Hillary Ordered Classified Marks to be Removed & Sent Unsecure

Care, AGAIN, sending classified not marked classified is STILL a crime, especially - as Hillary has proven - she DID know and was itentionally doing.

You still can't excuse away facts such as her not signing the document, which is required by law, after she got her clearance. That is a CRIME -no 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's.

A 'memo' declaring someone's opinion is not the same thing as THE LAW.

The LAW states she had to sign a document.

The LAW said her server had to be secured according to the Law/rules/rgulations.

The law says different types of classified info has to be on different servers.

Her e-mails contained classified information yet most fid not contsim vlassified markings.
- The LAW specifies classified info is not classified because of the matkings, does not have to be marked as classified to BE clsssified, AND, just as Hillary ordered her subordonate to illegally do, she was sending classified information via unclassified methods. THAT IS A CRIME - SHE BROKE THE LAW.

If she 'did not know', ehich has been proven to be FALSE by herself in her own e-mail, it still falls under the category of 'Negigence' whoch is what the FBI declared it is investigating under the Espionage Act - ALL 1,300+ counts!

She has broken the law.
There are hundreds more counts of potentially breaking the law.
She has been nailed dead to rights...

Yet you and others like you continue to demonstrate your partisan Allegiance to 1 WOMAN, 1 PARTY, than to your COUNTRY!

It's just PATHETIC!
Last edited:
Care, AGAIN, sending classified not marked classified is STILL a crime, especially - as Hillary has proven - she DID know and was itentionally doing.

You still can't excuse away facts such as her not signing the document, which is required by law, after she got her clearance. That is a CRIME -no 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's.

If she 'did not know', ehich has been proven to be FALSE by herself in her own e-mail, it still falls under the category of 'Negigence' whoch is what the FBI declared it is investigating under the Espionage Act - ALL 1,300+ counts!

She has broken the law.
There are hundreds more counts of potentially breaking the law.
She has been nailed dead to rights...

Yet you and others like you continue to demonstrate your partisan Allegiance to 1 WOMAN, 1 PARTY, than to your COUNTRY!

It's just PATHETIC!

yes it is pathetic. They are so psychologically invested in the hildebeast that their brains stop functioning when her name is mentioned.
Care, AGAIN, sending classified not marked classified is STILL a crime, especially - as Hillary has proven - she DID know and was itentionally doing.

You still can't excuse away facts such as her not signing the document, which is required by law, after she got her clearance. That is a CRIME -no 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's.

If she 'did not know', ehich has been proven to be FALSE by herself in her own e-mail, it still falls under the category of 'Negigence' whoch is what the FBI declared it is investigating under the Espionage Act - ALL 1,300+ counts!

She has broken the law.
There are hundreds more counts of potentially breaking the law.
She has been nailed dead to rights...

Yet you and others like you continue to demonstrate your partisan Allegiance to 1 WOMAN, 1 PARTY, than to your COUNTRY!

It's just PATHETIC!

yes it is pathetic. They are so psychologically invested in the hildebeast that their brains stop functioning when her name is mentioned.

They couldn't care less about lying, corruption, or the future of America.

. "Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."
Just a reasonable question-------> is it, or is it not law that Hillary had to take that class she skipped? I can't seem to find the answer.
Just a reasonable question-------> is it, or is it not law that Hillary had to take that class she skipped? I can't seem to find the answer.

Bulletin: not laws, regulations, statutes nor custom apply to Liberal elites.

Shouldn't we all recognize that by now? ('cough....Clinton rapes...cough)
I PREDICT that neither Obumbler nor his DoJ will lift a finger to address Shrillary's criminal effort here.
Just a reasonable question-------> is it, or is it not law that Hillary had to take that class she skipped? I can't seem to find the answer.
It is MANDATORY! In the military, to have access to TS/SCI info you nust be 'READ-IN' to the program and can NOT / SHOULD not have access to that info UNTIL she signs the documents, verifying she/you had that training.

Sh can claim she did not know because she never got the training, but that is BS. You simply DON'T get access to this info without getting the training. Maybe she intentionally fid not sign it so she could have an 'excuse' if caught breaking the law, but not signing the document is a crime.
Just a reasonable question-------> is it, or is it not law that Hillary had to take that class she skipped? I can't seem to find the answer.
It is MANDATORY! In the military, to have access to TS/SCI info you nust be 'READ-IN' to the program and can NOT / SHOULD not have access to that info UNTIL she signs the documents, verifying she/you had that training.

