Here’s Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

The old racist KKK Democrats either evolved or switched to the Republican Party. Senator Robert Byrd evolved and remained a Democrat. I'm not aware of any Democrats who are currently members of the KKK or any other white supremacist groups.

What you forget about the grand poo bah of the KKK supporting OWS?

KKK is still old white democrats down here.

Got any "credible" proof?
Leftists have been trying this song and dance for a long time. There was NO migration to the GOP. Three guys switched parties and only one was a racist, Strom Thurman, who renounced his past behavior.

The south wanted more economic freedom (sound familiar) and the GOP platform was more attractive so they grew while the Dems shrank. Today the Democrat party still relies heavily on race to divide and conquer.

No, the south was fine with all of FDR's economic programs, they were even willing to sign on with a national healthcare system, it was Truman desegregating the military and the Northern Democrats that advocated desegregation that changed everything in the coalition. Then Goldwater and Reagan said they were against the civil rights act, and the racists went over to vote for them ever since.

Harry Truman and Health Care Reform: The Debate Started Here | Pediatrics Perspectives | Pediatrics

The only state that voted against FDR all times was Vermont, because the old school republican party was very different, there were no bigots and religious fanatics like in modern times. Those guys were conservative democrats back then.
No, you don't get to rewrite history to suit your hatred. Sorry. Three guys jumped ship and not because of racial matter. The GOP helped pass civil rights legislation, the dems were holding it up.
Yes, the Civil Rights Act of '64 passed thanks to the Republicans.

Liberals spew some convoluted story about Democrats switching sides some time early in the 1900s (or thereabouts). What happened in the early '60s? Did they switch back?

Try asking one, and then sit a back and watch the convoluted fun (kinda like the OP).

Already examined in 63. We can elaborate if you like, but it won't fit into a quick sound bite or binary binder. History just don't work that way.
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.
Are you trying to say that Republicans are liberals now???

BTW, do you know what a legacy means???
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.

So Woodrow Wilson and FDR were conservatives?

Wilson certainly was. Pick up a history book some day.

That alone proves you're totally full of shit. Democrats have always been in favor of big government and tax and spend.

Actually, pick up TWO history books. Great big ones.
When the two current parties first appeared the Republicans were "big gummint" -- a legacy of the Whigs --- and the Democrats were "states rights" (decentralized).

Simultaneously, although it's not part of your post, the Republicans were the Liberal party and the Democrats the conservative.

That's right there in the history books. Which would seem to prove you're totally full of shit.
Leftists have been trying this song and dance for a long time. There was NO migration to the GOP. Three guys switched parties and only one was a racist, Strom Thurman, who renounced his past behavior.

The south wanted more economic freedom (sound familiar) and the GOP platform was more attractive so they grew while the Dems shrank. Today the Democrat party still relies heavily on race to divide and conquer.

No, the south was fine with all of FDR's economic programs, they were even willing to sign on with a national healthcare system, it was Truman desegregating the military and the Northern Democrats that advocated desegregation that changed everything in the coalition. Then Goldwater and Reagan said they were against the civil rights act, and the racists went over to vote for them ever since.

Harry Truman and Health Care Reform: The Debate Started Here | Pediatrics Perspectives | Pediatrics

The only state that voted against FDR all times was Vermont, because the old school republican party was very different, there were no bigots and religious fanatics like in modern times. Those guys were conservative democrats back then.
No, you don't get to rewrite history to suit your hatred. Sorry. Three guys jumped ship and not because of racial matter. The GOP helped pass civil rights legislation, the dems were holding it up.
Yes, the Civil Rights Act of '64 passed thanks to the Republicans.

Liberals spew some convoluted story about Democrats switching sides some time early in the 1900s (or thereabouts). What happened in the early '60s? Did they switch back?

Try asking one, and then sit a back and watch the convoluted fun (kinda like the OP).

Already examined in 63. We can elaborate if you like, but it won't fit into a quick sound bite or binary binder. History just don't work that way.
If nobody reads what you post, is it really examined?
All of the openly and proudly racist groups today are democrats....

Black lives matter,
La raza.
the congressional black caucus
the new black panthers

And obama sat in an openly and proudly racist church for 20 years....
Leftists have been trying this song and dance for a long time. There was NO migration to the GOP. Three guys switched parties and only one was a racist, Strom Thurman, who renounced his past behavior.

The south wanted more economic freedom (sound familiar) and the GOP platform was more attractive so they grew while the Dems shrank. Today the Democrat party still relies heavily on race to divide and conquer.

No, the south was fine with all of FDR's economic programs, they were even willing to sign on with a national healthcare system, it was Truman desegregating the military and the Northern Democrats that advocated desegregation that changed everything in the coalition. Then Goldwater and Reagan said they were against the civil rights act, and the racists went over to vote for them ever since.

