Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Guys, the communist party has like 5k people in it. I think we are safe from imminent country-wide capitulation of capitalism.

Fun fact: the few actual communists bouncing around on the web don't like Liberals very much.

The only real communists I know are an autonomous religious group and don't deal in politics at all.

Communism can work in small, voluntary communities who share the same goals, religion or ideology but beyond that it hasn't flourished because it is contrary to human nature. It's simply not a concern anymore, jut a leftover bogeyman.

The people I have in mind are indeed a voluntary community of shared goals and values, but the way they go about their lives is in no way 'contrary to human nature'. On the contrary I'd say they're the happiest most self-assured people I've ever met.

Actually they and their system are five hundred years old. Way way before Marx, based on the Book of Acts.
Liberals need to accept the results of the election of 2016 and work for change where it matters. In your state legislature or the halls of Congress. Not marching in the streets, smashing car windows, and burning public trash receptacles.
Or attacking people.

Veteran's Wife Violently Beaten By Tolerant Male Liberals for Voting for Trump

These "anta" pieces of shit need a stomping.
It always amazes me how stupid liberals really are....just blood fucking simple. Nobody joins the old "communist party" anymore...why would they label themselves when most of them have no idea what it is they're preaching?

That's pretty much my reaction when I see wags on this forum pinning the label "Progressive" on people who are under a hundred years old.

The word "liberal" became the most reviled term in the english language in the mid-90's when Willy was selling our missile telemetry secrets to the Chi-coms for campaign money. The old liberals were just soft-headed souls who thought we could afford to give everybody in the world a piece of other Americans' pie. Then along came Barrack who calls himself a "progressive" and gave Iran permission to build an A-bomb after he was out of office. Same with Barry-Care, Iraq, North Korea....they all blow up on Trump. And what's more "progressive" than RESIST through tall tales and smears to keep him in defense-mode instead of building the wall that will prevent the left from winning every popular vote for the next hundred years. You want our guns, you want our taxes raised until you can pretty much own all the private property, condemn it and give it to your pet blacks. Communism doesn't require berets and May Day parades anymore....that was kind of colorful actually....you modern Stalinists are much grayer, and cyber oriented. Most of you don't have the physical strength to do much other than sit in a chair shuffling paperwork back and forth to each other. Trump kicked your dreams in the slats and you want revenge but that piece we also want.....and we always get what we want.

Neither "Liberal" nor "Progressive" mean what you apparently think they mean.

Liberals founded this country and wrote its Constitution. Progressives, a century later, worked for accountable government and reform.

And finally, as I know this is a lot for you to digest, I have no relationship with anyone named "Stalin".
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

What's wrong with you is that Donald Trump won the election. Rather than accepting the results and trying again in 4 years, you have become violent and petulant. You engage in absurd witch hunts and make Josef Goebbles looks restrained with your never ending stream of vile slander.

Now one of the Brown Shirts that you leftists have so carefully groomed has acted on the words that you of the left and your shameful press spew each and every day.
Guys, the communist party has like 5k people in it. I think we are safe from imminent country-wide capitulation of capitalism.

Fun fact: the few actual communists bouncing around on the web don't like Liberals very much.
Fun fact. The commies own the Democrat party now.
Get back to me when the Democrats start talking about "democratic control of the workplace," start calling business owners capitalists, or use the words "surplus value." If that happens I will be right there with ya.
There is a divide in the Democratic Party between "big government socialist" in large urban areas, and "non-traditional " liberals that live in the green spaces of, let's say, Oregon and Washington State.
They are about as far left as it gets out here. Even before gay marriage was legalized on the state level they made insurance providers ban the words family, husband, wife, spouse, marriage and divorce.
Neither "Liberal" nor "Progressive" mean what you apparently think they mean.

Liberals founded this country and wrote its Constitution. Progressives, a century later, worked for accountable government and reform.

And finally, as I know this is a lot for you to digest, I have no relationship with anyone named "Stalin".

"Liberals" ran to canada after the Revolution....Tory losers who couldn't handle individual freedom and wanted to be under the Crown's control. Look at PBS if you don't believe me...they are fascinated with English royalty...half their shows are about it or "global warming" (another way to crush capitalism). You're patently obvious to anybody who's seen the world and how it operates.
"Liberals" ran to canada after the Revolution....Torry losers who couldn't handle individual freedom and wanted to be under the Crown's control.


That would be the Tories (one R), which would be the Conservatives -- not the Liberals. The Conservatives were the Loyalists who wanted the continuation of a striated society run by the Aristocracy and Clergy. The Liberals were out to topple that pyramid striation, and did. Go buy a history book.
Guys, the communist party has like 5k people in it. I think we are safe from imminent country-wide capitulation of capitalism.