Sh can claim she did not know because she never got the training, but that is BS. You simply DON'T get access to this info without getting the training. Maybe she intentionally fid not sign it so she could have an 'excuse' if caught breaking the law, but not signing the document is a crime.

Then, I am hoping that if any lefty comes on here in this thread again and claims Hillary did NOT break the law, we have proof positive that she did by at least that one instance.

Excellent, I will take your word for it that you can produce the needed law, so carry on, and thanks!
Just a reasonable question-------> is it, or is it not law that Hillary had to take that class she skipped? I can't seem to find the answer.
It is MANDATORY! In the military, to have access to TS/SCI info you nust be 'READ-IN' to the program and can NOT / SHOULD not have access to that info UNTIL she signs the documents, verifying she/you had that training.

Sh can claim she did not know because she never got the training, but that is BS. You simply DON'T get access to this info without getting the training. Maybe she intentionally fid not sign it so she could have an 'excuse' if caught breaking the law, but not signing the document is a crime.

Then, I am hoping that if any lefty comes on here in this thread again and claims Hillary did NOT break the law, we have proof positive that she did by at least that one instance.

Excellent, I will take your word for it that you can produce the needed law, so carry on, and thanks!

No matter what they write, what they mean is they don't care if she broke the law.
OF-109 required Hillary to turn over to the State Department ALL documents related to her executing her job as Sect of State. She claimed UNDER OATH she did upon leaving the State Department. Since then the State Department has stated she did NOT, and the State Dept & FBI have PROVEN by releasing her tecovered e-mails that SHE DID NOT.

THAT means not only did she BREAK THE LAW by failing to comply but she also committed to the Feliny crime of PERJURY!

"But there’s another form Clinton was required to sign when she departed — SF-312. Unlike OF-109, this form pertains to classified documents. In fact, it’s a document signed by anyone who has been granted access to classified information, including government employees, military personnel, political appointees, and elected officials."

"Form SF-312 includes, but as we shall see is not limited to, an acknowledgement to be signed upon departure that the individual has turned over all of the classified information in her possession before leaving. This is the statement the individual signs at the time of departure:

I reaffirm that the provisions of the espionage laws, other federal criminal laws and executive orders applicable to the safeguarding of classified information have been made available to me; that I have returned all classified information in my custody; that I will not communicate or transmit classified information to any unauthorized person or organization; that I will promptly report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any attempt by an unauthorized person to solicit classified information, and that I (have) (have not) (strike out inappropriate word or words) received a security debriefing.

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has sought the SF-312 forms of Clinton and her key staffers. The Department reportedly agreed to turn them over by early September, but has not yet provided them. According to Ross, it has declined to say, at least publicly, whether they exist.

There is no longer any doubt that Hillary failed to turn over all of the classified information in her possession before she left the State Department. She now argues only that she possessed no information marked classified when she departed.

As Ross points out, however, SF-312 renders this argument moot. It states:

As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526.

What are the penalties for violating the agreement to return documents? The form states: “If I do not return such materials upon request, I understand that this may be a violation of sections 793 and/or 1924, title 18, United States Code, a United States criminal law.”"


(For some reason my phone will not allow me to copy and paste the link, but the title of the article is FORM SF-312 AND ITS POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR HILLARY CLINTON'. Feel free to look it up...)
"But there’s another form Clinton was required to sign when she departed — SF-312. Unlike OF-109, this form pertains to classified documents. In fact, it’s a document signed by anyone who has been granted access to classified information, including government employees, military personnel, political appointees, and elected officials."

"Form SF-312 includes, but as we shall see is not limited to, an acknowledgement to be signed upon departure that the individual has turned over all of the classified information in her possession before leaving. This is the statement the individual signs at the time of departure:

I reaffirm that the provisions of the espionage laws, other federal criminal laws and executive orders applicable to the safeguarding of classified information have been made available to me; that I have returned all classified information in my custody; that I will not communicate or transmit classified information to any unauthorized person or organization; that I will promptly report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any attempt by an unauthorized person to solicit classified information, and that I (have) (have not) (strike out inappropriate word or words) received a security debriefing.

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has sought the SF-312 forms of Clinton and her key staffers. The Department reportedly agreed to turn them over by early September, but has not yet provided them. According to Ross, it has declined to say, at least publicly, whether they exist.

