Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

nazism, and communism are socialism...fascism is a word that the socialists used to separate themselves at times, as mussolini did, from each other...and stalin did to separate the international socialists from the socialists who only cared about socialism in their own countries....like mussolini and hitler....

socialism is left wing, and the nazis were socialists...the government controlled the means of production...as it did in communist/socialist Russia....

cept the Nazis weren't socialists. They were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. Ie, they were far right nationalists who weren't monarchists.

The reasons people say the Nazis were Socialists are the same reasons why you should be saying the US is Socialist. Damn, shoot yourself in the foot why don't you?
Of course the people who think fascism isn't socialism will tell us that no one has achieved "communism" which is true...because they all stop at the intermediate stage of socialism which is....ta da.....state control of the means of production......
yes...the Russians weren't nationalistic....all that "Mother Russia" and the "Patriotic War," was just cosmetic....and the Chinese aren't nationalistic are they....you guys are funny....
The nazis were socialists...the government controlled the means of production at all levels...just as the government did in the other socialist countries of Russia and China....and Japan for that matter, before and during the war....

any differences are cosmetic....which is what confuses you guys...you get distracted very easily by pretty uniforms....
nazism, and communism are socialism...fascism is a word that the socialists used to separate themselves at times, as mussolini did, from each other...and stalin did to separate the international socialists from the socialists who only cared about socialism in their own countries....like mussolini and hitler....

socialism is left wing, and the nazis were socialists...the government controlled the means of production...as it did in communist/socialist Russia....

cept the Nazis weren't socialists. They were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. Ie, they were far right nationalists who weren't monarchists.

The reasons people say the Nazis were Socialists are the same reasons why you should be saying the US is Socialist. Damn, shoot yourself in the foot why don't you?

The only evidence I have seen in this thread that Nazis were "far right" is the constant insistence by left-wingers that they were right-wingers. That included all the leftwing source you have all cited. None of you can even produce a coherent definition of what "right-wing" means.
The nazis were socialists...the government controlled the means of production at all levels...just as the government did in the other socialist countries of Russia and China....and Japan for that matter, before and during the war....

any differences are cosmetic....which is what confuses you guys...you get distracted very easily by pretty uniforms....

Appearances are more important than substance with lefties. That's why Obama created the healthcare exchanges - to create the appearance that some kind of market mechanism was involved when the reality is that behind the scenes the government is making all the decisions about healthcare plans.
yes...the Russians weren't nationalistic....all that "Mother Russia" and the "Patriotic War," was just cosmetic....and the Chinese aren't nationalistic are they....you guys are funny....

And the Nazis were lying when they announced they were enemies of capitalism.

You can't make this stuff up!
What the USSR wasn't Communism by any stretch of the imagination. Certainly there were lots of right wing elements to the USSR, like the hierarchical system...
"Excuse me sir, could you repeat that? The forum was laughing too hard."

cept the Nazis weren't socialists. They were NATIONAL SOCIALISTS. Ie, they were far right nationalists who weren't monarchists.

The reasons people say the Nazis were Socialists are the same reasons why you should be saying the US is Socialist. Damn, shoot yourself in the foot why don't you?
So now the US is on par with Nazi Germany. Oy vey. Socialists don't stop being socialists when they adopt a national/racial element. YOU want to tie that aspect in with the "right wing" because that's how you see the right wing. It's a lie. It's wrong. It's your bias and it's not fact.
Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle. Here is Orwell on the topic in 1940

Orwell in a Mein Kampf review talking about an english edition "edited from a pro-Hitler angle". "For at that date Hitler was still respectable. He had crushed the German labour movement, and for that the property-owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything. Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism."
I can see 'conservativism' being used in the context of preserving the race but their government encompassed virtually every aspect of life. If you could work, you did work and you worked for the state, for the good of the state, doing what they said for the salary they said. That's a socialist system and it's why they named the party the way they did.
All of this has nothing to do with American conservatives here and now. Which I suspect was the true goal of the OP.

I certainly dont see crushing the labour movement as being socialist. I dont think many people would.
Can you support that? I supported my view that they did just the opposite. They were the workers party. They did away with unions because there WERE the union! I also posted that it is how they initially gained support of the masses.
Your turn.
Ive found Orwell to be a pretty sharp observer from other stuff I've read. He, I think, called himself a socialist but was critical of the communists. The way he put it, "crushed", doesnt show, I dont think, that they just wanted their own union to help members. Your idea of socialism doesnt fit what most people would consider socialism either I dont think. Most people would think that workers would have more of a say in a socialistic system.
Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle. Here is Orwell on the topic in 1940

Orwell in a Mein Kampf review talking about an english edition "edited from a pro-Hitler angle". "For at that date Hitler was still respectable. He had crushed the German labour movement, and for that the property-owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything. Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism."

He crushed the labor movement, then government controlled labor. And you see that as anti-socialist? Seriously?
? Seriously?....yes seriously...and I think the vast majority of people in the world would see it that way too.

Seriously? You think truth is a vote? Well, actually obviously you do since you are a Democrat. Though you only think truth is a vote when you win. Otherwise truth is what the courts say. I'm not sure what that is even supposed to mean. The majority of people in this country can't name the vice president.
I didnt say truth was a vote.....just commented that most people see the definition of socialism different than you do.
Another thing that throws them off, in America, the "right" believes in limited government, individual freedom and rights, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which put limits on the power of the government....

If you look at Europe...when they talk about the "far right" if you look at the policies of the "far right" it usually connotes some sort of racism or nationalism.....but these "far right" parties want even more government control, not less, they want group rights, not individual rights....so really, they are simply extreme lefties....which scares the social democrats who want the government to control the economy...but to be nice to everyone....

So in Europe the have left and far left...in the U.S. we have left (more government, bigger government) and right (limited government, reduced government).....

The hell they did- they put out ideas for weapons or buildings, etc, for corporations to bid on, and picked the best designs and costs just like here.

Sorry, the nazi economy was a planned economy....they told businesses what they could produce, what they could charge and if they disagreed they were arrested and the business was confiscated....
Tell us the people in the photos I have posted are left wingers.


We need your seven pounds of brain damage unequivocally documented.

You're too much of an idiot to waste time on.
Coward. You can't do it, because you know they are far right wingers. Your idiocy has been cornered and so you run.



You're such a fucking lying scumbag.

They're only "Right Wingers" because that how Progressives classify them

Now, now CrusaderFrank, don't lose your cool (not that you've ever had one). You should feel good, there are at least three members of the echo chamber even dumber than you on this thread (and all keep posting the same silly bull shit). Since Progressives classify the Germany under Hitler as Right Wing, tell us how you and the other Reactionaries Classify them?

Are you claiming that Left WIng Fascism is better?

If not, what is the purpose of the diatribe?

Tyranny by the majority is tyranny nevertheless.

John Adams


I really dont get how your supposed to post a picture, a readable picture here. The below can be found in my gallery, it shows Adams saying a democratical despotism is a contradiction in terms.
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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Yeah, we know commies lie. What's your point?
They called themselves a Republic, so they must be one!

You're such a dishonest fucking hack

Yes, we know. The Nazi's were "right-wing" because they espoused individual liberty, personal freedom and limited government

Fucking hack
RW totalitarianism means capitalist PERIOD, as opposed to communism, shytteheads. Personal freedom, limited government can be anything BUT totalitarian, brainwashed functional moron. Including social democracy or SOCIALISM. SEE WESTERN EUROPE, OZ, ETC.

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