here's my plan to fix Obamacare

You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

The best replacement for Obamacare is getting the government out of healthcare.
That's been a ridiculously expensive failure for years. 50%+ more expensive than anywhere else, with worse results and many scams, dupe..
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.
Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
I suggest you and your ilk start defending conservatism or just go fly a kite.

I suggest that I will no longer have to listen to your rampant stupidity any more after just a couple of clicks!

You are a waste of human skin that consumes oxygen, expels carbon dioxide, and radiates heat. Anything more than that is likely beyond your mental faculties.

Sounds like you stopped listening to anything long ago.

I stopped listening to stupid liberals who refuse to see their own hypocrisy.

You may be next!
Medicaid is just another social welfare program where one group is forced to pay for something for another group.

If you want someone without coverage to be covered, buy their coverage with your money.

I have a solution for the ER care problem. Stop making those that didn't get care pay for and make those that did pay their own damn bills.
You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Health and Pharma.

My healthcare coverage was just fine before Obamacare. No problems. Worked for ME just fine. Not my problem the freeloaders can't provide for themselves.
Great until you get really sick- and cut off, like 500k/year bankrupts....the freeloaders ended up at the ER REALLY sick, and ditto.

Oh, the typical doom and gloom leftist bullshit.
I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.

No such thing as free anything, dumbass.

Since Obama is the one that claims to have created 11 million jobs while in office, those crap jobs belong to him.
That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

The best replacement for Obamacare is getting the government out of healthcare.
That's been a ridiculously expensive failure for years. 50%+ more expensive than anywhere else, with worse results and many scams, dupe..

Only for those unwilling to provide something to themselves they should be providing to themselves.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
I suggest you and your ilk start defending conservatism or just go fly a kite.

I suggest that I will no longer have to listen to your rampant stupidity any more after just a couple of clicks!

You are a waste of human skin that consumes oxygen, expels carbon dioxide, and radiates heat. Anything more than that is likely beyond your mental faculties.

Sounds like you stopped listening to anything long ago.

I stopped listening to stupid liberals who refuse to see their own hypocrisy.

You may be next!

I still listen to WHAT they say. It's hilarious to see people where attempts to educate them have been made only to have them continue to prove their incapable of learning. At some point after trying to educate them on multiple occasion, you realize that it's no longer an unwillingness to learn but an inability to do so.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.

No such thing as free anything, dumbass.

Since Obama is the one that claims to have created 11 million jobs while in office, those crap jobs belong to him.
Cal Public college was free until Reagan became Gov. He and the GOP ended the Greatest Generation economy/ed system.

Since the GOP refuses cheaper college loans and training for tech jobs, FOREVER, and Reaganism rolls on over the nonrich, etc etc, this is still a GOP economy, dupe.
We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.

No such thing as free anything, dumbass.

Since Obama is the one that claims to have created 11 million jobs while in office, those crap jobs belong to him.
Cal Public college was free until Reagan became Gov. He and the GOP ended the Greatest Generation economy/ed system.

Since the GOP refuses cheaper college loans and training for tech jobs, FOREVER, and Reaganism rolls on over the nonrich, etc etc, this is still a GOP economy, dupe.

There's no such thing. SOMEONE had to pay for it. That it wasn't the one using it doesn't mean there wasn't a cost to it. What's so hard to understand about that, retard.

My college was free. Not in the manner you support by forcing one group to pay for it on behalf of another. It was an earned freebie funded by those making the choice to REWARD me for hard work academically and athletically. It required hard work to get it not just sticking my hand out and demanding someone else do for me what freeloader's parents won't do for their own kids.
I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
I suggest you and your ilk start defending conservatism or just go fly a kite.

I suggest that I will no longer have to listen to your rampant stupidity any more after just a couple of clicks!

You are a waste of human skin that consumes oxygen, expels carbon dioxide, and radiates heat. Anything more than that is likely beyond your mental faculties.

Sounds like you stopped listening to anything long ago.

I stopped listening to stupid liberals who refuse to see their own hypocrisy.

You may be next!

I still listen to WHAT they say. It's hilarious to see people where attempts to educate them have been made only to have them continue to prove their incapable of learning. At some point after trying to educate them on multiple occasion, you realize that it's no longer an unwillingness to learn but an inability to do so.
I see you were educated at Trump University!!!!!:beer:
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.

No such thing as free anything, dumbass.

Since Obama is the one that claims to have created 11 million jobs while in office, those crap jobs belong to him.
He didn't creat 11 million jobs by himself! The GOP Congress helped him out tremendously.
You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Health and Pharma.

My healthcare coverage was just fine before Obamacare. No problems. Worked for ME just fine. Not my problem the freeloaders can't provide for themselves.
Great until you get really sick- and cut off, like 500k/year bankrupts....the freeloaders ended up at the ER REALLY sick, and ditto.

Oh, the typical doom and gloom leftist bullshit.
Until it happens to you, stupid. Perfect dupe of rich a-hole GOP...
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.

