Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler
I will let Hitler say it himself.

How stupid are you? Is it the word socialist that has you confused? Are Democrats more democratic than Republicans? Following your superficial reasoning they would have to be.
Hitler was a leftist socialist. I post his own words and you still try to refute it. Not very bright are we.:itsok:
I posted Hitler's words from Mein Kamph many pages ago, idiot. He laughed over retards like you. He even used the color red to pull the wool over your eyes.
I would have taken der Fuhrer out baby, don't ever forget it. Mindless sheeple like you voted for Obama. I would not be questioning anyone's intelligence on this board.
And you voted for Bush, Jr. :laugh2:

On second thought, he's not smart enough to run. He will keep insisting the BIG LIE is truth because he has nothing of substance to post or do.

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"


On second thought, he's not smart enough to run. He will keep insisting the BIG LIE is truth because he has nothing of substance to post or do.

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"
Difference Between Communism and fascism Difference Between Communism vs fascism

From your link it appears that all the claims communism makes about itself are lies, whereas the claims fascism makes have some semblance of truth to them.

From the link:

Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No one is rich or poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the community that holds the production and the major resources. On the other hand, Fascism pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything. In fascism the state is all embracing. For the fascists, no human values exist outside the state. Fascism believes that everything is within the State and nothing is above the State or outside the State or against the State. Fascism believes in nationalism (includes economic nationalism), corporatism (includes economic planning), militarism and totalitarianism (dictatorship and social interventionism).

Read more: Difference Between Communism and fascism | Difference Between | Communism vs fascism http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-communism-and-fascism/#ixzz3K7P08mrb

To sum up, communism is the ultimate big lie. It's like a school telling parents that all their children are above average or that you can power a car with H2O.

Also, the definition of fascism above is indistinguishable from what the communist state actually turned out to be rather than what its supporters claimed it would be.
Hey libs, found another book for ya...


Thanks for presenting this book cover. It's a good example of superficial political/ideological dialectics completely devoid of any real historical perspective. This author is nothing like an actual historian. But thanks any way.
Aw somebody didn't like the source. Only libs can say who's to be believed. Proving again and again that arrogance is all they have to sell.

Thanks anyway.

Attacking the source is typical left-wing strategy. The only valid sources are left-wing sources. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal must be a kook.
It's been demonstrated that the NAZIs were a socialist regime.

Sounds like you put up a website and then this counts as proof and you won't listen to anything else.

Try reading "Socialism" by Ludwig von Mises or "The Road to Serfdom" by Frederic Hayek.


So you'll learn why fascism is just another form of socialism. Both men are renowned economists, by the way. Hayek received a Nobel prise.

But this is a debate. If you have something to say, SAY IT. Don't tell me to read things and expect this to happen. Use your source if you will, if you won't, then what's the point?
Guys...communism, nazism and fascism....are all types of socialism....just like vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are flavors of ice cream....but they are all ice cream....

How hard is that to understand...of course....you guys have all been educated in government schools run by progressives....so your ability to recognize truth and facts is diminished....
On second thought, he's not smart enough to run. He will keep insisting the BIG LIE is truth because he has nothing of substance to post or do.

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"

On second thought, he's not smart enough to run. He will keep insisting the BIG LIE is truth because he has nothing of substance to post or do.

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"
Difference Between Communism and fascism Difference Between Communism vs fascism

From your link it appears that all the claims communism makes about itself are lies, whereas the claims fascism makes have some semblance of truth to them.

From the link:

Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No one is rich or poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the community that holds the production and the major resources. On the other hand, Fascism pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything. In fascism the state is all embracing. For the fascists, no human values exist outside the state. Fascism believes that everything is within the State and nothing is above the State or outside the State or against the State. Fascism believes in nationalism (includes economic nationalism), corporatism (includes economic planning), militarism and totalitarianism (dictatorship and social interventionism).

Read more: Difference Between Communism and fascism | Difference Between | Communism vs fascism http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-communism-and-fascism/#ixzz3K7P08mrb

LOL, so you're using the Kumbaya definition of communism and comparing that to the reality of the 30s fascists. The endless dream world you live in. So let's compare the concepts you just raised. Is Germany more ... than Russia?

Stateless: Same, they are both brutally totalitarian, you are in the Nazi/Communist party or you are nothing.

Production and major resources: Both controlled by government in both systems.