Fun fact: the few actual communists bouncing around on the web don't like Liberals very much.
Fun fact. The commies own the Democrat party now.
Get back to me when the Democrats start talking about "democratic control of the workplace," start calling business owners capitalists, or use the words "surplus value." If that happens I will be right there with ya.
There is a divide in the Democratic Party between "big government socialist" in large urban areas, and "non-traditional " liberals that live in the green spaces of, let's say, Oregon and Washington State.
They are about as far left as it gets out here. Even before gay marriage was legalized on the state level they made insurance providers ban the words family, husband, wife, spouse, marriage and divorce.
Cultural communism.
The only real communists I know are an autonomous religious group and don't deal in politics at all.

Communism can work in small, voluntary communities who share the same goals, religion or ideology but beyond that it hasn't flourished because it is contrary to human nature. It's simply not a concern anymore, jut a leftover bogeyman.

The people I have in mind are indeed a voluntary community of shared goals and values, but the way they go about their lives is in no way 'contrary to human nature'. On the contrary I'd say they're the happiest most self-assured people I've ever met.

Actually they and their system are five hundred years old. Way way before Marx, based on the Book of Acts.
Liberals need to accept the results of the election of 2016 and work for change where it matters. In your state legislature or the halls of Congress. Not marching in the streets, smashing car windows, and burning public trash receptacles.
Or attacking people.

Veteran's Wife Violently Beaten By Tolerant Male Liberals for Voting for Trump

These "anta" pieces of shit need a stomping.

internet tough guy talk
I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

That wasn't the plan all along? Rile people up and get them to act a fool? Now you sound like you've been standing around somewhere else and turned around shocked to discover all the rhetoric from the party of hate and envy has caused people to act violently.

I'm surprised it took this long and only happened once.


That would be the Tories (one R), which would be the Conservatives -- not the Liberals. The Conservatives were the Loyalists who wanted the continuation of a striated society run by the Aristocracy and Clergy. The Liberals were out to topple that pyramid striation, and did. Go buy a history book.

How about you buy one not written in Russian? The Tories (one R) were the exact opposite of Patriots...you begged King George to save you from the Americans. You say you want "freedom" but you can't handle it...when you get a little you make fools of yourselves and we have to pay the janitor to clean up your mess. $20T in debt isn't nearly enough....it's daddy's money and daddy can afford to pay while you recite from your collection of Che phrases and give everybody heartburn at Thanksgiving dinner and then run back to your mattress on the floor in some roach-infested tenement.
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"Liberals" ran to canada after the Revolution....Torry losers who couldn't handle individual freedom and wanted to be under the Crown's control.


That would be the Tories (one R), which would be the Conservatives -- not the Liberals. The Conservatives were the Loyalists who wanted the continuation of a striated society run by the Aristocracy and Clergy. The Liberals were out to topple that pyramid striation, and did. Go buy a history book.
The ideals of the Revolution are grounded in Christian faith. The Puritans had the "Mayflower Compact" which challenged divine right of kings. The Baptist in Virginia had the idea of "re-birth" which has been a theme throughout U.S. history. See Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, in which he talks of a "new birth of freedom." Self rule and republican form of government are not liberal ideals. Rome was a republic...but also an oppressive empire.
"Liberals" ran to canada after the Revolution....Torry losers who couldn't handle individual freedom and wanted to be under the Crown's control.


That would be the Tories (one R), which would be the Conservatives -- not the Liberals. The Conservatives were the Loyalists who wanted the continuation of a striated society run by the Aristocracy and Clergy. The Liberals were out to topple that pyramid striation, and did. Go buy a history book.

What stupidity you spew.

Which side advocates for absolute rule by an all powerful government, stupid?
Communism can work in small, voluntary communities who share the same goals, religion or ideology but beyond that it hasn't flourished because it is contrary to human nature. It's simply not a concern anymore, jut a leftover bogeyman.

The people I have in mind are indeed a voluntary community of shared goals and values, but the way they go about their lives is in no way 'contrary to human nature'. On the contrary I'd say they're the happiest most self-assured people I've ever met.

Actually they and their system are five hundred years old. Way way before Marx, based on the Book of Acts.
Liberals need to accept the results of the election of 2016 and work for change where it matters. In your state legislature or the halls of Congress. Not marching in the streets, smashing car windows, and burning public trash receptacles.
Or attacking people.

Veteran's Wife Violently Beaten By Tolerant Male Liberals for Voting for Trump

These "anta" pieces of shit need a stomping.

internet tough guy talk

Shit, I was going to bet you met your final end yesterday...
"Liberals" ran to canada after the Revolution....Torry losers who couldn't handle individual freedom and wanted to be under the Crown's control.


That would be the Tories (one R), which would be the Conservatives -- not the Liberals. The Conservatives were the Loyalists who wanted the continuation of a striated society run by the Aristocracy and Clergy. The Liberals were out to topple that pyramid striation, and did. Go buy a history book.
Why don't you buy a dictionary. Mindlessly calling them liberals has no bearing on the post modern usage in the US.
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