High Profile DOJ Alum Push Back At Barr’s Flynn Shenanigans

Barr is deficating all over his oath and the Constitution of the United States. Barr is just Igor to Trump’s Frankenstein.

From the letter:

“Make no mistake: The Department’s action is extraordinarily rare, if not unprecedented. If any of us, or anyone reading this statement who is not a friend of the President, were to lie to federal investigators in the course of a properly predicated counterintelligence investigation, and admit we did so under oath, we would be prosecuted for it.”
The FBI and DOJ coerce a confession out of a citizen by bankrupting the guy and threatening to attack his son and the left cheer? The world has turned upside down. I don't care what party you call home that can't be allowed to slide.
Coerce a confession? He was caught red handed.
Nobody cares
That's the problem.

Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Seriously? "They had nothing on Flynn"?
They have the call intercepts of Flynn discussing sanctions and they have him lying about it. That is a slam dunk.
Entrapment usually gets thrown out.

Entrapment usually gets thrown out.

Who forced Flynn to lie to ivestigators?
The entrapers.

Good job, dope. :thup:
You mean the past corrupt officials demand the non-corrupt resign... got it. Also might want to take those names and search their case files...
Interesting, maybe the Flynn case w
Nobody cares
That's the problem.

Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Seriously? "They had nothing on Flynn"?
They have the call intercepts of Flynn discussing sanctions and they have him lying about it. That is a slam dunk.

What was the question Flynn was asked and what was his answer? And how do you conclude that Flynn lied as opposed to lacking candor?
It's all spelled out in his indictment and subsequent pleas.

Now go play with little kids next door.

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn’t think he was lying'
Interesting, maybe the Flynn case w
Nobody cares
That's the problem.

Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Seriously? "They had nothing on Flynn"?
They have the call intercepts of Flynn discussing sanctions and they have him lying about it. That is a slam dunk.

What was the question Flynn was asked and what was his answer? And how do you conclude that Flynn lied as opposed to lacking candor?
It's all spelled out in his indictment and subsequent pleas.

Now go play with little kids next door.

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn’t think he was lying'
Now go play with little kids next door.
From your own link, idiot.

"The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who interviewed Flynn “didn’t think he was lying."

Despite the agents' initial impressions, McCabe reportedly testified that officials found that Flynn’s statements to investigators were “inconsistent” with their “understanding of the conversation that he had actually had with the ambassador.”
We are witnessing the slow motion degradation of what is arguably the most important of all the government agencies.

Barr has sealed his place as the most corrupt AG in the history of the country. And it's not even close. Not even John Mitchell was this corrupt.

Where have you been? The giant grotesque expanding government has been getting more openly corrupt by the minute. The IRS targeting scandal is the first time I thought we were in big trouble. Obama mastered turning government agencies into political weapons. Before, they were just corrupt, but Obama aimed them at political rivals. Good thing we have an objective media to keep them in line. lol
The FBI and DOJ coerce a confession out of a citizen by bankrupting the guy and threatening to attack his son and the left cheer? The world has turned upside down. I don't care what party you call home that can't be allowed to slide.
Coerce a confession? He was caught red handed.

I remember when Democrats stood up to government tyranny, what happened to those Dems??
This is interesting.

Nearly 2000 former DOJ employees have signed this letter so far and the list is only going to grow.

Here's the letter:

Great .. a list of traitor Dems and assholes involved in undermining America and of course President Trump for the sedition party political machine.

... and you seem sooo happy and proud to play your pawny part.. congratulations.. :th_waiting:

Sure makes it seem like Trump was right and the DOJ is/was filled with Democrat political operatives... :wink_2:
Lets get something straight AH Trump is a lying low life POS as are most of his supporters

mmm .. I can see why you took it sooOo personal.. :wink_2:
Unfortunately, the credibility of the DOJ and the FBI is in the shitter at this point.
Agreed. Ever since Barr took that position, career prosecutors have been heading for the hills.
Getting caught tends to make people run.
Being corrupt tends to drive the good ones away.

The DoJ is being turned into Trump’s political tool. Good career prosecutors don’t want to be a part of tearing our institutions down.
Isn’t it odd all of the people responsible for decimating the FBI’s reputation were obie people. Guess that never dawned on you.
Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Strzok, etc. etc.

Did you just wake up on this planet?
Strzok is career. Comey has worked for several administrations. Clapper and Brennan aren’t even in the FBI.

Strzok is career, a career criminal. His politicization of the justice process is something that belongs in North Korea, not America.
One of the things wrong with the DOJ is that it got filled up with corrupt acolytes of the Obama/Clinton Crime Cartel. Thankfully---plenty of them are now gone.

Naturally they are writing letters complaining about the corrupt mess they left being cleaned up.

Sane Americans wouldn't have it any other way.

Likely there are some who signed that letter who are sweating whether their name is on an unsealed indictment.

Bitching and Whining is a Very Good thing if it is the right people doing the bitching and whining. Looks to me like things are going well for America.
Interesting, maybe the Flynn case w
Nobody cares
That's the problem.

Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Not at all, anyone actually listening knows they had nothing on Flynn and that there was prosecutorial misconduct. This would require a willingness to actually open one eyes and mind though, that leaves Progs out.
Seriously? "They had nothing on Flynn"?
They have the call intercepts of Flynn discussing sanctions and they have him lying about it. That is a slam dunk.

What was the question Flynn was asked and what was his answer? And how do you conclude that Flynn lied as opposed to lacking candor?
It's all spelled out in his indictment and subsequent pleas.

