Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.

No. I have thought about it, if one of my kids said they were gay. I would not like it, it would be very awkward, I would not disown them, but would find it very hard to be "ok" with them and their "boyfriend/husband". It's not because of any religious beliefs - it just seems strange to me. I love my kids, so, I'm sure I would adjust.
Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.

No. I have thought about it, if one of my kids said they were gay. I would not like it, it would be very awkward, I would not disown them, but would find it very hard to be "ok" with them and their "boyfriend/husband". It's not because of any religious beliefs - it just seems strange to me. I love my kids, so, I'm sure I would adjust.
Bonzi, USMB hereby disowns you. :biggrin:
Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.

No. I have thought about it, if one of my kids said they were gay. I would not like it, it would be very awkward, I would not disown them, but would find it very hard to be "ok" with them and their "boyfriend/husband". It's not because of any religious beliefs - it just seems strange to me. I love my kids, so, I'm sure I would adjust.
Bonzi, USMB hereby disowns you. :biggrin:

no chance....
Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.

No. I have thought about it, if one of my kids said they were gay. I would not like it, it would be very awkward, I would not disown them, but would find it very hard to be "ok" with them and their "boyfriend/husband". It's not because of any religious beliefs - it just seems strange to me. I love my kids, so, I'm sure I would adjust.
Bonzi, USMB hereby disowns you. :biggrin:

no chance....
Then stop all the douche threads. Last chance.
When are these nutty cults going to get off the anti-LGBT thing?
Why argue back and forth about what causes people to be gay? What good does it do for anyone?

Some of these crazies sound as if they would harass any child that they had if he or she was gay. People who would do such a thing should have their children taken away from them. Too many of these kids have been forced by their supposedly "loving" parents into traumatic "conversion therapy" and other quack "medical" practices that originate in the shit cults, which result in lasting damage to the child.

Shoot. I didn't know that my arguing with my friends about who was the cuter [male] actor on some TV shows when I was in elementary school at about age nine meant I was straight. We didn't even know what sex was at the time. We certainly didn't know what the term "heterosexual" meant. We just were. These anti-gay people need to grow up.

"Some of these crazies sound as if they would harass...??"
We got one guy here who has decided that he's entitled to inflict pregnancy termination on fetuses he doesn't like!
I'm pro choice but it's the choice of the MOTHER, not some asshole who plays "internet tough guy", so much so that I suspect he HAS some latent closeted gay issues that keep him up at night.

In fact, the RATIO of seemingly closeted gay men with anxiety on this forum far outweighs the number of closeted gay men in real life, so it must be something about political forums with gay threads that brings them out of the woodwork!
Hey you expect the right to abort based on whimsical excuses such as, it'll interfere with my life. I come up with better ones, like have a genetic defect like having Downs Syndrome or having the Gay gene.

How do you know of anyone's "whimsical" excuse, or otherwise? No one's "excuse" for having an abortion should be known to anyone else unless she chooses to disclose it. She doesn't owe any explanation to any outsider.
Hey you expect the right to abort based on whimsical excuses such as, it'll interfere with my life. I come up with better ones, like have a genetic defect like having Downs Syndrome or having the Gay gene.

How in the FUCK do YOU even know what my expectations on abortion are?
You don't. Never mind that your life depends upon your "not knowing", the fact is, you do not know the first thing about my views on abortion, outside of me saying it is ultimately the woman's choice.
You trivializing the situation only speaks to your own hypocrisy. You making this about me (AGAIN) speaks to your inability to carry on a discussion.

Your opinion on homosexuality's genetic aspects being a defect? Scientifically incorrect in every way.
Homosexuality is indeed a DEVIATION from the norm, but it is a STANDARD deviation, like having attached earlobes instead of free swinging ones, or the inability to curl your tongue in a U-shape.
It's very much like being a four leaf clover in a world where most are of the three leaf variety.
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.

Find them yourself:
genetic markers homosexuality - Google Search

Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
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That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.

Find them yourself:
genetic markers homosexuality - Google Search

Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
No need to read them all because I already have. There is no definite gay gene. Ya'll keep looking, though.
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.

Find them yourself:
genetic markers homosexuality - Google Search

Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
No need to read them all because I already have. There is no definite gay gene. Ya'll keep looking, though.
Homosexuality is all throughout nature, plants, insects, animals. Even Jesus was gay.
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.

Find them yourself:
genetic markers homosexuality - Google Search

Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
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That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
No need to read them all because I already have. There is no definite gay gene. Ya'll keep looking, though.
Homosexuality is all throughout nature, plants, insects, animals. Even Jesus was gay.
LOL. I've heard it all before, so don't even bother. You'll be wasting your time.

Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
No need to read them all because I already have. There is no definite gay gene. Ya'll keep looking, though.
Homosexuality is all throughout nature, plants, insects, animals. Even Jesus was gay.
LOL. I've heard it all before, so don't even bother. You'll be wasting your time.

We won't, just stop reading the thread.
What will you do if it is proven that there is a gay gene? Oh wait, that's right, you take that as blanket permission to force preemptive abortions on five percent of the population.

If I had children, they would not be gay.

They just wouldn't ever let you know.
No. It would never happen, because I would raise them right. No one is born gay. That's a fact. It is something that, more often than not, is the result of something that happened to that person when they were young. Such events, like molestation, can have a serious impact on a child. For whatever reason they decide to become gay, it is not genetic. it is because of events and choices in their lives. And, as someone already mentioned, there are people out there who were once gay but no longer are. That proves that it's a choice or at least something that was imposed on someone due to childhood trauma.
No I've never disowned a gay child.

Then again, I've never owned a gay child.

Do they do good work?

Some people in our neighborhood have "Watch Children". I've seen the signs. I prefer watch dogs myself.
If I had children, they would not be gay.

They just wouldn't ever let you know.
No. It would never happen, because I would raise them right. No one is born gay. That's a fact. It is something that, more often than not, is the result of something that happened to that person when they were young. Such events, like molestation, can have a serious impact on a child. For whatever reason they decide to become gay, it is not genetic. it is because of events and choices in their lives. And, as someone already mentioned, there are people out there who were once gay but no longer are. That proves that it's a choice or at least something that was imposed on someone due to childhood trauma.
If it's "a fact", then back it up with some real scientific data. We'll wait. :popcorn:
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.

Find them yourself:
genetic markers homosexuality - Google Search

Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
No need to read them all because I already have. There is no definite gay gene. Ya'll keep looking, though.
Even if there was a gay gene, whatever that is, peoples decisions are not controlled by their genes. They are the result of conscious thought. Even if someone had a tendency to be gay, it in no way forces them to act on those feelings. Besides, there is ample evidence that Homosexuals live shorter lives that are prone to disease and mental problems. We also have queers to thank for the spread of AIDS. That right there is reason enough to outlaw homosexuality.
Gay Conversion Therapists Claim Most Patients Fully Straight By The Time They Commit Suicide

I am a small government and freedom loving American which is why we need to outlaw homosexuality.
I am a small government and freedom loving American which is why we need to outlaw homosexuality.
Nah. You're just an idiot. Sorry, it's the truth. And there is no cure. Sucks to be you. :)
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