support from Biblical Christianity (Spiritual) --- but rather from a generally promiscuous society that's apathetic...
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Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.

Find them yourself:
genetic markers homosexuality - Google Search
Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
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