Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.
Title says it all.
The question is aimed at parents.
Do you have any gay children, and if so, have you disconnected from them or disowned them in any way?
Have you cut off communications with them entirely, or say perhaps, did you refuse to attend their gay wedding, or did you cut off financial support or school tuition?
Anything along those lines.

We've already no doubt seen several discussion threads where gay people have discussed being cut off or disowned by their parents, so now I'd like to see if anyone from the parental side is willing to discuss their side of the issue.

MY own VIEWS are NOT as IMPORTANT, because as it turns out, both my kids are apparently hetero.
For the record, both of us would support/stand by either of our kids if they turned out to be gay, but they are hetero, so I am much more interested in hearing from those who do not share that view, watching the discussion develop between the other members.

My kids are a little too young to determine their sexuality. But as Rick Santorum stated, “If one of my kids came out gay, I would love them just the same as I did the day before.” I honestly I would prefer them not be gay, but I wouldn’t let that get in my way of loving and defending them.

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Even if there was a gay gene, whatever that is, peoples decisions are not controlled by their genes. They are the result of conscious thought. Even if someone had a tendency to be gay, it in no way forces them to act on those feelings. Besides, there is ample evidence that Homosexuals live shorter lives that are prone to disease and mental problems. We also have queers to thank for the spread of AIDS. That right there is reason enough to outlaw homosexuality.

I expected one stupid response from you, but got the trifecta!
What conscious thoughts do YOU have that KEEP you from BEING gay?
Gay people live shorter lives? Really? It's THEIR lives they're living.
And some of them DO live shorter lives, while others live to a ripe old age, like William S. Burroughs, who was not only gay but also an unrepentant HEROIN addict, not that I would endorse that in any way.
There goes your SECOND protest out the window...yup, plenty of old fags out there.
Last but not least, swimming pools, ponds and lakes were responsible for the spread of POLIO but we DID something about polio, DIDN'T WE?
And people in African nations eating "bush meat" was originally every bit as responsible for the spread of AIDS, but as I said, we DID something about polio.
Meanwhile, assholes like you and Nancy Reagan opposed research into fighting AIDS until Rock Hudson died.

But then you probably still think Liberace wasn't gay either, just mild mannered, and with a slight wardrobe problem. As deranged as that old queen was, he managed to make it to what...his seventies?
Gay Conversion Therapists Claim Most Patients Fully Straight By The Time They Commit Suicide

Even if there was a gay gene, whatever that is, peoples decisions are not controlled by their genes. They are the result of conscious thought. Even if someone had a tendency to be gay, it in no way forces them to act on those feelings. Besides, there is ample evidence that Homosexuals live shorter lives that are prone to disease and mental problems. We also have queers to thank for the spread of AIDS. That right there is reason enough to outlaw homosexuality.

I expected one stupid response from you, but got the trifecta!
What conscious thoughts do YOU have that KEEP you from BEING gay?
Gay people live shorter lives? Really? It's THEIR lives they're living.
And some of them DO live shorter lives, while others live to a ripe old age, like William S. Burroughs, who was not only gay but also an unrepentant HEROIN addict, not that I would endorse that in any way.
There goes your SECOND protest out the window...yup, plenty of old fags out there.
Last but not least, swimming pools, ponds and lakes were responsible for the spread of POLIO but we DID something about polio, DIDN'T WE?
And people in African nations eating "bush meat" was originally every bit as responsible for the spread of AIDS, but as I said, we DID something about polio.
Meanwhile, assholes like you and Nancy Reagan opposed research into fighting AIDS until Rock Hudson died.

But then you probably still think Liberace wasn't gay either, just mild mannered, and with a slight wardrobe problem. As deranged as that old queen was, he managed to make it to what...his seventies?
Make all the excuses you want. Homosexuality is perverted and unhealthy. There is also the fact that the many gay males have unprotected sex with multiple partners. Some of them are transsexuals, who spread whatever diseases they catch to the straight population. Gays are a bunch of disease ridden perverts. The would would be a better place if they all disappeared.
My kids are a little too young to determine their sexuality. But as Rick Santorum stated, “If one of my kids came out gay, I would love them just the same as I did the day before.” I honestly I would prefer them not be gay, but I wouldn’t let that get in my way of loving and defending them.

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Both of mine are straight but to be honest I too would "prefer" that they were not gay, if only because of the presence of people who we all see represented in this thread. Let's just say I would NOT ENVY either of my kids lives if they did happen to be gay. I would fear for their safety because of the whack jobs in the world.

But just like you, I would love them all the same, and most of all, I would also DEFEND them, and do anything I could to see them be happy.