Is the "state on top of everything?" For both, yes

Do human values exist outside the State? For both, no.

Nationalism - Germany, Russia, the same

Corporatism - For both, totalitarian government controls industry, there is no industry other than that explicitly allowed and that industry must follow the State social policy.

Militarism. Germany? Russia? You bet your ass.

Totalitarianism? Yep

You just shot a big gaping hole in yourself. Fascism = Communism by all your standards. nice job.

"You just shot a big gaping hole in yourself. Fascism = Communism by all your standards. nice job."

  • Thanks
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Soviet Communist were left wing and Nazi Germany was right wing......as everyone obviously already knows. Well.....almost everyone.

Repeating your assertion as truth is a logical fallacy called "begging the question."

The question is how are they materially different? If "everyone already knows" then why can't you simply answer the question instead of ducking and dodging? How were they different that makes Germany "right" and Russia "left?" They were two peas in a pod, both socialist.
Neither was socialist, which has to be democratic. One totalitarianism was communist, collective economy, the other fascist, capitalist economy. Duh.

You pulled that out of your ass. Where do you get that socialism has to be Democratic?
World Book Encyclopedia. 1960 lol the "Bible". Call socialism social democracy and maybe your cold war dinosaur brain won't explode...

Social democracy is a form of socialism. Your argument that it defines socialism is like saying all mammals are dogs.
Everywhere in the world but our whacky RW, that's how they tell the difference between socialism and communism, since the 1930' s when there was no longer any doubt about the USSR.

"Now we're all socialists!"- Finland PM after O-Care passed.
And the whole misdirection with the term Fascism.....it just means socialism....stalin used the word to separate his enemies from his brand of socialism....mussolini used the term to separate his brand of socialism from the communists who kicked him out of their gang....
On second thought, he's not smart enough to run. He will keep insisting the BIG LIE is truth because he has nothing of substance to post or do.

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"

On second thought, he's not smart enough to run. He will keep insisting the BIG LIE is truth because he has nothing of substance to post or do.

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"
Difference Between Communism and fascism Difference Between Communism vs fascism

From your link it appears that all the claims communism makes about itself are lies, whereas the claims fascism makes have some semblance of truth to them.

From the link:

Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No one is rich or poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the community that holds the production and the major resources. On the other hand, Fascism pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything. In fascism the state is all embracing. For the fascists, no human values exist outside the state. Fascism believes that everything is within the State and nothing is above the State or outside the State or against the State. Fascism believes in nationalism (includes economic nationalism), corporatism (includes economic planning), militarism and totalitarianism (dictatorship and social interventionism).

Read more: Difference Between Communism and fascism | Difference Between | Communism vs fascism http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-communism-and-fascism/#ixzz3K7P08mrb

LOL, so you're using the Kumbaya definition of communism and comparing that to the reality of the 30s fascists. The endless dream world you live in. So let's compare the concepts you just raised. Is Germany more ... than Russia?

Stateless: Same, they are both brutally totalitarian, you are in the Nazi/Communist party or you are nothing.

Production and major resources: Both controlled by government in both systems.

Is the "state on top of everything?" For both, yes

Do human values exist outside the State? For both, no.

Nationalism - Germany, Russia, the same

Corporatism - For both, totalitarian government controls industry, there is no industry other than that explicitly allowed and that industry must follow the State social policy.

Militarism. Germany? Russia? You bet your ass.

Totalitarianism? Yep

You just shot a big gaping hole in yourself. Fascism = Communism by all your standards. nice job.

Nice spin. I never suggested there weren't commonalities; yes, both were nasty, totalitarian despotic regimes. Those who read the link attached and not with a bias will see beyond these similarities.
It's been demonstrated that the NAZIs were a socialist regime.

Sounds like you put up a website and then this counts as proof and you won't listen to anything else.

Try reading "Socialism" by Ludwig von Mises or "The Road to Serfdom" by Frederic Hayek.


So you'll learn why fascism is just another form of socialism. Both men are renowned economists, by the way. Hayek received a Nobel prise.

But this is a debate. If you have something to say, SAY IT. Don't tell me to read things and expect this to happen. Use your source if you will, if you won't, then what's the point?