Harry Truman and Health Care Reform: The Debate Started Here | Pediatrics Perspectives | Pediatrics

The only state that voted against FDR all times was Vermont, because the old school republican party was very different, there were no bigots and religious fanatics like in modern times. Those guys were conservative democrats back then.
No, you don't get to rewrite history to suit your hatred. Sorry. Three guys jumped ship and not because of racial matter. The GOP helped pass civil rights legislation, the dems were holding it up.
Yes, the Civil Rights Act of '64 passed thanks to the Republicans.

Liberals spew some convoluted story about Democrats switching sides some time early in the 1900s (or thereabouts). What happened in the early '60s? Did they switch back?

Try asking one, and then sit a back and watch the convoluted fun (kinda like the OP).

Already examined in 63. We can elaborate if you like, but it won't fit into a quick sound bite or binary binder. History just don't work that way.
If nobody reads what you post, is it really examined?

*I* examined it. Whether you do is up to you.

Here's the guy I'm not posting for :lalala:

You posed a question I had already answered in detail. Ignoring it won't make it go away.
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.

Oooh look, more outright lies from ShittingBull!

You may be a liar and a scumbag, but at least you have no redeeming qualities. :thup:
The old racist KKK Democrats either evolved or switched to the Republican Party. Senator Robert Byrd evolved and remained a Democrat. I'm not aware of any Democrats who are currently members of the KKK or any other white supremacist groups.

That is a lie.
there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.
They still are, but blacks don't mind as long as they get their free shit from their Democrat masters.

they mind when Trump yammers about Mexicans,and Muslims because they know he's capable of doing it to them.
Illegals flooding the country is an issue everyone should be concerned with. Democrats just don't have the self-preservation gene.
The strained alliance between the more rural South and the immigrant urban dems of the North broke apart as the Dems were not offering the race voters of the South anything.

Civil Rights became a non issue as BOTH parties supported it.

Agree, although I would have said "didn't become an issue until both parties...".

There was no "Southern Strategy" in the sense of a outreach to racist voters.

Actually it's already been articulated, and apologized for:


From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.[1 --- Kevin Phillips, Nixon strategist, 1970

"You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******."" --- Lee Atwater, Republican Party strategist, 1981

"Republican candidates often have prospered by ignoring black voters and even by exploiting racial tensions," and, "by the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African-American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out. Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."[79][80] -- Ken Mehlman, RNC Chair, 2005
All here --- Southern Strategy Not a secret.


That's a pretty fancy word for, "you have ONE guy who said something that supports your self serving myth".

And that fact that you lefty liars have managed to convince some Establishment REpublcians that they have something to apologize for, doesn't make it real.

Nixon did NOT pander to the SOuther Racist.

He slammed though desegregation as fast as he could so that it would be a dead issue by the time of his reelection.

That was the closest he came to "pandering" to them.

THe GOP platform then, since then, and still today, has been pro-civil rights and any other claim is a vile lie designed to advance the partisan interests of the Left at the expense of tearing this nation apart.

That's a pretty fancy word for, "you have ONE guy who said something that supports your self serving myth".

"One guy" who speaks on behalf of the Republican Party --- its Chairman.

How many does it take? What do you want, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing it in choreographed unison?

Ken Mehlman told the truth. Good for him, it was the right thing to do. It always is.

And that fact that you lefty liars have managed to convince some Establishment REpublcians that they have something to apologize for, doesn't make it real.

Um-- it's a quote actually. It just don't get any more 'real'.

The bottom line remains -- Republicans exploited racism for votes in the recent past; Democrats exploited racism for votes in the further past. They're political parties. It's what they do.
The old racist KKK Democrats either evolved or switched to the Republican Party. Senator Robert Byrd evolved and remained a Democrat. I'm not aware of any Democrats who are currently members of the KKK or any other white supremacist groups.

What you forget about the grand poo bah of the KKK supporting OWS?

KKK is still old white democrats down here.

Got any "credible" proof?

Right here

KKK drops recruitment candy bags in Oconee Co. neighborhood

The Loyal democrat White Knights are allowed to speak their minds, protected under the First Amendment the same as anyone els
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.
Another delusional idiot with a keyboard. Dummy forgot the dems attempted to filibuster the Civil Rights Act.

Who’s Really Responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

KKK’s first targets were Republicans – read how Democrats started the group in “Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White”

Take note of this summation of Foner’s book: “In effect, the [Ku Klux] Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to destroy the Republican Party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, re-establish control of the black labor force and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern Life.”

What occurs to me as I read these stunning words is how successful the Democratic Party has actually been in achieving those goals over the last 130 years. Today, it not only has “control of the black labor force,” it has control over the black vote – the very vote it sought to deny for most of those 130 years after the War Between the States.

This is why the late Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. He understood the history. He recognized who represented political allies and political foes.

