Hitler, Fascism and the right wing

One thing von Kuehnelt made clear, Nazism and Fascism rose from democracies.


Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪz(ə)m/; alternatively spelled Naziism),[1] or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus) . However , Hitler understood that socialism sucks ---that central planning is useless so he decided that fascism was better.

Fascism allows the government to use (force) private entrepreneurs into assisting the bureaucracy in perpetrating its dastardly deeds.

And there's one fundamental difference between left wing totalitarians and right wing totalitarians. Private entrepreneurs make lots of money with right wing totalitarians.

The term "right-wing totalitarianism" is an oxymoron. You can't have a free market and totalitarianism.

A Monarchy, an Oligarchy and a Plutocracy are all potentially capable of becoming a totalitarian form of government. Insider trading and unregulated bankers, brokers and financial planners are all capable of conspiracies to commit fraud and theft within a so called "free market".
Another thing that throws them off, in America, the "right" believes in limited government, individual freedom and rights, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which put limits on the power of the government....

If you look at Europe...when they talk about the "far right" if you look at the policies of the "far right" it usually connotes some sort of racism or nationalism.....but these "far right" parties want even more government control, not less, they want group rights, not individual rights....so really, they are simply extreme lefties....which scares the social democrats who want the government to control the economy...but to be nice to everyone....

So in Europe the have left and far left...in the U.S. we have left (more government, bigger government) and right (limited government, reduced government).....

The hell they did- they put out ideas for weapons or buildings, etc, for corporations to bid on, and picked the best designs and costs just like here.

Sorry, the nazi economy was a planned economy....they told businesses what they could produce, what they could charge and if they disagreed they were arrested and the business was confiscated....
A semiplanned CAPITALIST war economy. One big happy NAZI FAMILY. WITH NO JEWS, SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS, non Nazi intellectuals, gays. Half the Tea Party would've loved it.
Ive found Orwell to be a pretty sharp observer from other stuff I've read. He, I think, called himself a socialist but was critical of the communists. The way he put it, "crushed", doesnt show, I dont think, that they just wanted their own union to help members. Your idea of socialism doesnt fit what most people would consider socialism either I dont think. Most people would think that workers would have more of a say in a socialistic system.
But they did. It helped to gain them power. The workers had panels the owners had to answer to. Pay was set, holidays, etc. Call it what you will, that isn't free enterprise or right wing.
Ive found Orwell to be a pretty sharp observer from other stuff I've read. He, I think, called himself a socialist but was critical of the communists. The way he put it, "crushed", doesnt show, I dont think, that they just wanted their own union to help members. Your idea of socialism doesnt fit what most people would consider socialism either I dont think. Most people would think that workers would have more of a say in a socialistic system.
But they did. It helped to gain them power. The workers had panels the owners had to answer to. Pay was set, holidays, etc. Call it what you will, that isn't free enterprise or right wing.
So the US isn't free enterprise either. lol
RW totalitarianism means capitalist PERIOD, as opposed to communism, shytteheads. Personal freedom, limited government can be anything BUT totalitarian, brainwashed functional moron. Including social democracy or SOCIALISM. SEE WESTERN EUROPE, OZ, ETC.
Whhhhhaaaaaaat? So if you are for limited government and personal freedom you can't be a capitalist?
One thing von Kuehnelt made clear, Nazism and Fascism rose from democracies.


Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪz(ə)m/; alternatively spelled Naziism),[1] or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus) . However , Hitler understood that socialism sucks ---that central planning is useless so he decided that fascism was better.

Fascism allows the government to use (force) private entrepreneurs into assisting the bureaucracy in perpetrating its dastardly deeds.

And there's one fundamental difference between left wing totalitarians and right wing totalitarians. Private entrepreneurs make lots of money with right wing totalitarians.


Have you asked Soros and Buffett?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Yeah, we know commies lie. What's your point?
They called themselves a Republic, so they must be one!

You're such a dishonest fucking hack

Yes, we know. The Nazi's were "right-wing" because they espoused individual liberty, personal freedom and limited government

Fucking hack
RW totalitarianism means capitalist PERIOD, as opposed to communism, shytteheads. The company had a portfolio of 1,800 units valued at just over $100 million in April 2013. Currently, the portfolio is nearly 5,000 units valued at $200 million. Within two months, Roco will have about 7,000 units, said David Colman. The additional 2,000 units are in Michigan, Mississippi and Texas. t can be anything BUT totalitarian, brainwashed functional moron. Including social democracy or SOCIALISM. SEE WESTERN EUROPE, OZ, ETC.

Moron, idiot, duppe, sucka, duh.

