High Profile DOJ Alum Push Back At Barr’s Flynn Shenanigans

Of course he won't step down. The only way to get rid of Barr is to get rid of Trump. Everybody knows that. Such massive condemnation of his abuse of his office, at the direction of Trump is yet another black mark against the great orange fool in the coming election.


“This is the deep state being exposed,” Chaffetz said. “These people do not want accountability. There are about 110,000 people at the Department of Justice, roughly 10,000 of them are attorneys. … I think they’re scared to death of Donald Trump and Barr and [Connecticut U.S. Attorney John] Durham and certainly [Inspector General Michael] Horowitz because they don’t want people peeling back the onion, looking under the hood of how these people have operated at the Department of Justice. That’s why they’re firing back. But now they’re being exposed.”
Interesting, maybe the Flynn case w
Nobody cares
That's the problem.

Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Seriously? "They had nothing on Flynn"?
They have the call intercepts of Flynn discussing sanctions and they have him lying about it. That is a slam dunk.

What was the question Flynn was asked and what was his answer? And how do you conclude that Flynn lied as opposed to lacking candor?
It's all spelled out in his indictment and subsequent pleas.

Now go play with little kids next door.

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn’t think he was lying'
Now go play with little kids next door.
From your own link, idiot.

"The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who interviewed Flynn “didn’t think he was lying."

Despite the agents' initial impressions, McCabe reportedly testified that officials found that Flynn’s statements to investigators were “inconsistent” with their “understanding of the conversation that he had actually had with the ambassador.”

LOL, so then McCabe is admitting he didn't lie. See how that works?
LOL, so then McCabe is admitting he didn't lie. See how that works?
It says the exact opposite, dope.

"officials found that Flynn’s statements to investigators were “inconsistent” with their “understanding of the conversation that he had actually had with the ambassador.”
Meet the team. Democrat ACTIVISTS one and all.
Of course he won't step down. The only way to get rid of Barr is to get rid of Trump. Everybody knows that. Such massive condemnation of his abuse of his office, at the direction of Trump is yet another black mark against the great orange fool in the coming election.

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“This is the deep state being exposed,” Chaffetz said. “These people do not want accountability. There are about 110,000 people at the Department of Justice, roughly 10,000 of them are attorneys. … I think they’re scared to death of Donald Trump and Barr and [Connecticut U.S. Attorney John] Durham and certainly [Inspector General Michael] Horowitz because they don’t want people peeling back the onion, looking under the hood of how these people have operated at the Department of Justice. That’s why they’re firing back. But now they’re being exposed.”

You know that only Trump crazies think the deep state is a real thing, don't you?

Trumpletons have been trained to immediately use unfounded character assassination against McCord and Kravis. Just as their Dear Leader does.

Because on the substance of what those two (and many more) are saying about Barr's abject corruption Trump cultists have nothing to say.
Look fuckwit, how many times do you have to be embarrassed? Barr did not do the investigation leading to the dropping of charges. Your butthurt over your sides corruption coming out is painfully obvious.
Maybe. But then again half of Trump’s cabinet and his SCOTUS appointees should be in jail too.
As difficult as it is, my humble advice is to try not to go down the whataboutism rabbit hole.

It's just another in the endless attempts by Trump cultists to change the subject.
But the American people know Barr isn't about to step down, regardless to what the former DOJ employees are stating. They were probably leftover Obama folks.

Right. All 1900 of them. Even the ones from the Eisenhower administration.
Unfortunately, the credibility of the DOJ and the FBI is in the shitter at this point.
Agreed. Ever since Barr took that position, career prosecutors have been heading for the hills.
Getting caught tends to make people run.
Being corrupt tends to drive the good ones away.

The DoJ is being turned into Trump’s political tool. Good career prosecutors don’t want to be a part of tearing our institutions down.
Isn’t it odd all of the people responsible for decimating the FBI’s reputation were obie people. Guess that never dawned on you.
Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Strzok, etc. etc.

Did you just wake up on this planet?
Strzok is career. Comey has worked for several administrations. Clapper and Brennan aren’t even in the FBI.

Strzok is career, a career criminal. His politicization of the justice process is something that belongs in North Korea, not America.

The only thing Strzok did was criticize Trump. Criminalizing opinions about the leader is what belongs in North Korea.
We are witnessing the slow motion degradation of what is arguably the most important of all the government agencies.

Barr has sealed his place as the most corrupt AG in the history of the country. And it's not even close. Not even John Mitchell was this corrupt.

You call Barr corrupt but don't list any crimes. You delusional?
Eric Holder bragged he was Obama's "wingman" and he's okay in your book?
Eric Holder got several "contempt of congress" medals that he wears proudly, that's okay too?
Loretta Lynch apparently signed off on all sorts of illegal activities, she won't escape unscathed.
Your turn, list some illegal activities for Barr. Hint: You can't because he always follows the Law, he's a real AG.