There is no longer any doubt that Hillary failed to turn over all of the classified information in her possession before she left the State Department. She now argues only that she possessed no information marked classified when she departed.

As Ross points out, however, SF-312 renders this argument moot. It states:

As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526.

What are the penalties for violating the agreement to return documents? The form states: “If I do not return such materials upon request, I understand that this may be a violation of sections 793 and/or 1924, title 18, United States Code, a United States criminal law.”"


(For some reason my phone will not allow me to copy and paste the link, but the title of the article is FORM SF-312 AND ITS POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR HILLARY CLINTON'. Feel free to look it up...)

If this is accurate; and I have no reason to think it is not since this poster spelled it out for me with a great use of personal time, Hillary has no case to be POTUS, and nobody can make that case for her, without everybody laughing in their proverbial faces.

Following rules and laws that We the People impose upon our government officials, is paramount to the citizens belief in the credibility of it's government. To ignore abuse of such laws; especially ones not hidden from all of our officials who we elect, is akin to asking for tyranny to be imposed upon we, the citizenry.

To accept such a thing is stupidity by the electorate! Am I suggesting that the left is stupid? NO! I am only suggesting they are stupid, if they do not demand that the DNC give them a nominee who follows the rule of law. I am sure many of them agree with me, for they want a pathway to convince Americans not in their political fold, to vote for their candidate. Hillary can't do this, because GOPers, and independents, will never accept such a premise.
"But there’s another form Clinton was required to sign when she departed — SF-312. Unlike OF-109, this form pertains to classified documents. In fact, it’s a document signed by anyone who has been granted access to classified information, including government employees, military personnel, political appointees, and elected officials."

"Form SF-312 includes, but as we shall see is not limited to, an acknowledgement to be signed upon departure that the individual has turned over all of the classified information in her possession before leaving. This is the statement the individual signs at the time of departure:

I reaffirm that the provisions of the espionage laws, other federal criminal laws and executive orders applicable to the safeguarding of classified information have been made available to me; that I have returned all classified information in my custody; that I will not communicate or transmit classified information to any unauthorized person or organization; that I will promptly report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any attempt by an unauthorized person to solicit classified information, and that I (have) (have not) (strike out inappropriate word or words) received a security debriefing.

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has sought the SF-312 forms of Clinton and her key staffers. The Department reportedly agreed to turn them over by early September, but has not yet provided them. According to Ross, it has declined to say, at least publicly, whether they exist.

There is no longer any doubt that Hillary failed to turn over all of the classified information in her possession before she left the State Department. She now argues only that she possessed no information marked classified when she departed.

As Ross points out, however, SF-312 renders this argument moot. It states:

As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526.

What are the penalties for violating the agreement to return documents? The form states: “If I do not return such materials upon request, I understand that this may be a violation of sections 793 and/or 1924, title 18, United States Code, a United States criminal law.”"


(For some reason my phone will not allow me to copy and paste the link, but the title of the article is FORM SF-312 AND ITS POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR HILLARY CLINTON'. Feel free to look it up...)

If this is accurate; and I have no reason to think it is not since this poster spelled it out for me with a great use of personal time, Hillary has no case to be POTUS, and nobody can make that case for her, without everybody laughing in their proverbial faces.

Following rules and laws that We the People impose upon our government officials, is paramount to the citizens belief in the credibility of it's government. To ignore abuse of such laws; especially ones not hidden from all of our officials who we elect, is akin to asking for tyranny to be imposed upon we, the citizenry.

To accept such a thing is stupidity by the electorate! Am I suggesting that the left is stupid? NO! I am only suggesting they are stupid, if they do not demand that the DNC give them a nominee who follows the rule of law. I am sure many of them agree with me, for they want a pathway to convince Americans not in their political fold, to vote for their candidate. Hillary can't do this, because GOPers, and independents, will never accept such a premise.

Time spent repeating bullshit equates to accuracy? Awesome.

Have you figured out if not taking a class is a felony yet?
"But there’s another form Clinton was required to sign when she departed — SF-312. Unlike OF-109, this form pertains to classified documents. In fact, it’s a document signed by anyone who has been granted access to classified information, including government employees, military personnel, political appointees, and elected officials."