Come to think of it, one of them is actually something that's sort of a new phemonenon...he's one of those kids that doesn't seem to have any interest in cultivating any kind of intimate relationship at all.
It's apparently happening more in Japan but he's exhibiting the same characteristics. Doesn't want to ever get married, isn't interested in getting a girlfriend...zero, zip, zilch, nada.
Maybe it's just a phase he's going through in his young adult life and some girl will happen along and completely change his life. But right now, he's not the least bit interested, even though I catch him admiring the occasional pretty face.
Make all the excuses you want. Homosexuality is perverted and unhealthy. There is also the fact that the many gay males have unprotected sex with multiple partners. Some of them are transsexuals, who spread whatever diseases they catch to the straight population. Gays are a bunch of disease ridden perverts. The would would be a better place if they all disappeared.

You are entitled to your opinion, nothing I can say about that.
As for the world being a better place, I think it would be better without a bunch of self-righteous, repressed, anger ridden, hate filled, extremist whack jobs, like yourself.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

(Goes to online reference library to start learning about something called "epigenetics" that he's never heard about)
I guess this might take awhile, thanks for teaching me something today!! :D
My kids are a little too young to determine their sexuality. But as Rick Santorum stated, “If one of my kids came out gay, I would love them just the same as I did the day before.” I honestly I would prefer them not be gay, but I wouldn’t let that get in my way of loving and defending them.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Both of mine are straight but to be honest I too would "prefer" that they were not gay, if only because of the presence of people who we all see represented in this thread. Let's just say I would NOT ENVY either of my kids lives if they did happen to be gay. I would fear for their safety because of the whack jobs in the world.

But just like you, I would love them all the same, and most of all, I would also DEFEND them, and do anything I could to see them be happy.

Come to think of it, one of them is actually something that's sort of a new phemonenon...he's one of those kids that doesn't seem to have any interest in cultivating any kind of intimate relationship at all.
It's apparently happening more in Japan but he's exhibiting the same characteristics. Doesn't want to ever get married, isn't interested in getting a girlfriend...zero, zip, zilch, nada.
Maybe it's just a phase he's going through in his young adult life and some girl will happen along and completely change his life. But right now, he's not the least bit interested, even though I catch him admiring the occasional pretty face.
Some people simply aren't suited for a permanent relationship. I'm one of them. I would not want to be tied down that way. And the thought of having kids is simply terrifying for me. I would not want the responsibility because I'm honest enough to know that I probably wouldn't be any good at it. I like being free to do what I want without it affecting anyone else. Nothing wrong with that. Just a different outlook. Not everyone wants to get married. Many of them should NOT get married. The divorce rate is evidence of that.
Some people simply aren't suited for a permanent relationship. I'm one of them. I would not want to be tied down that way. And the thought of having kids is simply terrifying for me. I would not want the responsibility because I'm honest enough to know that I probably wouldn't be any good at it. I like being free to do what I want without it affecting anyone else. Nothing wrong with that. Just a different outlook. Not everyone wants to get married. Many of them should NOT get married. The divorce rate is evidence of that.

Then why not be reasonable and be more like Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies?
"A man's got to know his limitations."
Yours should probably be "weighing in on matters of human sexuality".

Mine should be legion, it would take several pages to outline the things I shouldn't weigh in on, but with my past, I know for sure that sexuality is something I can speak with confidence on.
I won't bore anyone with the details, but I know what I have no business talking about.
For instance, I'll give just ONE: The Israel issue.
I don't know nearly enough about the Israel issue to parse the nuance and details and speak with authority, so I generally try to leave it alone.
I want the Israelis to be safe and I want the rest of the people in the region to be safe, and I hope they find a way to get along someday.
And that is the outer limit of my knowledge and views on it because if I go beyond that, I risk sounding like an idiot.
Some people simply aren't suited for a permanent relationship. I'm one of them. I would not want to be tied down that way. And the thought of having kids is simply terrifying for me. I would not want the responsibility because I'm honest enough to know that I probably wouldn't be any good at it. I like being free to do what I want without it affecting anyone else. Nothing wrong with that. Just a different outlook. Not everyone wants to get married. Many of them should NOT get married. The divorce rate is evidence of that.

Then why not be reasonable and be more like Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry movies?
"A man's got to know his limitations."
Yours should probably be "weighing in on matters of human sexuality".

Mine should be legion, it would take several pages to outline the things I shouldn't weigh in on, but with my past, I know for sure that sexuality is something I can speak with confidence on.
I won't bore anyone with the details, but I know what I have no business talking about.
For instance, I'll give just ONE: The Israel issue.
I don't know nearly enough about the Israel issue to parse the nuance and details and speak with authority, so I generally try to leave it alone.
I want the Israelis to be safe and I want the rest of the people in the region to be safe, and I hope they find a way to get along someday.
And that is the outer limit of my knowledge and views on it because if I go beyond that, I risk sounding like an idiot.
The Israel situation is not at all complicated. The rag heads want to exterminate the Jews. That's it. That's all there is. The rag heads are not interested in peace. They refuse to negotiate in good faith. Take the Palestinians, for example. They were offered a two state solution. It was exactly what they were asking for, in every detail...except for one thing. Israel would not sign it unless the Palestinians recognized Israel's right to exist. They refused. That tells you all you need to know about the situation.
Thanks. I found this comment in the study of from Illinois, reported in the Daily Mail: "The study has been described as 'weak' by independent scientists, and the study's authors admit the link is 'speculative'. In other words, nothing definitive has been found.

