Heavy Gunfire Reported At Ukraine Airport


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Ukraine is sending in combat troops to evict 'separatists' from some building in Eastern Ukraine.

Russia says Ukraine close to civil war as Kiev begins offensive | Reuters

The AP is reporting Heavy Gunfire at a Ukraine Airport

Heavy gunfire at airport in Ukraine after troops move against pro-Russia militia | CTV News

It's unclear what the reporter means by 'heavy' gunfire.

If there's a lot of small weapons fire.... As in 'really a lot' or if there's Heavy weapons being fired -- Artillery, mortars, etc.

In another post I remarked that Putin knows he has limited time to accomplish his goals. One reason (the biggest) is who currently infest the white house. Another is that Europe lacks the leadership, either indigenous or external (as in from the liar in chief) to organize any resistance.

I think this is it. I think this is the excuse Putin is looking for. I think he sends his tanks in soon. Real soon.

Or not. But I think so. I don't judge Putin to be one of those old soviet style leaders who has to have a consensus before he does anything, I think he's ready to rock n' roll.

Wonder what obama has planned? :lmao:

Maybe a sternly worded letter?

Maybe he'll forbid another 31 Russians to visit Disney World. This time, maybe he'll keep them from seeing Shamu as well.
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I have a hard time generating any sympathy for this Ukrainian regime.

Consider that they had around 7.5 MILLION people murdered by the socialist Russians under Stalin for the crime of wanting to keep some of what they grew to feed their own families with.

Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from 'Морити голодом', "Killing by Starvation" [3][4][5]) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1932 and 1933 that killed up to 7.5 million Ukrainians.[6] During the famine, which is also known as the "Terror-Famine in Ukraine" and "Famine-Genocide in Ukraine",[7][8][9] millions of citizens of Ukrainian SSR, the majority of whom were Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[10] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by the independent Ukraine and several other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people.[11]

How can anybody NOT sympathize with them? :dunno:

BTW, Walter Duranty, dimocrap scumbag extraordinaire, was the Moscow Bureau Chief for the New Yawk Slimes during that period.

He knew what was going on and the Slimes knew what was going on.

But it was never reported by the Slimes or by Duranty. All the Slimes and Duranty ever wrote were glowing reports about the fairness, equality and progressiveness of the Soviet socialism. (A 'soviet' is a workers council)

Duranty was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his work in Moscow.

Ukrainian survivors and some right-thinking Americans tried to get the scumbag's Pulitzer revoked.

The Pulitzer committee refused.

People wonder why I HATE the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM?

The shit going on today isn't 'new'. It's been going on since Randolph Hearst. And then some.

Our media is shit.
I have a hard time generating any sympathy for this Ukrainian regime.

They kicked out an autocratic Russian puppet who was pillaging the national treasury.

So they have that going for them.

Do you like Putin's regime more than the Ukrainian one? Because it sounds like you are excusing the Russian invasion.
The EU backed Ukranians are a minority. The majority will not be dragged into the EU filth against their will. This is a civil war and we need to stay out of it. This cannot be allowed to turn into another Syria. Fortunately, President Putin has a sane head and won't let it come to that.
I have a hard time generating any sympathy for this Ukrainian regime.

They kicked out an autocratic Russian puppet who was pillaging the national treasury.

So they have that going for them.

Do you like Putin's regime more than the Ukrainian one? Because it sounds like you are excusing the Russian invasion.

It's a long story, but if you have a minute.

The current Ukrainian government - who threw out the pro-Russian government with the support of the U.S. are scary. The hyper-nationalism and ethic purity measures they've put into place are just plain scary - they remind me of Nazi Germany.

As to the invasion - I denounced it strongly at first. But then, the more I saw and researched, the less I denounce.

Russia and the Ukraine had a treaty that allowed Russia to keep the base in Crimea. The Ukrainians started saying that they may revoke that, revoke the autonomy that Crimea (which is full of ethnic Russians) enjoys, and they started harsh discrimination against ethnic Russians.

I'm not saying it's altogether right, but Russia wasn't going to just kiss that base goodbye. What did Reagan say he invaded Grenada to do? Oh yeah, protect Americans who were there. Putin said and did the same in Crimea. And he invaded to enforce the treaty.

Lot of blame (and past blame) that one can fling about.

But the bottom line is that I have a real hard time feeling any sympathy for this Ukrainian regime.
Ukraine is sending in combat troops to evict 'separatists' from some building in Eastern Ukraine.

Russia says Ukraine close to civil war as Kiev begins offensive | Reuters

The AP is reporting Heavy Gunfire at a Ukraine Airport

Heavy gunfire at airport in Ukraine after troops move against pro-Russia militia | CTV News

It's unclear what the reporter means by 'heavy' gunfire.

If there's a lot of small weapons fire.... As in 'really a lot' or if there's Heavy weapons being fired -- Artillery, mortars, etc.

In another post I remarked that Putin knows he has limited time to accomplish his goals. One reason (the biggest) is who currently infest the white house. Another is that Europe lacks the leadership, either indigenous or external (as in from the liar in chief) to organize any resistance.

I think this is it. I think this is the excuse Putin is looking for. I think he sends his tanks in soon. Real soon.

Or not. But I think so. I don't judge Putin to be one of those old soviet style leaders who has to have a consensus before he does anything, I think he's ready to rock n' roll.

Wonder what obama has planned? :lmao:

Maybe a sternly worded letter?

Maybe he'll forbid another 31 Russians to visit Disney World. This time, maybe he'll keep them from seeing Shamu as well.
The Russians are doing the equivalent to taking two male cats and stuffing them into a burlap sack...
The EU backed Ukranians are a minority. The majority will not be dragged into the EU filth against their will. This is a civil war and we need to stay out of it. This cannot be allowed to turn into another Syria. Fortunately, President Putin has a sane head and won't let it come to that.

Hasn't he cum in your mouth yet?
The EU backed Ukranians are a minority. The majority will not be dragged into the EU filth against their will. This is a civil war and we need to stay out of it. This cannot be allowed to turn into another Syria. Fortunately, President Putin has a sane head and won't let it come to that.

Hasn't he cum in your mouth yet?

awwww, c'mon man. You're better than that.
This is really over. Pro EU Ukranians don't have a prayer. Ukranian military is defecting and taking tanks with them.

Pro-Russia separatists take armor, humiliating Ukraine forces

KRAMATORSK/SLAVIANSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - Separatists flew the Russian flag on armored vehicles taken from the Ukrainian army on Wednesday, humiliating a Kiev government operation to recapture eastern towns controlled by pro-Moscow partisans.

Six armored personnel carriers were driven into the rebel-held town of Slaviansk to waves and shouts of "Russia! Russia!". It was not immediately clear whether they had been captured by rebels or handed over to them by Ukrainian deserters.

One thing for certain. Neither the US nor any EU country will be sending any weapons to the Ukraine.
Ill be praying for the people there. I have much sympathy for the people in the Ukraine even if the government is questionable.

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