High Profile DOJ Alum Push Back At Barr’s Flynn Shenanigans

We are witnessing the slow motion degradation of what is arguably the most important of all the government agencies.

Barr has sealed his place as the most corrupt AG in the history of the country. And it's not even close. Not even John Mitchell was this corrupt.

You call Barr corrupt but don't list any crimes. You delusional?
Eric Holder bragged he was Obama's "wingman" and he's okay in your book?
Eric Holder got several "contempt of congress" medals that he wears proudly, that's okay too?
Loretta Lynch apparently signed off on all sorts of illegal activities, she won't escape unscathed.
Your turn, list some illegal activities for Barr. Hint: You can't because he always follows the Law, he's a real AG.

Barr's really big mistake was to stop being obedient to Berg. He's gonna hang for that!

Nobody cares

Wow you cared when you accused Biden of getting a prosecutor fired just to stop a prosecution into a Ukrainian energy company.

Even though the facts proved the exact opposite.

So you care about this sort of thing when a democrat is accused of it but didn't do it.

You don't care if a republican is accused of it and actually did do it.


You're either a russian troll or seriously hates America, our constitution and rule of law.

Hows' the weather in today in moscow comrade?

I'm an American who fought for his Country, your judgments mean nothing to me. Your problem is that you are willfully blind partisan who lives by the rule
1) No Dem EVER does anything wrong
2) No Pub EVER does anything right
Flynn didn't do anything and you're too stupid to open your eyes to it. Why don't you show me where I EVER accused Biden of what you say?

It's a horrible idea to assume anything. Especially about me.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I could care less what party a person is from. If they are lying scum, they're lying scum. I've voted a variety of parties through the years. I don't believe you can say that honestly.

I spent my time in the military. I volunteered for the Air National Guard. I helped save lives when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

How many volcano eruptions have you been involved with, how many American lives did you save?

Keep your partisan garbage to yourself.

You don't give a damn about America and no matter what you say, I don't believe you're in America. I believe you're a russian troll.

How's the weather in moscow today comrade?
More than 1,900 former Justice Department employees on Monday repeated a call for William P. Barr to step down as attorney general, asserting in an open letter he had “once again assaulted the rule of law” by moving to drop the case against President Trump’s former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn.

The letter, organized by the nonprofit group Protect Democracy, was signed by Justice Department staffers serving in Republican and Democratic administrations dating back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The vast majority were former career staffers — rather than political appointees — who worked as federal prosecutors or supervisors at U.S. Attorney’s Offices across the country or the Justice Department in downtown Washington.

This is interesting.

Nearly 2000 former DOJ employees have signed this letter so far and the list is only going to grow.

Here's the letter:

50 million retarded dems would sign that, even the 10 percent that aspeaka no englesia
Unfortunately, the credibility of the DOJ and the FBI is in the shitter at this point.
Agreed. Ever since Barr took that position, career prosecutors have been heading for the hills.
Getting caught tends to make people run.
Being corrupt tends to drive the good ones away.

The DoJ is being turned into Trump’s political tool. Good career prosecutors don’t want to be a part of tearing our institutions down.
Isn’t it odd all of the people responsible for decimating the FBI’s reputation were obie people. Guess that never dawned on you.
Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Strzok, etc. etc.

Did you just wake up on this planet?
Strzok is career. Comey has worked for several administrations. Clapper and Brennan aren’t even in the FBI.
We are witnessing the slow motion degradation of what is arguably the most important of all the government agencies.

Barr has sealed his place as the most corrupt AG in the history of the country. And it's not even close. Not even John Mitchell was this corrupt.

You call Barr corrupt but don't list any crimes. You delusional?
Eric Holder bragged he was Obama's "wingman" and he's okay in your book?
Eric Holder got several "contempt of congress" medals that he wears proudly, that's okay too?
Loretta Lynch apparently signed off on all sorts of illegal activities, she won't escape unscathed.
Your turn, list some illegal activities for Barr. Hint: You can't because he always follows the Law, he's a real AG.

Berg is nothing more than a troll
He couldn't be anything else.
and billiejeens you're brainless
The FBI and DOJ coerce a confession out of a citizen by bankrupting the guy and threatening to attack his son and the left cheer? The world has turned upside down. I don't care what party you call home that can't be allowed to slide.
Interesting, maybe the Flynn case w
Nobody cares
That's the problem.

Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Seriously? "They had nothing on Flynn"?
They have the call intercepts of Flynn discussing sanctions and they have him lying about it. That is a slam dunk.

What was the question Flynn was asked and what was his answer? And how do you conclude that Flynn lied as opposed to lacking candor?
It's all spelled out in his indictment and subsequent pleas.
This is interesting.

Nearly 2000 former DOJ employees have signed this letter so far and the list is only going to grow.

Here's the letter:

50 million retarded dems would sign that, even the 10 percent that aspeaka no englesia
how many million moron americans voted for the shitstain trump? Bet you were one Let me ask ,if he says shit you ask what color? No need to answer I know
But the American people know Barr isn't about to step down, regardless to what the former DOJ employees are stating. They were probably leftover Obama folks.

Of course he won't step down. The only way to get rid of Barr is to get rid of Trump. Everybody knows that. Such massive condemnation of his abuse of his office, at the direction of Trump is yet another black mark against the great orange fool in the coming election.
Nobody cares

Wow you cared when you accused Biden of getting a prosecutor fired just to stop a prosecution into a Ukrainian energy company.

Even though the facts proved the exact opposite.

So you care about this sort of thing when a democrat is accused of it but didn't do it.

You don't care if a republican is accused of it and actually did do it.


You're either a russian troll or seriously hates America, our constitution and rule of law.

Hows' the weather in today in moscow comrade?

I'm an American who fought for his Country, your judgments mean nothing to me. Your problem is that you are willfully blind partisan who lives by the rule
1) No Dem EVER does anything wrong
2) No Pub EVER does anything right
Flynn didn't do anything and you're too stupid to open your eyes to it. Why don't you show me where I EVER accused Biden of what you say?

It's a horrible idea to assume anything. Especially about me.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I could care less what party a person is from. If they are lying scum, they're lying scum. I've voted a variety of parties through the years. I don't believe you can say that honestly.

I spent my time in the military. I volunteered for the Air National Guard. I helped save lives when Mt. St. Helens blew up.

How many volcano eruptions have you been involved with, how many American lives did you save?

Keep your partisan garbage to yourself.

You don't give a damn about America and no matter what you say, I don't believe you're in America. I believe you're a russian troll.

How's the weather in moscow today comrade?

"It's a horrible idea to assume anything. Especially about me."
Yet I'm a Rusian spy, you are terrible at this

Oh please, you're as Partisan as anyone can be. Congrats and kudos for helping folks.
My time was spent a little differently honey.
This is interesting.

Nearly 2000 former DOJ employees have signed this letter so far and the list is only going to grow.

Here's the letter:

50 million retarded dems would sign that, even the 10 percent that aspeaka no englesia
how many million moron americans voted for the shitstain trump? Bet you were one Let me ask ,if he says shit you ask what color? No need to answer I know
Alveda King voted for and will vote for Trump again

This is interesting.

Nearly 2000 former DOJ employees have signed this letter so far and the list is only going to grow.

Here's the letter:

Trump admin = Run this country into the ground is their plan.
How many times can we say that the people you elect have done that. So at worse, its a wash.

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