Here’s some more from Foner, who tells the story most Americans have never heard – that the Klan’s war was not just against blacks, it was against Republicans:

“Violence was typically directed at Reconstruction’s local leaders. As Emmanuel Fortune, driven from Jackson, County, Florida, by the Klan, explained: ‘The object of it is to kill out the leading men of the Republican Party … men who have taken a prominent stand.'”
“Jack Dupree, victim of a particularly brutal murder in Monroe County, Mississippi – assailants cut his throat and disemboweled him, all within sight of his wife, who had just given birth to twins – was ‘president of a Republican club’ and known as a man who ‘would speak his mind.'”
“On occasion, violence escalated from the victimization of individuals to wholesale assaults on the Republican Party and its leadership. In October 1870, after Republicans carried Laurens County, in South Carolina’s Piedmont belt, a racial altercation at Laurensville degenerated into a ‘negro chase’ in which bands of whites drove 150 freedmen from their homes and committed 13 murders. The victims included the newly elected white probate judge, a black legislator and others ‘known and prominent as connected with politics.'”
“Founded in 1866 as a Tennessee social club, the Ku Klux Klan spread into nearly every Southern state, launching a ‘reign of terror’ against Republican leaders black and white. Those assassinated during the campaign included Arkansas Congressman James M. Hinds, three members of the South Carolina legislature, and several men who had served in constitutional conventions. In Louisiana, even moderate ex-Governor Hahn by October complained that ‘murder and intimidation are the order of the day in this state.’ White gangs roamed New Orleans, intimidating blacks and breaking up Republican meetings. In St. Landry Parrish, a mob invaded the plantations, killing as many as 200 blacks. Commanding Gen. Lovell Rousseau, a friend and supporter of the president, refused to take action, urging blacks to stay away from the polls for self-protection and exulting that the ‘ascendance of the negro in this state is approaching its end.'”

I could go on and on with this well-documented history.

Not only are today’s Democrats lying about themselves and their opponents. They are telling a story that is the polar opposite of the truth.

How do they get away with it?

Who do you suppose really wants to keep blacks in chains?
In fact, look around – who has actually kept them on their plantation?

by Taboola
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The racist, bloody truth about Democrats

That's a pretty fancy word for, "you have ONE guy who said something that supports your self serving myth".

"One guy" who speaks on behalf of the Republican Party --- its Chairman.

How many does it take? What do you want, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing it in choreographed unison?

Ken Mehlman told the truth. Good for him, it was the right thing to do. It always is.

And that fact that you lefty liars have managed to convince some Establishment REpublcians that they have something to apologize for, doesn't make it real.

Um-- it's a quote actually. It just don't get any more 'real'.

The guy that apologized was not there. He knew nothing of it other than what he learned in history class. And he was taught bullshit.

That it is a quote from someone who swallowed lies does not make it real.

Nixon slammed though desegregation as fast as he could so that it would be a dead issue by the time of his reelection.

That was the closest he came to "pandering" to them.

Wilson certainly was. Pick up a history book some day.

WILSON? :rofl:

Pull your head out of your ass someday.

Wilson concluded that Americans must overcome their sentimentalism toward the past and fundamentally change their government, making it in theory as powerful as the socialists of his day speculated. In this unpublished essay written before he was 31, Wilson advocates “practical means of realizing for society the principles of socialism” by unshackling state power.

The rhetorically clever essay is significant not for its advocacy of socialism but rather for Wilson’s radical belief that democracy, including American democracy, has no inherent regard for individual rights, whether natural or political, and therefore contains no principled limits on government power over individuals. For Wilson, “omnipotence of legislation is the first postulate of all just political theory.” Assuming that “no line can be drawn between private and public affairs which the State may not cross at will,” he proceeds to develop a Progressive political science that takes from socialism “that all idea of a limitation of public authority by individual rights be put out of view.”}

Woodrow Wilson on Socialism and Democracy

You are a fucking idiot, both ignorant and dishonest.

Actually, pick up TWO history books. Great big ones.
When the two current parties first appeared the Republicans were "big gummint" -- a legacy of the Whigs --- and the Democrats were "states rights" (decentralized).


As always, there is zero truth to your claims.

You democrats demanded that the central authority impose upon states the burden to hunt down and return to you the people that you held in bondage as slaves.

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Simultaneously, although it's not part of your post, the Republicans were the Liberal party and the Democrats the conservative.

Ah yes, the big lie. Outrageously absurd, but that is part of the formula, isn't it.

No scumbag, Republicans were not advocates of high taxes and nationalizing of industries. Republicans of the time did not seek to impose restrictions on speech, religion, and association at a national level. You democrats did of course, just as you do now,. You sought to make it a crime for Republicans to associate with "coloreds" as you called them.

That's right there in the history books. Which would seem to prove you're totally full of shit.

History books? You know nothing of history, you just spew absurd leftist lies.
Democrats never change. Their solution is always violence.

They created the KKK during Jim Crow, and they created BLM last year after Ferguson.

It's the same mindset no matter what they call themselves.

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