Here come the GOP!!!

Perhaps you have him confused with Hunter, a guy who was discharged because of being a dope head and would be chasing ambulances around if not for his father. That's the asshole. Bobulenski is the exact opposite of Hunter.
Not many Yale Law School graduates are ambulance chasers.
Not entirely buying the excuse concerning diesel. While there are several legislative proposals to reinstate the ban on crude oil and natural gas exports, there are no such proposals regarding diesel. That is primary a function of the War on Ukraine and an unwillingness to alienate European allies. An easy proposal, temporarily suspend the Jones Act, which requires American ships with American crews to handle all shipments of diesel within the US. That requirement does not apply to exports and often times exporters can ship to foreign nations in South America cheaper than domestic shipments.

And the excuse, that Republicans only control the House and not the Senate or the White House only enhances the ignorance of these investigations. Is a Democrat Senate going to impeach Biden? It is political grandstanding at best, and pissing in the wind at worse. Countless hours and millions of dollars spent for something that will achieve little if anything
Countless hours and millions of dollars spent for something that will achieve little if anything
Democrats had no chance for a supermajority to remove Trump, and the second one was totally ridiculous, considering he only had 2 weeks left in office

The House now is the opposite party of the White House. Does everyone know what time it is?

That's right everyone, it's time for another impeachment!!!

View attachment 727758

But do we care? Will the media care like they did against Trump?

Obviously not.

Personally, I think it an entire waste of time having to investigate a President whose son sells paintings that sell for higher prices than for a Rembrandt or Picaso to oligarchs in Russia and China. I mean really, is the truth not painfully evident already?

And if and when they uncover it, does America have the stomach to watch it all get ignored once again?

As much as a Biden hater as I am, I have to say, I'm not sure I will watch any of it, just to keep my blood pressure down and try to maintain some measure of sanity, that is.
Lol, gunna be like that red wave we just had. Lol.
The President has the most control over fuel. Congress cannot order more drilling or issue more exploration or drilling permits. Diesel? That's a worldwide trade. We import diesel and export diesel. It's always worked that way.

Same with the border. Only the President can order more patrol, more walls, policies regarding entering the country, VISA's and green cards. The House is only one branch out of three, and it's the only one Republicans control.

What you're suggesting is that the House controls the entire federal government and policies. It doesn't work that way. A Republican led House can minimize some of the damage from the White House, but can't turn it entirely around.
need courts for that.
Reminds me of when Biden referred to black children as "roaches"

He was asked to clarify, he refused

My guess is Hunter will also refuse.
Or poor kids who should get what white kids get.
Really? That's exactly what the commies were doing and what did it cost them? Oh yes, I remember, they won the White House and kept leadership of the House.

Are the GOP the Nazi’s?

I swear, but go ahead and go down that road and when it backfires just remember your political will be out of power again in 2024.

Are the GOP the Nazi’s?

I swear, but go ahead and go down that road and when it backfires just remember your political will be out of power again in 2024.

I call them what they are, pure and simple. I back up my claims as well. All you have to do is go to the US Communist party website and read their agenda. Not much different than the Democrat party. And if you go there, read how they endorsed or wrote praise pieces about Democrat contenders of any presidential campaign.
I call them what they are, pure and simple. I back up my claims as well. All you have to do is go to the US Communist party website and read their agenda. Not much different than the Democrat party. And if you go there, read how they endorsed or wrote praise pieces about Democrat contenders of any presidential campaign.
Yeah, and the DSA is also a branch of the Democratic Party, so what?

Green also have communists amongst them, so what again?

In the end being Communist isn’t against the law, so I hate to tell you they have the right to be one just like some Neo-Nazis ran on the GOP ticket but I would say all members of the GOP are Neo-Nazi’s…

In the end you are no better than the lunatics that thought it was wise to go after Trump on Impeachment for the Ukraine…
Yeah, and the DSA is also a branch of the Democratic Party, so what?

Green also have communists amongst them, so what again?

In the end being Communist isn’t against the law, so I hate to tell you they have the right to be one just like some Neo-Nazis ran on the GOP ticket but I would say all members of the GOP are Neo-Nazi’s…

In the end you are no better than the lunatics that thought it was wise to go after Trump on Impeachment for the Ukraine…

Where did I say it was against the law? You chimed in on my comment and I defended it with clear cut evidence. You may not like it, but it is what it is.
Where did I say it was against the law? You chimed in on my comment and I defended it with clear cut evidence. You may not like it, but it is what it is.
Ummm, you responded to me and I didn’t chimed in on shit!
Really? That's exactly what the commies were doing and what did it cost them? Oh yes, I remember, they won the White House and kept leadership of the House.
So it was you that responded to my post with your Commie nonsense… Why do you want to be like those nasty Commies you hate so much?
Ummm, you responded to me and I didn’t chimed in on shit!

So it was you that responded to my post with your Commie nonsense… Why do you want to be like those nasty Commies you hate so much?

My comment was on impeachment, not about what Democrats actually are. You're the one that took issue with me calling them commies.
My comment was on impeachment, not about what Democrats actually are. You're the one that took issue with me calling them commies.
No, I have talked about the impeached also, so why are you wanting to be like those commies you hate so much and waste time on something you will never achieve seeing you lack the votes to convict and remove?

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