here's my plan to fix Obamacare

You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
Obviously Red State Amerika has elected a Con Man Fascist into the WH.......what could go wrong over the next 4 years!!!!
It's a tax aimed at the freeloaders .
Incorrect. The freeloaders get theirs FREE from those mandated to buy it for them!

If someone is so poor that they are getting free healthcare , then they were qualified before Obamacare anyway .
Great work! Now no one in the middle class can afford it either. Great work!
Meanwhile people who have served or are serving in the military automatically get tax payer sociallized medical care! Why? We an ALL volunteer military......they aren't forced to join the military.......why do they get tax payer paid socialized medical care?????
Write yer congressman a strongly worded letter.
Drown your cats and shut up!!!!
Incorrect. The freeloaders get theirs FREE from those mandated to buy it for them!

If someone is so poor that they are getting free healthcare , then they were qualified before Obamacare anyway .
Great work! Now no one in the middle class can afford it either. Great work!
Meanwhile people who have served or are serving in the military automatically get tax payer sociallized medical care! Why? We an ALL volunteer military......they aren't forced to join the military.......why do they get tax payer paid socialized medical care?????
Write yer congressman a strongly worded letter.
Drown your cats and shut up!!!!
Make me.
If someone is so poor that they are getting free healthcare , then they were qualified before Obamacare anyway .
Great work! Now no one in the middle class can afford it either. Great work!
Meanwhile people who have served or are serving in the military automatically get tax payer sociallized medical care! Why? We an ALL volunteer military......they aren't forced to join the military.......why do they get tax payer paid socialized medical care?????
Write yer congressman a strongly worded letter.
Drown your cats and shut up!!!!
Make me.
BBQ cats taste good after you gut them!!!!
Great work! Now no one in the middle class can afford it either. Great work!
Meanwhile people who have served or are serving in the military automatically get tax payer sociallized medical care! Why? We an ALL volunteer military......they aren't forced to join the military.......why do they get tax payer paid socialized medical care?????

Just exactly how do I get medical care after serving 23 years active and reserve? I get my medical care as a benefit of my employment as a civilian.

Just what we need are more liberals talking out of their ass.
according to the left you dont deserve medical care after leaving the military, you barely deserve it while in. Why? because you have never done anything for the country, ever, unlike Rasteeshia and her 15 ghetto rats that inhance our society by sitting on their asses all day smoking crack and spreading aids through their unprotected sex, and while they are doing that their little ghetto rats are out stealing from cars parked by those lazy ungrateful bastards that get up and drive into work every day.
Maybe you should try taking a clue from Rasteeshia and start contributing to society like she does instead of sucking off of the government teat while you pretend that getting shot at by a bunch of muslim animals is such a scary thing.
I mean for christs sake, Rasteeshia takes the chance of being shot in a drive by every day when she goes out to enhance the community with her 600lbs unwashed frame shoved into a size 2 spandex.
Ay caramba. Actually, the left wants health care for all. A hellllluva lot cheaper than this GOP mess...thanks for the racist version...
cheaper for who? not those that actually work. only cheaper for those that just continue to suck this country dry.
You want costs to come under control? make it legal to refuse care for anyone that cant pay for the services. sooner or later, everyone will have insurance.
I had to put my truck in the shop today, most likely going to cost around 1500 to get it back. Im doing it without insurance to pay for it. I have to pay out of pocket.
Since I need my truck to get back and forth to work, and since there are no bus services where I live, I figure that I should have this bill covered by the taxpayer, why should I have to be out just because I failed to by an extended warranty when it was offered.
how about you start by sending me a check to cover the costs.
You should get to work using Horse and Buggy.....and stop bitching fixing your truck!!!!!!
Considering that there is no level of health care that is an inalienable Right, the number of people who are helped by the health care system on a,yearly basis is immensely larger than those who leave themselves vulnerable and endure unpleasantness because of it.
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
Conservative favorite pass time is eating kitty
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
I suggest you and your ilk start defending conservatism or just go fly a kite.
American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
I suggest you and your ilk start defending conservatism or just go fly a kite.

I suggest that I will no longer have to listen to your rampant stupidity any more after just a couple of clicks!

You are a waste of human skin that consumes oxygen, expels carbon dioxide, and radiates heat. Anything more than that is likely beyond your mental faculties.
You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol
We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?

If he really was a Nationalist and an Authoritarian I'd love him. I don't see him actually following through on any truly useful Nationalistic policies.
how many people who leave themselves vulnerable as you say, do it purposefully?......just asking....

American society has a deep psychologial problem, we NEED to see someone punished, for something, hell anything. And the poor are just so damn easy.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
There are lots of definitions. Show us yours.
Liberal? I'll go with JFK's.
Meanwhile people who have served or are serving in the military automatically get tax payer sociallized medical care! Why? We an ALL volunteer military......they aren't forced to join the military.......why do they get tax payer paid socialized medical care?????

Just exactly how do I get medical care after serving 23 years active and reserve? I get my medical care as a benefit of my employment as a civilian.

