Her Movie must be as Bad as She is’

The fact that I would never vote Republican lying greedy idiot mega rich scumbag Party proves you are wrong again as always. If you don't vote democratic at this point, U R the problem.... It's been so long since we had progress it's ridiculous. Except for Obamacare and the infrastructure and Medicare bills under Biden, but they are small stuff compared to what we need. We need to tax the rich again and invest in America again.
Such a wasted education.
At the moment the Republicans are blocking cheap college and training because they have to save the rich from paying their fair share in taxes. They are greedy and stupid period end of story. But great liars fantastic at getting elected and pulling the wool over the eyes of the ignoramuses. Politically of course

Pure fantasy. Sad.
Tell me about a democratic stabbing of people. I could go on forever about your scumbag lying party, the only party in the world that denies global warming, election security in the US and vaccine pandemic etcetera. pathetic.
Exactly like a Trumper. Delusional. Cultist.
Opening the borders to a flood of illegal aliens.
Reopening our immigration system after four years of racist policy. Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that included a work ID card that would end this stupid GOP catastrophe forever and be like every other modern country that has this problem. It's also about time we stopped the GOP policy of screwing countries in Latin America over so bad that refugees are here in force- most of these people are from Venezuela and Nicaragua- 60% of these people are given asylum, the rest are deported. Vote Democrat for chrissake your party is a catastrophe and a disgrace.
Reopening our immigration system after four years of racist policy. Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that included a work ID card that would end this stupid GOP catastrophe forever and be like every other modern country that has this problem. It's also about time we stopped the GOP policy of screwing countries in Latin America over so bad that refugees are here in force- most of these people are from Venezuela and Nicaragua- 60% of these people are given asylum, the rest are deported. Vote Democrat for chrissake your party is a catastrophe and a disgrace.
Work ID card? Those are racist, Racist.
Reopening our immigration system after four years of racist policy. Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that included a work ID card that would end this stupid GOP catastrophe forever and be like every other modern country that has this problem. It's also about time we stopped the GOP policy of screwing countries in Latin America over so bad that refugees are here in force- most of these people are from Venezuela and Nicaragua. Vote Democrat for chrissake your party is a catastrophe and a disgrace.

Reopening our immigation system

To a flood of illegal aliens.

Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that included a work ID card that would end this stupid GOP catastrophe forever

Obama couldn't pass it with huge Dem majorities in the House and Senate?

It's also about time we stopped the GOP policy of screwing countries in Latin America over so bad that refugees are here in force

Why did Obama and now Biden screw countries in Latin America over so bad?

most of these people are from Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Fleeing commie shitholes? Who could have seen that coming?
Exactly like a Trumper. Delusional. Cultist.
How am I delusional, tell me one of my delusions, brainwashed functional moron republican. Yes you vote republican never Democrat. You anarchist libertarians are just another branch of the brainwashed bS GOP who have no clue whatsoever about what's going on in the world. You only watch fox and listen to conspiracy nutjobs on the Internet. You're like most of my friends around here. I will talk to GOP women about politics but the men are dangerous. lol
Reopening our immigation system

To a flood of illegal aliens.

Pass the 2010 democratic Immigration Bill that included a work ID card that would end this stupid GOP catastrophe forever

Obama couldn't pass it with huge Dem majorities in the House and Senate?

It's also about time we stopped the GOP policy of screwing countries in Latin America over so bad that refugees are here in force

Why did Obama and now Biden screw countries in Latin America over so bad?

most of these people are from Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Fleeing commie shitholes? Who could have seen that coming?
Asylum seekers are not illegal aliens and most of these people will get asylum as they are from GOP wrecked countries... Obama had 60 votes in the Senate for 30 days in session and barely passed Obamacare. Try Google I'm not your mother. Nicaragua and Venezuela are not communists, they are socialists, and since we are totally brainwashed and don't know the difference between the two, they are socialist states under incredible pressure and sanctions from the United states. So say hello to your refugees... great job!. hands off Latin America the Cold War is over....

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