Berg is nothing more than a troll
He couldn't be anything else.
and billiejeens you're brainless

That's false
Maybe. But then again half of Trump’s cabinet and his SCOTUS appointees should be in jail too.
As difficult as it is, my humble advice is to try not to go down the whataboutism rabbit hole.

It's just another in the endless attempts by Trump cultists to change the subject.

The real problem these "alumni", these people that got fired from the DOJ have, is that they have read Trump's 10 rules for living, and #9 is "Get Even".

They tried to sabotage their President, tried to destroy him and failed. Now, there will be Heck to pay.

Trumpletons have been trained to immediately use unfounded character assassination against McCord and Kravis. Just as their Dear Leader does.

Because on the substance of what those two (and many more) are saying about Barr's abject corruption Trump cultists have nothing to say.
Look fuckwit, how many times do you have to be embarrassed? Barr did not do the investigation leading to the dropping of charges. Your butthurt over your sides corruption coming out is painfully obvious.

Nah. He wouldn’t get his hands dirty so he got someone to do it for him.
Make no mistake: The Department’s action is extraordinarily rare, if not unprecedented. If any of us, or anyone reading this statement who is not a friend of the President, were to lie to federal investigators in the course of a properly predicated counterintelligence investigation, and admit we did so under oath, we would be prosecuted for it.

It wasn't a "properly predicated" investigation, that's exactly the point.

One of many.
Unfortunately, the credibility of the DOJ and the FBI is in the shitter at this point.
Agreed. Ever since Barr took that position, career prosecutors have been heading for the hills.
Getting caught tends to make people run.
Being corrupt tends to drive the good ones away.

The DoJ is being turned into Trump’s political tool. Good career prosecutors don’t want to be a part of tearing our institutions down.
Isn’t it odd all of the people responsible for decimating the FBI’s reputation were obie people. Guess that never dawned on you.
Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Strzok, etc. etc.

Did you just wake up on this planet?
Strzok is career. Comey has worked for several administrations. Clapper and Brennan aren’t even in the FBI.

Strzok is career, a career criminal. His politicization of the justice process is something that belongs in North Korea, not America.

The only thing Strzok did was criticize Trump. Criminalizing opinions about the leader is what belongs in North Korea.

Strzok schemed with his FBI Lovebird associate to set up his "Insurance Policy" to depose Trump and disenfranchise the millions that voted for him. Not just "criticize" Trump
The FBI and DOJ coerce a confession out of a citizen by bankrupting the guy and threatening to attack his son and the left cheer? The world has turned upside down. I don't care what party you call home that can't be allowed to slide.
Coerce a confession? He was caught red handed.

I remember when Democrats stood up to government tyranny, what happened to those Dems??

I remember when conservatives wanted the powerful elites to play by the same rules as the rest of us. If we lied to the FBI, our asses would be in jail. Flynn is protected because of politics.
Unfortunately, the credibility of the DOJ and the FBI is in the shitter at this point.
Agreed. Ever since Barr took that position, career prosecutors have been heading for the hills.
Getting caught tends to make people run.
Being corrupt tends to drive the good ones away.

The DoJ is being turned into Trump’s political tool. Good career prosecutors don’t want to be a part of tearing our institutions down.
Isn’t it odd all of the people responsible for decimating the FBI’s reputation were obie people. Guess that never dawned on you.
Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Strzok, etc. etc.

Did you just wake up on this planet?
Strzok is career. Comey has worked for several administrations. Clapper and Brennan aren’t even in the FBI.

Strzok is career, a career criminal. His politicization of the justice process is something that belongs in North Korea, not America.

The only thing Strzok did was criticize Trump. Criminalizing opinions about the leader is what belongs in North Korea.

Strzok schemed with his FBI Lovebird associate to set up his "Insurance Policy" to depose Trump and disenfranchise the millions that voted for him. Not just "criticize" Trump
He did nothing of the sort. No one has shown he’s broken any laws.

Making up allegations to get revenge on political enemies is also something that belongs in North Korea. You sound like you’re in the wrong country comrade.
Nobody cares

Wow you cared when you accused Biden of getting a prosecutor fired just to stop a prosecution into a Ukrainian energy company.

Even though the facts proved the exact opposite.

So you care about this sort of thing when a democrat is accused of it but didn't do it.

You don't care if a republican is accused of it and actually did do it.


You're either a russian troll or seriously hates America, our constitution and rule of law.

Hows' the weather in today in moscow comrade?

Is there any remote possibility that you understand how fucking retarded you sound when you write shit like that?

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