"Form SF-312 includes, but as we shall see is not limited to, an acknowledgement to be signed upon departure that the individual has turned over all of the classified information in her possession before leaving. This is the statement the individual signs at the time of departure:

I reaffirm that the provisions of the espionage laws, other federal criminal laws and executive orders applicable to the safeguarding of classified information have been made available to me; that I have returned all classified information in my custody; that I will not communicate or transmit classified information to any unauthorized person or organization; that I will promptly report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any attempt by an unauthorized person to solicit classified information, and that I (have) (have not) (strike out inappropriate word or words) received a security debriefing.

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has sought the SF-312 forms of Clinton and her key staffers. The Department reportedly agreed to turn them over by early September, but has not yet provided them. According to Ross, it has declined to say, at least publicly, whether they exist.

There is no longer any doubt that Hillary failed to turn over all of the classified information in her possession before she left the State Department. She now argues only that she possessed no information marked classified when she departed.

As Ross points out, however, SF-312 renders this argument moot. It states:

As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526.

What are the penalties for violating the agreement to return documents? The form states: “If I do not return such materials upon request, I understand that this may be a violation of sections 793 and/or 1924, title 18, United States Code, a United States criminal law.”"


(For some reason my phone will not allow me to copy and paste the link, but the title of the article is FORM SF-312 AND ITS POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR HILLARY CLINTON'. Feel free to look it up...)

If this is accurate; and I have no reason to think it is not since this poster spelled it out for me with a great use of personal time, Hillary has no case to be POTUS, and nobody can make that case for her, without everybody laughing in their proverbial faces.

Following rules and laws that We the People impose upon our government officials, is paramount to the citizens belief in the credibility of it's government. To ignore abuse of such laws; especially ones not hidden from all of our officials who we elect, is akin to asking for tyranny to be imposed upon we, the citizenry.

To accept such a thing is stupidity by the electorate! Am I suggesting that the left is stupid? NO! I am only suggesting they are stupid, if they do not demand that the DNC give them a nominee who follows the rule of law. I am sure many of them agree with me, for they want a pathway to convince Americans not in their political fold, to vote for their candidate. Hillary can't do this, because GOPers, and independents, will never accept such a premise.

Time spent repeating bullshit equates to accuracy? Awesome.

Have you figured out if not taking a class is a felony yet?
Do you belive Hillary violated the law, yes or no?
LL, Only a Hillary apologist would call posting from THE LAW ITSELF (as spelled out in my post) 'BS'.

The 'class' question was answered:
NO Class
NO signed Document
Equals NO acces + A CRIME....

Such an act reaks of 'desparation'.
"But there’s another form Clinton was required to sign when she departed — SF-312. Unlike OF-109, this form pertains to classified documents. In fact, it’s a document signed by anyone who has been granted access to classified information, including government employees, military personnel, political appointees, and elected officials."

"Form SF-312 includes, but as we shall see is not limited to, an acknowledgement to be signed upon departure that the individual has turned over all of the classified information in her possession before leaving. This is the statement the individual signs at the time of departure:

I reaffirm that the provisions of the espionage laws, other federal criminal laws and executive orders applicable to the safeguarding of classified information have been made available to me; that I have returned all classified information in my custody; that I will not communicate or transmit classified information to any unauthorized person or organization; that I will promptly report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any attempt by an unauthorized person to solicit classified information, and that I (have) (have not) (strike out inappropriate word or words) received a security debriefing.

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has sought the SF-312 forms of Clinton and her key staffers. The Department reportedly agreed to turn them over by early September, but has not yet provided them. According to Ross, it has declined to say, at least publicly, whether they exist.

There is no longer any doubt that Hillary failed to turn over all of the classified information in her possession before she left the State Department. She now argues only that she possessed no information marked classified when she departed.

As Ross points out, however, SF-312 renders this argument moot. It states:

As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526.

What are the penalties for violating the agreement to return documents? The form states: “If I do not return such materials upon request, I understand that this may be a violation of sections 793 and/or 1924, title 18, United States Code, a United States criminal law.”"


(For some reason my phone will not allow me to copy and paste the link, but the title of the article is FORM SF-312 AND ITS POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR HILLARY CLINTON'. Feel free to look it up...)

If this is accurate; and I have no reason to think it is not since this poster spelled it out for me with a great use of personal time, Hillary has no case to be POTUS, and nobody can make that case for her, without everybody laughing in their proverbial faces.

Following rules and laws that We the People impose upon our government officials, is paramount to the citizens belief in the credibility of it's government. To ignore abuse of such laws; especially ones not hidden from all of our officials who we elect, is akin to asking for tyranny to be imposed upon we, the citizenry.