Right wing IS personal freedom and limited government. You lefties, Obama, Hitler, FDR, Mao and Stalin are the totalitarians
RW totalitarianism means capitalist PERIOD, as opposed to communism, shytteheads. Personal freedom, limited government can be anything BUT totalitarian, brainwashed functional moron. Including social democracy or SOCIALISM. SEE WESTERN EUROPE, OZ, ETC.
Whhhhhaaaaaaat? So if you are for limited government and personal freedom you can't be a capitalist?
Social democracy or socialism can also include personal freedom and limited government. Socialism is just well regulated, fair capitalism. Only undemocratic totalitarianism, capitalist fascism or collective communism, CAN'T.
Guys...communism, nazism and fascism....are all types of socialism....just like vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are flavors of ice cream....but they are all ice cream....

How hard is that to understand...of course....you guys have all been educated in government schools run by progressives....so your ability to recognize truth and facts is diminished....


One thing von Kuehnelt made clear, Nazism and Fascism rose from democracies.


Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪz(ə)m/; alternatively spelled Naziism),[1] or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus) . However , Hitler understood that socialism sucks ---that central planning is useless so he decided that fascism was better.

Fascism allows the government to use (force) private entrepreneurs into assisting the bureaucracy in perpetrating its dastardly deeds.

And there's one fundamental difference between left wing totalitarians and right wing totalitarians. Private entrepreneurs make lots of money with right wing totalitarians.

The term "right-wing totalitarianism" is an oxymoron. You can't have a free market and totalitarianism.

A Monarchy, an Oligarchy and a Plutocracy are all potentially capable of becoming a totalitarian form of government. Insider trading and unregulated bankers, brokers and financial planners are all capable of conspiracies to commit fraud and theft within a so called "free market".

And you're making even less sense than on the days when you take your meds
So the US isn't free enterprise either. lol
I agree with that. Freer than most if not all places though. Big government steps on the market too much here but there is no such thing as total freedom. You are thinking in absolutes.
No, you are. Nazism could be capitalist and have worker input or gov't direction in some areas. DIRECTION, not actual ownership of corporations.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Yeah, we know commies lie. What's your point?
They called themselves a Republic, so they must be one!

You're such a dishonest fucking hack

Yes, we know. The Nazi's were "right-wing" because they espoused individual liberty, personal freedom and limited government

Fucking hack
RW totalitarianism means capitalist PERIOD, as opposed to communism, shytteheads. The company had a portfolio of 1,800 units valued at just over $100 million in April 2013. Currently, the portfolio is nearly 5,000 units valued at $200 million. Within two months, Roco will have about 7,000 units, said David Colman. The additional 2,000 units are in Michigan, Mississippi and Texas. t can be anything BUT totalitarian, brainwashed functional moron. Including social democracy or SOCIALISM. SEE WESTERN EUROPE, OZ, ETC.

Moron, idiot, duppe, sucka, duh.

Right wing IS personal freedom and limited government. You lefties, Obama, Hitler, FDR, Mao and Stalin are the totalitarians
B S, ignorant Beckbot or whatever TP industry is running your tiny brain.
Guys...communism, nazism and fascism....are all types of socialism....just like vanilla, chocolate and strawberry are flavors of ice cream....but they are all ice cream....

How hard is that to understand...of course....you guys have all been educated in government schools run by progressives....so your ability to recognize truth and facts is diminished....


Ditto, brainwashed functional morons.
I have the solution, just add the phrase, "All Morons believe that" before "Hitler was a Right Winger"

Now it adds up perfectly
Only in hater dupe alternate universe. Right WING MEANS FREEDOM AND SMALL GOV'T. LOL. Freedom for the greedy idiot megarich to screw over the people, you mean. Brainwashed dingbat alert!!
Sounds like you put up a website and then this counts as proof and you won't listen to anything else.

Try reading "Socialism" by Ludwig von Mises or "The Road to Serfdom" by Frederic Hayek.


So you'll learn why fascism is just another form of socialism. Both men are renowned economists, by the way. Hayek received a Nobel prise.

But this is a debate. If you have something to say, SAY IT. Don't tell me to read things and expect this to happen. Use your source if you will, if you won't, then what's the point?

Your Komrade Saigon keeps giving me a list of historians and telling me to read their books. That's his conception of evidence. Go tell it to him.
We know how the Right despises "book learning". It's unclear from what source you think wisdom comes.
Ive found Orwell to be a pretty sharp observer from other stuff I've read. He, I think, called himself a socialist but was critical of the communists. The way he put it, "crushed", doesnt show, I dont think, that they just wanted their own union to help members. Your idea of socialism doesnt fit what most people would consider socialism either I dont think. Most people would think that workers would have more of a say in a socialistic system.
But they did. It helped to gain them power. The workers had panels the owners had to answer to. Pay was set, holidays, etc. Call it what you will, that isn't free enterprise or right wing.
So the US isn't free enterprise either. lol

That's right, Franco. We're a fascist country, just like Nazi Germany.

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