Read more: Study claims homosexual men have common genetic markers | Daily Mail Online
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That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
No need to read them all because I already have. There is no definite gay gene. Ya'll keep looking, though.
Homosexuality is all throughout nature, plants, insects, animals. Even Jesus was gay.
LOL. I've heard it all before, so don't even bother. You'll be wasting your time.

We won't, just stop reading the thread.
What will you do if it is proven that there is a gay gene? Oh wait, that's right, you take that as blanket permission to force preemptive abortions on five percent of the population.

There is no homo gene. It's a sin problem.
Do you believe homosexuality is genetic?

For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.
UC Bezerkley Psychologist, LOL. Like a dog chasing his tail.
For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.
UC Bezerkley Psychologist, LOL. Like a dog chasing his tail.
No matter what the cause is, it requires a conscious decision to engage such behavior. That is a fact. It doesn't matter what you feel. It is actions that matter. So, even if there was a genetic cause (There isn't) it is a persons choice to indulge those feelings.
My ultra religious baptist birth units (parental) kicked me out of the house at twelve and disowned me at thirteen. I know the feeling of being disowned by religious folk. Being disowned by your so-called parents is not something I would wish on any human being, much less a child
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Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.
UC Bezerkley Psychologist, LOL. Like a dog chasing his tail.
No matter what the cause is, it requires a conscious decision to engage such behavior. That is a fact. It doesn't matter what you feel. It is actions that matter. So, even if there was a genetic cause (There isn't) it is a persons choice to indulge those feelings.
If HETEROSEXUALITY were considered wrong or undesirable, would YOU be able to not be heterosexual? Do you think that anyone would have the right to demand that you give up YOUR sexuality? Be honest. And no bullshit about heterosexuality not being wrong. The question is WHAT IF?
For the most part, but that doesn't explain everything.
Another factor to consider is that sexual orientation is seldom "binary", it is a continuum.
And I don't "believe" anything, the facts point to it...my belief isn't important, because facts are facts whether I believe them or not.
You may want to brush up on what constitutes facts, and how facts become facts.
Since you believe homosexuality is for the most part genetic, what's your source for that "fact"?

I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.
UC Bezerkley Psychologist, LOL. Like a dog chasing his tail.
That's just about what I expected of you. You didn't even read them. Pathetic!! Very sad.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

(Goes to online reference library to start learning about something called "epigenetics" that he's never heard about)
I guess this might take awhile, thanks for teaching me something today!! :D
That's one, and they don't mention how many independent scientists, who they are, or even WHAT an "independent" scientist even is.
What IS an "independent" scientist? What is a "dependent" scientist? The term itself makes no sense.

What did the rest of the links tell you, or were you intent on finding ONE that disagrees and nothing else?
No need to read them all because I already have. There is no definite gay gene. Ya'll keep looking, though.
Homosexuality is all throughout nature, plants, insects, animals. Even Jesus was gay.
LOL. I've heard it all before, so don't even bother. You'll be wasting your time.

We won't, just stop reading the thread.
What will you do if it is proven that there is a gay gene? Oh wait, that's right, you take that as blanket permission to force preemptive abortions on five percent of the population.

There is no homo gene. It's a sin problem.
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Science is finding genetic markers that point to tendencies toward homosexual orientation.
Since sexual orientation operates along a continuum, if those markers are sufficiently present, all that remains are environment and social factors and whether or not the person actually identifies as such due to their own introspection.
If they do not, then they simply try to deal with what is now referred to as "closeted" tendencies.
If their orientation is equally straight and gay, they wouldn't necessarily identify as gay but instead might live as a straight person but occasionally experiment with bisexuality.
Again, this is because sexuality is a continuum, and seldom "binary".
Give me the name of the scientists that are finding genetic markers of homosexuality.
Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.
UC Bezerkley Psychologist, LOL. Like a dog chasing his tail.
No matter what the cause is, it requires a conscious decision to engage such behavior. That is a fact. It doesn't matter what you feel. It is actions that matter. So, even if there was a genetic cause (There isn't) it is a persons choice to indulge those feelings.
If HETEROSEXUALITY were considered wrong or undesirable, would YOU be able to not be heterosexual? Do you think that anyone would have the right to demand that you give up YOUR sexuality? Be honest. And no bullshit about heterosexuality not being wrong. The question is WHAT IF?
What if monkeys flew out of your butt?
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