Just what we need are more liberals talking out of their ass.
according to the left you dont deserve medical care after leaving the military, you barely deserve it while in. Why? because you have never done anything for the country, ever, unlike Rasteeshia and her 15 ghetto rats that inhance our society by sitting on their asses all day smoking crack and spreading aids through their unprotected sex, and while they are doing that their little ghetto rats are out stealing from cars parked by those lazy ungrateful bastards that get up and drive into work every day.
Maybe you should try taking a clue from Rasteeshia and start contributing to society like she does instead of sucking off of the government teat while you pretend that getting shot at by a bunch of muslim animals is such a scary thing.
I mean for christs sake, Rasteeshia takes the chance of being shot in a drive by every day when she goes out to enhance the community with her 600lbs unwashed frame shoved into a size 2 spandex.
Ay caramba. Actually, the left wants health care for all. A hellllluva lot cheaper than this GOP mess...thanks for the racist version...
cheaper for who? not those that actually work. only cheaper for those that just continue to suck this country dry.
You want costs to come under control? make it legal to refuse care for anyone that cant pay for the services. sooner or later, everyone will have insurance.
I had to put my truck in the shop today, most likely going to cost around 1500 to get it back. Im doing it without insurance to pay for it. I have to pay out of pocket.
Since I need my truck to get back and forth to work, and since there are no bus services where I live, I figure that I should have this bill covered by the taxpayer, why should I have to be out just because I failed to by an extended warranty when it was offered.
how about you start by sending me a check to cover the costs.
You should get to work using Horse and Buggy.....and stop bitching fixing your truck!!!!!!
no I think you should pay for my maintenance costs. I dont have access to a bus route so its your responsibility to make sure I can get places.
how is wanting someone to develop a degree of self respect and then have them go out and actually support themselves punishing them?

Liberals don't believe in personal responsibility.
Let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history: Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism.
History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above. And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly

Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed

I suggest you look up the meaning of conservative.
I suggest you and your ilk start defending conservatism or just go fly a kite.

I suggest that I will no longer have to listen to your rampant stupidity any more after just a couple of clicks!

You are a waste of human skin that consumes oxygen, expels carbon dioxide, and radiates heat. Anything more than that is likely beyond your mental faculties.

Sounds like you stopped listening to anything long ago.
we need to open up the insurance exchanges for competition. why are men covered for birth control???

we need to block grant medicaid to the states, too!
The exchanges are open, but the GOP and their crony insurers refused. They weren't making such huge profits as they wanted.

Everyone is covered for everything. Duh.

Why block Medicaid? You're already paying for ER care with no preventive care. Stooopid. Also guarantees coverage if you lose your job....

Medicaid is just another social welfare program where one group is forced to pay for something for another group.

If you want someone without coverage to be covered, buy their coverage with your money.

I have a solution for the ER care problem. Stop making those that didn't get care pay for and make those that did pay their own damn bills.
You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Health and Pharma.

My healthcare coverage was just fine before Obamacare. No problems. Worked for ME just fine. Not my problem the freeloaders can't provide for themselves.
Medicaid is just another social welfare program where one group is forced to pay for something for another group.

If you want someone without coverage to be covered, buy their coverage with your money.

I have a solution for the ER care problem. Stop making those that didn't get care pay for and make those that did pay their own damn bills.
You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

The best replacement for Obamacare is getting the government out of healthcare.
That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

We'll see. Trump is an authoritarian, and that's is where you and Anathema will learn to adore him. C'mon, are you telling me you didn't get a hard on at the idea of the President bullying companies into keeping jobs in the US?
That may help, but I'm just as interested in cheaper education and training for the good jobs that we should be getting from the new markets that are opening up, like Germany and the EU have...Good luck Mr. Businessman Trump. GROW! lol

What you're interested in is having one group of people pay for education on the behalf of kids whose own parents don't give enough of a shit about them to do it for their own.
You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Heath and Pharma.

I bet you'll end up a Trumpster before all is said and done.
He took a bad turn today. Repeal before replace.

The best replacement for Obamacare is getting the government out of healthcare.

Do you think the Congress will do that?
The exchanges are open, but the GOP and their crony insurers refused. They weren't making such huge profits as they wanted.

Everyone is covered for everything. Duh.

Why block Medicaid? You're already paying for ER care with no preventive care. Stooopid. Also guarantees coverage if you lose your job....

Medicaid is just another social welfare program where one group is forced to pay for something for another group.

If you want someone without coverage to be covered, buy their coverage with your money.

I have a solution for the ER care problem. Stop making those that didn't get care pay for and make those that did pay their own damn bills.
You're already paying for their ER care, without preventive care.

That's why I said it should stop. It's not one person's place to pay for another person's healthcare.
The courts say it is and hospitals can't say no. We're about to go back to the bad old days of 2012. Stupid. Cutoffs, scams,and no competition or cost regulation. Great for Big Health and Pharma.

My healthcare coverage was just fine before Obamacare. No problems. Worked for ME just fine. Not my problem the freeloaders can't provide for themselves.
Great until you get really sick- and cut off, like 500k/year bankrupts....the freeloaders ended up at the ER REALLY sick, and ditto.

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