Holy crap - this has to stop!

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No shit he is a blow hard Carnival Barker by Trade

GOP Lawmaker Says Trump Lacks ‘Language Discipline’
Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) said that President Trump might lack the “language discipline” to avoid giving the appearance of interfering in an investigation, CNN reports.

What is the relevance of your hate spew, Herr Goebbels? How does it relate to the subject, other than to demonstrate that you fascist democrats are indeed nothing but filth spewing demagogues that make the earlier Nazis you model yourselves after look restrained?
Even during the campaign we had violence erupting at Trump rallies, so it's not just since the election. And it has occurred before during our history as a nation, almost from the getgo. We've always had a divisions over various issues, even had a terrible civil war. While I don't see that as a possibility just yet, it does feel like the rhetoric by some could be inciting a few wingnuts to take violent action, up to and including assassination and murder. Obviously the one person to blame for the shooting yesterday is the shooter himself, but I think that words and tone of speech matter and we've got too many people spewing inciteful language. For sure we can disagree and object to our heart's content, but we can't be urging anyone to resort to commit assaults. We gotta be better than that.
Communism can work in small, voluntary communities who share the same goals, religion or ideology but beyond that it hasn't flourished because it is contrary to human nature. It's simply not a concern anymore, jut a leftover bogeyman.

The people I have in mind are indeed a voluntary community of shared goals and values, but the way they go about their lives is in no way 'contrary to human nature'. On the contrary I'd say they're the happiest most self-assured people I've ever met.

Actually they and their system are five hundred years old. Way way before Marx, based on the Book of Acts.
Liberals need to accept the results of the election of 2016 and work for change where it matters. In your state legislature or the halls of Congress. Not marching in the streets, smashing car windows, and burning public trash receptacles.
Or attacking people.

Veteran's Wife Violently Beaten By Tolerant Male Liberals for Voting for Trump

These "anta" pieces of shit need a stomping.

internet tough guy talk

Attacking women...real tough. If you want to wear a bandanna across your face, I can go to the toy store and buy you a pair of six shooters and you and your buddies can play cowboys and indians in the back yard. Oh, I was not PC. White oppressors vs. culturally indigenous people.
No shit he is a blow hard Carnival Barker by Trade

GOP Lawmaker Says Trump Lacks ‘Language Discipline’
Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) said that President Trump might lack the “language discipline” to avoid giving the appearance of interfering in an investigation, CNN reports.

What is the relevance of your hate spew, Herr Goebbels? How does it relate to the subject, other than to demonstrate that you fascist democrats are indeed nothing but filth spewing demagogues that the earlier Nazis you model yourselves after look restrained?
If you Orange leader lacks "Language discipline" how are the rest of his brain dead followers supposed to stop with the hate ...
What stupidity you spew.

Which side advocates for absolute rule by an all powerful government, stupid?
the one that favors the idiot Beauregard Sessions to come after me because I smoke pot ..Fuck Nanny Government ... I will smoke all the pot I can get my hands on

Yo retard;

{But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst."}

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

Fucking lying sack of shit.
What stupidity you spew.

Which side advocates for absolute rule by an all powerful government, stupid?
the one that favors the idiot Beauregard Sessions to come after me because I smoke pot ..Fuck Nanny Government ... I will smoke all the pot I can get my hands on
What about the people that want to smoke all the tobacco they can get their hands on… Tobacco or pot same difference healthwise. You're a hypocrite, because of the nanny state wants to tax sugar, tobacco and whatever… But keep away from my damn pot!!
If you Orange leader lacks "Language discipline" how are the rest of his brain dead followers supposed to stop with the hate ...

It was one of you Nazis who went on a shooting spree, Herr Goebbels.

Cut the hate , fuckwad.

No Pothead --- it was one of y'all Composition Fallacists.

He was out to shoot "Republicans". As a blanket label. That makes him an intellectual kindred spirit -- of yours. You and the rest of the cereberally gelatinous cretins who insist on putting everybody into two bags.

No Pothead --- it was one of y'all Composition Fallacists.

He was out to shoot "Republicans". As a blanket label. That makes him an intellectual kindred spirit -- of yours. You and the rest of the cereberally gelatinous cretins who insist on putting everybody into two bags.

Ah, so when a leftist goes out killing Republicans, it's the Republicans fault. :thup:

Yer jest fucking brilliant, Tenured Turd.

Tell me, if you ever slipped and were honest for a moment, would you burst into flames or something? Be fired from the JC you work for?

So tell us again how those advocating an absolute central government were "conservative," shit fer brains? :lmao:
What the hell is wrong with us?

Simple; Bush and the Conservatives were never held accountable for the myriad fuckups during Bush the Dumber, and that lack of accountability empowered the anti-intellectual right that produced such notable luminaries as Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, the teabags, and Trump. Want to know what's wrong with us? Look at what the Republican Party and Conservative movement have become: walking contradictions
What the hell is wrong with us?

Simple; Bush and the Conservatives were never held accountable for the myriad fuckups during Bush the Dumber, and that lack of accountability empowered the anti-intellectual right that produced such notable luminaries as Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, the teabags, and Trump. Want to know what's wrong with us? Look at what the Republican Party and Conservative movement have become: walking contradictions

I see, so Bush and the Conservatives are to blame for one of you hate filled Nazis opening fire on Republicans in Congress? I mean, you were driven to it, if only the right would fall to their knees and OBEY without question, the way you do., then all would be fine.

Blame the victims much, Herr Goebbels?
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