Your Komrade Saigon keeps giving me a list of historians and telling me to read their books. That's his conception of evidence. Go tell it to him.
Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"
Difference Between Communism and fascism Difference Between Communism vs fascism

From your link it appears that all the claims communism makes about itself are lies, whereas the claims fascism makes have some semblance of truth to them.

From the link:

Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No one is rich or poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the community that holds the production and the major resources. On the other hand, Fascism pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything. In fascism the state is all embracing. For the fascists, no human values exist outside the state. Fascism believes that everything is within the State and nothing is above the State or outside the State or against the State. Fascism believes in nationalism (includes economic nationalism), corporatism (includes economic planning), militarism and totalitarianism (dictatorship and social interventionism).

Read more: Difference Between Communism and fascism | Difference Between | Communism vs fascism http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-communism-and-fascism/#ixzz3K7P08mrb

LOL, so you're using the Kumbaya definition of communism and comparing that to the reality of the 30s fascists. The endless dream world you live in. So let's compare the concepts you just raised. Is Germany more ... than Russia?

Stateless: Same, they are both brutally totalitarian, you are in the Nazi/Communist party or you are nothing.

Production and major resources: Both controlled by government in both systems.

Is the "state on top of everything?" For both, yes

Do human values exist outside the State? For both, no.

Nationalism - Germany, Russia, the same

Corporatism - For both, totalitarian government controls industry, there is no industry other than that explicitly allowed and that industry must follow the State social policy.

Militarism. Germany? Russia? You bet your ass.

Totalitarianism? Yep

You just shot a big gaping hole in yourself. Fascism = Communism by all your standards. nice job.

Nice spin. I never suggested there weren't commonalities; yes, both were nasty, totalitarian despotic regimes. Those who read the link attached and not with a bias will see beyond these similarities.

All the "commonalities" are the very things you and your ilk have been claiming distinguishes fascism from socialism.
Guys...this is how dumb the "intellectuals" are as they try to lie about "fascism." Notice how they all say they can't really define it....because if they actually defined it they would call it left wing socialism....but they don't want to do that because communism, for some reason, has escaped the stigma that attached to nazism because their atrocities were made brutally public...while the communists hid their mass murder from the world....

BBC NEWS UK Magazine What is a fascist

"Frustratingly, I can't give a simple definition," says Kevin Passmore, reader in history at Cardiff University and author of Fascism: A Very Short Introduction. "It depends on definitions."

These are the type of geniuses that we are supposed to bow to for the definition of fascism....read the article...it is hilarious in the context of these guys trying to tell us we don't know what we are talking about....
To sum up, communism is the ultimate big lie. It's like a school telling parents that all their children are above average or that you can power a car with H2O.

Also, the definition of fascism above is indistinguishable from what the communist state actually turned out to be rather than what its supporters claimed it would be.

What the USSR wasn't Communism by any stretch of the imagination. Certainly there were lots of right wing elements to the USSR, like the hierarchical system, which was supposedly designed as all the people having a say in some sort of democracy, but was actually the party controlling the levels of society and who can reach to where and how. The USSR was not govt by the people for the people. Nor is China.

However like with China, it's how you dress things up. The US within the last year had a go at China for human rights abuses. China's response was that the US couldn't tell the Chinese govt about human rights abuses, only the Chinese people could do this. Only the Chinese people can't do this, they'd be locked up. However as the govt believes, or pretends, it is the people, therefore they're essentially saying only they can tell themselves about this.

I've even heard, though I don't know if it's true, that party members in China can't criticise the govt. I asked how do they actually change things that are going wrong, and the response was not a positive one. However they seem more able to deal with change the current and future muppets in Congress and the White House can manage.

Communism is based on a some theories. Fascism is based more or idealism of Nationalism. The view that there can be a utopia within either is rather pathetic really, and some take this as being a left wing view, but it isn't.
One thing von Kuehnelt made clear, Nazism and Fascism rose from democracies.


Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪz(ə)m/; alternatively spelled Naziism),[1] or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus) . However , Hitler understood that socialism sucks ---that central planning is useless so he decided that fascism was better.

Fascism allows the government to use (force) private entrepreneurs into assisting the bureaucracy in perpetrating its dastardly deeds.

And there's one fundamental difference between left wing totalitarians and right wing totalitarians. Private entrepreneurs make lots of money with right wing totalitarians.