Now go play with little kids next door.

House Intel report: McCabe said agents who interviewed Flynn 'didn’t think he was lying'
Now go play with little kids next door.
From your own link, idiot.

"The report says McCabe, in particular, testified that the two agents who interviewed Flynn “didn’t think he was lying."

Despite the agents' initial impressions, McCabe reportedly testified that officials found that Flynn’s statements to investigators were “inconsistent” with their “understanding of the conversation that he had actually had with the ambassador.”

LOL, so then McCabe is admitting he didn't lie. See how that works?
Two former Justice Department officials who were directly involved in the Russia investigation have now spoken out publicly against Attorney General Bill Barr’s decision to drop the Michael Flynn case.

Mary McCord, who served as acting assistant attorney general for national security at the start of the probe, accused Barr of “twist[ing]” her words in the legal motions the Department filed to ask that Flynn’s case be dismissed.

Jonathan Kravis — a DOJ prosecutor who resigned after Barr meddled in the Roger Stone case — called last week’s Flynn maneuver “equally appalling.”
Okay, it's time for the reflexive response of Trumpleheads to kick in to gear. JUST LIKE ALL CRITICS OF TRUMP FROM EITHER PARTY these officials will get the "deep state" treatment for having the audacity to speak the truth.

After all, it isn't difficult to dismantle Billy the Bagman's deceit. You just have to pay attention to the facts.

Did the DOJ have all the justification it needed to question Flynn about his contacts with Kislyak?

Yes. It was within their jurisdiction to follow up on the Flynn-Kislyak conversation, along with Flynn’s false statements to Pence and Spicer. At a minimum the fact that the Russian government would know that Flynn had lied left him open to potential blackmail by a hostile foreign power............surely a realistic counterintelligence concern.

Was the FBI authorized to do this investigation even if the prior investigation in to whether Flynn was a Russian operative had been closed?

Yes. The standard for opening an assessment is quite low. It is explicitly less than “‘information or an allegation’ indicating the existence of ... [a]n activity constituting ... a threat to national security,” which is required to open a preliminary investigation (DIOG 6.5). Opening an assessment requires only that there be an “authorized purpose” and a “clearly defined objective” for the assessment. In particular, the DIOG makes clear that an assessment is appropriate when “there is reason to collect information or facts to determine whether there is ... a national security threat” (DIOG 5.1; emphasis added). And as part of an assessment, the FBI is allowed to conduct interviews, including of the possible subject or target (DIOG 18.5.6).

Billy the Bagman has made the horseshit argument that when the FBI—aware of extensive Russian interference in U.S. politics in order to benefit the Trump campaign—learned that the incoming national security adviser requested that Russia not respond to the sanctions that were imposed in response to that interference and then lied to other government officials about that, it could not even “collect information or facts to determine” whether this created a counterintelligence threat.

Is the use of prosecution of Flynn's son as leverage grounds for dismissal of the case?

No. Leaning on a potential defendant for cooperation using the criminal liability of family members as leverage is not unheard of. This does not mean the practice is beyond criticism—but the handling of Flynn’s case is not some kind of aberration, let alone the sort of conscience-shocking thing that might justify a dismissal.

And to the extent any nod-and-a-wink arrangement on Flynn Jr. would raise any kind of Giglio issue, it certainly does not with respect to Flynn, who was obviously aware of the predicament his son faced and any role of his plea in alleviating it. That issue would only arise, as the Covington email reflects, if Flynn’s testimony were used against someone else and any arrangement with respect to his son were not disclosed.

Flynn’s consulting group, with which his son was employed, engaged in practices that raised legal questions under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, exposing both father and son to potential criminal liability.

Are any of the documents found in Jensen's review of the case grounds for dismissal?

No. The way the documents suggest that FBI officials discussed the case and made adjustments to their plans is typical of criminal investigations, former federal prosecutors say, even if seeing these internal discussions put in writing isn’t as common.

More importantly, the documents don’t make the false statements Flynn pleaded guilty to — lying to the FBI about his conversations with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak — any less false. Nor are they the kinds of documents that prosecutors were legally obligated to produce for Flynn’s lawyers.

Is Flynn's motion to withdraw his guilty plea defensible? Yes.

Is Flynn's motion to throw the case out due to prosecutorial malfeasance defensible?

No. Flynn’s new lawyer cites notes given to her by Jensen, which were presumably written by then-FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap, as supposed smoking-gun evidence that the FBI was seeking to entrap Flynn in a lie. The trouble with that argument is that absolutely nothing forced Flynn not to tell the truth in that interview. And while FBI officials appear to have discussed the strategic purpose of the interview, there’s nothing whatsoever wrong with that.


Flynn Redux: What Those FBI Documents Really Show
A lot of people seem to be expecting Michael Flynn's sudden vindication. They should take a deep breath.



Why The Latest Flynn Entrapment Claims Are As Bogus As The Last Ones
The pandemic has changed many things, but it has not changed Michael Flynn’s habit of overhyping claims of FBI entrapment...


The Justice Department’s Faulty Arguments in the Flynn Case
Under the logic of the government’s motion to dismiss the charges against Michael Flynn, the FBI can’t investigate whether someone is a Russian agent unless it already has evidence that the person is a Russian agent.

Hahahah! So two idiots involved in the set up are crying their bullshit got exposed. Another fail from berg. What is it number 1,765 in a row he’s had debunked? I lost count while ago.

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