To accept such a thing is stupidity by the electorate! Am I suggesting that the left is stupid? NO! I am only suggesting they are stupid, if they do not demand that the DNC give them a nominee who follows the rule of law. I am sure many of them agree with me, for they want a pathway to convince Americans not in their political fold, to vote for their candidate. Hillary can't do this, because GOPers, and independents, will never accept such a premise.

Time spent repeating bullshit equates to accuracy? Awesome.

Have you figured out if not taking a class is a felony yet?
Do you belive Hillary violated the law, yes or no?

I'm not certain. There may be some regulation or other rule that she unknowingly violated. Maybe some step she skipped over for reasons related to expediency. We will see about that. But I do not think she intentionally broke any laws for her personal gain or tried to cover up any illegal activity.....especially not something that put our national security in danger for her personal gain. You freak, you.
LL, Only a Hillary apologist would call posting from THE LAW ITSELF (as spelled out in my post) 'BS'.

The 'class' question was answered:
NO Class
NO signed Document
Equals NO acces + A CRIME....

Such an act reaks of 'desparation'.


You've tried hard here. But I am unmoved by your passion. Please.......the law itself? Where did you get it?
"But there’s another form Clinton was required to sign when she departed — SF-312. Unlike OF-109, this form pertains to classified documents. In fact, it’s a document signed by anyone who has been granted access to classified information, including government employees, military personnel, political appointees, and elected officials."

"Form SF-312 includes, but as we shall see is not limited to, an acknowledgement to be signed upon departure that the individual has turned over all of the classified information in her possession before leaving. This is the statement the individual signs at the time of departure:

I reaffirm that the provisions of the espionage laws, other federal criminal laws and executive orders applicable to the safeguarding of classified information have been made available to me; that I have returned all classified information in my custody; that I will not communicate or transmit classified information to any unauthorized person or organization; that I will promptly report to the Federal Bureau of Investigation any attempt by an unauthorized person to solicit classified information, and that I (have) (have not) (strike out inappropriate word or words) received a security debriefing.

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reports that the Senate Judiciary Committee has sought the SF-312 forms of Clinton and her key staffers. The Department reportedly agreed to turn them over by early September, but has not yet provided them. According to Ross, it has declined to say, at least publicly, whether they exist.

There is no longer any doubt that Hillary failed to turn over all of the classified information in her possession before she left the State Department. She now argues only that she possessed no information marked classified when she departed.

As Ross points out, however, SF-312 renders this argument moot. It states:

As used in this Agreement, classified information is marked or unmarked classified information, including oral communications, that is classified under the standards of Executive Order 13526.

What are the penalties for violating the agreement to return documents? The form states: “If I do not return such materials upon request, I understand that this may be a violation of sections 793 and/or 1924, title 18, United States Code, a United States criminal law.”"


(For some reason my phone will not allow me to copy and paste the link, but the title of the article is FORM SF-312 AND ITS POTENTIAL CONSEQUENCES FOR HILLARY CLINTON'. Feel free to look it up...)

If this is accurate; and I have no reason to think it is not since this poster spelled it out for me with a great use of personal time, Hillary has no case to be POTUS, and nobody can make that case for her, without everybody laughing in their proverbial faces.

Following rules and laws that We the People impose upon our government officials, is paramount to the citizens belief in the credibility of it's government. To ignore abuse of such laws; especially ones not hidden from all of our officials who we elect, is akin to asking for tyranny to be imposed upon we, the citizenry.

To accept such a thing is stupidity by the electorate! Am I suggesting that the left is stupid? NO! I am only suggesting they are stupid, if they do not demand that the DNC give them a nominee who follows the rule of law. I am sure many of them agree with me, for they want a pathway to convince Americans not in their political fold, to vote for their candidate. Hillary can't do this, because GOPers, and independents, will never accept such a premise.
it would not be a LAW, it would be a regulation or protocol, Laws are made by Congress, regulations are made thru the executive branch on this kind of stuff, and if she never took the course, which I doubt, but if she had not, she would not be the wiser of the regulation.

regardless, it would be up to personnel, to make certain she went thru all the courses required and signed all that was required before being put in the new position.

Someone in the gvt, gave her a user id with password, to access the top secret server system, where only classified Top Secrets are stored....she could NOT gain access to it on her own,

so me thinks this is just more mud being slung against the wall to see if it would stick.

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