The term "right-wing totalitarianism" is an oxymoron. You can't have a free market and totalitarianism.
RW doesn't mean free market, just capitalism. See Nixon's price controls for example. RW totalitarianism is called fascism, Naziism is an example. Also President Cruz or Palin with martial law. Or President Obama with martial law for that matter...relax lol...

Hitler hated communists and socialists with a passion- blamed them for stabbing Germany in the back at the end of WWI. I just finished reading "The Hundred Days"- when the German Army collapsed. The author says it's a tragedy that it hasn't been reported on more. Try some real history books sometime.
nazism, and communism are socialism...fascism is a word that the socialists used to separate themselves at times, as mussolini did, from each other...and stalin did to separate the international socialists from the socialists who only cared about socialism in their own countries....like mussolini and hitler....

socialism is left wing, and the nazis were socialists...the government controlled the means of production...as it did in communist/socialist Russia....
Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"

Can you direct us to "something of substance" that you have posted? Nobody participating in this thread on your side of the issue has posted anything of substance. Most of the posts consist of little more than saying "everyone knows the Nazis are right-wingers!"
Difference Between Communism and fascism Difference Between Communism vs fascism

From your link it appears that all the claims communism makes about itself are lies, whereas the claims fascism makes have some semblance of truth to them.

From the link:

Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No one is rich or poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the community that holds the production and the major resources. On the other hand, Fascism pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything. In fascism the state is all embracing. For the fascists, no human values exist outside the state. Fascism believes that everything is within the State and nothing is above the State or outside the State or against the State. Fascism believes in nationalism (includes economic nationalism), corporatism (includes economic planning), militarism and totalitarianism (dictatorship and social interventionism).

Read more: Difference Between Communism and fascism | Difference Between | Communism vs fascism http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-communism-and-fascism/#ixzz3K7P08mrb

LOL, so you're using the Kumbaya definition of communism and comparing that to the reality of the 30s fascists. The endless dream world you live in. So let's compare the concepts you just raised. Is Germany more ... than Russia?

Stateless: Same, they are both brutally totalitarian, you are in the Nazi/Communist party or you are nothing.

Production and major resources: Both controlled by government in both systems.

Is the "state on top of everything?" For both, yes

Do human values exist outside the State? For both, no.

Nationalism - Germany, Russia, the same

Corporatism - For both, totalitarian government controls industry, there is no industry other than that explicitly allowed and that industry must follow the State social policy.

Militarism. Germany? Russia? You bet your ass.

Totalitarianism? Yep

You just shot a big gaping hole in yourself. Fascism = Communism by all your standards. nice job.

"You just shot a big gaping hole in yourself. Fascism = Communism by all your standards. nice job."

WTF is wrong with you? Can't tell the difference between communism and capitalism? Ay caramba!
Attacking the source is typical left-wing strategy. The only valid sources are left-wing sources. Anyone who disagrees with a liberal must be a kook.

Actually it's just sensible debating. A source that is biased is a biased source. This doesn't mean it's not valid, it means you need more information from more places. People who provide one source and expect it to be definitive proof of their point are generally not doing to well, are they?

Why did someone write a source? If you have a source which is written by Hitler it will make a big difference if he is talking about Communism or Fascism as to how you will read the source. Clearly.

if Frank Who Duhellru writes about Fascism from his computer in Iowa and has never left Iowa and has never studied at university etc, is this source going to be as valid as say, a professor in Eastern European studies from Columbia University?

The fact that you're taking a sensible debating skill and mocking it shows more.
Look at this dumb source someone used...Difference Between Communism and fascism Difference Between Communism vs fascism

In communism, the state is the custodian of everything and it is the state that owns everything. On the other hand, in Fascism, the state has control over everything. In simple words, Communism means state ownership and fascism means state control.

That is a direct quote....see how hard they have to work to make cosmetic differences between the socialism of "communists" and the socialism of the "fascists"....what geniuses...and they say we don't know what we are talking about....
nazism, and communism are socialism...fascism is a word that the socialists used to separate themselves at times, as mussolini did, from each other...and stalin did to separate the international socialists from the socialists who only cared about socialism in their own countries....like mussolini and hitler....

socialism is left wing, and the nazis were socialists...the government controlled the means of production...as it did in communist/socialist Russia....
The hell they did- they put out ideas for weapons or buildings, etc, for corporations to bid on, and picked the best designs and costs just like here. You are clueless. Read something.

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