No such thing as free anything, dumbass.

Since Obama is the one that claims to have created 11 million jobs while in office, those crap jobs belong to him.
Cal Public college was free until Reagan became Gov. He and the GOP ended the Greatest Generation economy/ed system.

Since the GOP refuses cheaper college loans and training for tech jobs, FOREVER, and Reaganism rolls on over the nonrich, etc etc, this is still a GOP economy, dupe.

There's no such thing. SOMEONE had to pay for it. That it wasn't the one using it doesn't mean there wasn't a cost to it. What's so hard to understand about that, retard.

My college was free. Not in the manner you support by forcing one group to pay for it on behalf of another. It was an earned freebie funded by those making the choice to REWARD me for hard work academically and athletically. It required hard work to get it not just sticking my hand out and demanding someone else do for me what freeloader's parents won't do for their own kids.
That wasn't free either by your definition. DUH. Stupid GOPers lol.....
That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Health and Pharma.

My healthcare coverage was just fine before Obamacare. No problems. Worked for ME just fine. Not my problem the freeloaders can't provide for themselves.
Great until you get really sick- and cut off, like 500k/year bankrupts....the freeloaders ended up at the ER REALLY sick, and ditto.

Oh, the typical doom and gloom leftist bullshit.
Until it happens to you, stupid. Perfect dupe of rich a-hole GOP...

Dupe is as dupe does.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Health and Pharma.

My healthcare coverage was just fine before Obamacare. No problems. Worked for ME just fine. Not my problem the freeloaders can't provide for themselves.
Great until you get really sick- and cut off, like 500k/year bankrupts....the freeloaders ended up at the ER REALLY sick, and ditto.

Oh, the typical doom and gloom leftist bullshit.
Until it happens to you, stupid. Perfect dupe of rich a-hole GOP...

Dupe is as dupe does.
I'm no dupe. You believe a pile of GOP BS propaganda and vote against your own interests, dupe. LOL. See sig.
I suggest you and your ilk start defending conservatism or just go fly a kite.

I suggest that I will no longer have to listen to your rampant stupidity any more after just a couple of clicks!

You are a waste of human skin that consumes oxygen, expels carbon dioxide, and radiates heat. Anything more than that is likely beyond your mental faculties.

Sounds like you stopped listening to anything long ago.

I stopped listening to stupid liberals who refuse to see their own hypocrisy.

You may be next!

I still listen to WHAT they say. It's hilarious to see people where attempts to educate them have been made only to have them continue to prove their incapable of learning. At some point after trying to educate them on multiple occasion, you realize that it's no longer an unwillingness to learn but an inability to do so.
I see you were educated at Trump University!!!!!:beer:

I see you're one of those unable to learn.
We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.

No such thing as free anything, dumbass.

Since Obama is the one that claims to have created 11 million jobs while in office, those crap jobs belong to him.
He didn't creat 11 million jobs by himself! The GOP Congress helped him out tremendously.

The Obama supporters beg to differ with you.
The only way to fix Obamacare is to repeal it and replace it with something that helps the people and not punish them and something not run or controlled by government!
That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Health and Pharma.

My healthcare coverage was just fine before Obamacare. No problems. Worked for ME just fine. Not my problem the freeloaders can't provide for themselves.
Great until you get really sick- and cut off, like 500k/year bankrupts....the freeloaders ended up at the ER REALLY sick, and ditto.

Oh, the typical doom and gloom leftist bullshit.
Until it happens to you, stupid. Perfect dupe of rich a-hole GOP...

Oh, the typical doom and gloom of a good for nothing Liberal asshole.
What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
We used to have free or cheap public U's until Reagan. Now they graduate with huge loans and crap GOP jobs. Great job, dupe.

No such thing as free anything, dumbass.

Since Obama is the one that claims to have created 11 million jobs while in office, those crap jobs belong to him.
Cal Public college was free until Reagan became Gov. He and the GOP ended the Greatest Generation economy/ed system.

Since the GOP refuses cheaper college loans and training for tech jobs, FOREVER, and Reaganism rolls on over the nonrich, etc etc, this is still a GOP economy, dupe.

There's no such thing. SOMEONE had to pay for it. That it wasn't the one using it doesn't mean there wasn't a cost to it. What's so hard to understand about that, retard.

My college was free. Not in the manner you support by forcing one group to pay for it on behalf of another. It was an earned freebie funded by those making the choice to REWARD me for hard work academically and athletically. It required hard work to get it not just sticking my hand out and demanding someone else do for me what freeloader's parents won't do for their own kids.
That wasn't free either by your definition. DUH. Stupid GOPers lol.....

The big difference is the money I received for my hard work both academically and athletically to go to school was done voluntarily by those doing the giving. What you propose is mandating that a group you think has too much fund it for a group you think has too little. In other words, I EARNED mine and you support simply handing it someone for having done nothing but being a freeloader.

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