Hilary's defacto gun ban…...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is why we don't trust the anti gunners…..they want to ban guns, but they lie about what they want….here is hilary's proposal and why it will be a defacto gun ban….

AWR Hawkins: Hillary Clinton’s Gun Control Executive Actions ‘Would Stretch Out Background Checks Indefinitely’ - Breitbart

“Nothing that she’s proposed would stop any shooting …Wouldn’t even stop a stabbing …Nothing that she’s proposing would make us safer in any way,” Hawkins said.

“What her proposal would do is stretch out background checks indefinitely so that they would go from being a check that could last up to three days … to being a check that is indefinite, that a gun could not be sold to you even if the background check to three, four months,” Hawkins explained.

“So if you’re a single mom,” Hawkins noted, “that’s three or four months you have to fend for yourself without defense.”


Bristol noted that “all she’d [Hillary Clinton] have to do is order the FBI to drag their feet on background checks and –voila!”

Hawkins agreed, and explained the danger Clinton’s proposed executive actions would pose to the Second Amendment and gun rights.

“With the [current] background checks… I even get an instant green light which means I can buy, I get an instant red light, which means I can’t, or I get a delay, and the delay means the FBI, by law, has three business days to look for incriminating evidence to keep me from buying a gun,” Hawkins noted.

“At the end of those three days if they haven’t found incriminating evidence, then, they can’t prevent me from buying a gun because I have a right to own one,” he added.

“She [Hillary Clinton] wants to turn that on its head so that when I walk into the store to buy a gun, I have to prove to the government why I should be able to buy the gun, and that is not a minor switch. That is a huge change in the way we handle things,” Hawkins said.

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