Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
Funny how you attempt to paint both sides as violent when only the left are murdering and destroying property.
The preponderance of physical violence and property damage has come from young radicals on the left.
Yep, so the left either deny their actions or attempt to drag the right into their self made swamp.
"No Trump" Haha you're a card.

If Palin was not the nominee, there would not have been a teabag/birther movement, and that movement would not have been there to boost Trump.
Yeah there would. I voted for W the first time, but he was NOT a conservative. He blew up the budget and started a war against a non-existential enemy. That's what we accused dems of doing ... LBJ.

Palin was just a last gasp attempt to keep them. They are now for Trump, but he will abuse them too.
Yeah there would. I voted for W the first time, but he was NOT a conservative. He blew up the budget and started a war against a non-existential enemy. That's what we accused dems of doing ... LBJ.

First of all, Conservative support for Bush after he left office was well into the 70% range. So to say Bush wasn't a Conservative after the fact rings like a bunch of posturing to me. Secondly, Conservatives supported everything Bush did, from their full-throated support for the Iraq War, to their budget-bustin' tax cuts, to the housing bubble that wasn't a bubble until it popped then was someone else's fault.
"No Trump" Haha you're a card.

If Palin was not the nominee, there would not have been a teabag/birther movement, and that movement would not have been there to boost Trump.
Yeah there would. I voted for W the first time, but he was NOT a conservative. He blew up the budget and started a war against a non-existential enemy. That's what we accused dems of doing ... LBJ.

Palin was just a last gasp attempt to keep them. They are now for Trump, but he will abuse them too.

I voted against W. Then his brother rigged it for him.

Who did I vote for that year? Did Perot run that year?

That's right! Perot voter and proud! :p
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

What's wrong with you is that Donald Trump won the election. Rather than accepting the results and trying again in 4 years, you have become violent and petulant. You engage in absurd witch hunts and make Josef Goebbles looks restrained with your never ending stream of vile slander.

Now one of the Brown Shirts that you leftists have so carefully groomed has acted on the words that you of the left and your shameful press spew each and every day.

Exactly. Lefties equate being told "NO" with "abuse".
Every time the left assemble there are riots and violence. If there is a mass murder, odds are it's Muslims or leftists.

Yep, that's why we need to carry guns--liberals.

The only way we could safely give up our guns is if we got rid of liberals first, and since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we have to have guns in America today. Liberals are violent people.
Every time the left assemble there are riots and violence. If there is a mass murder, odds are it's Muslims or leftists.

Yep, that's why we need to carry guns--liberals.

The only way we could safely give up our guns is if we got rid of liberals first, and since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we have to have guns in America today. Liberals are violent people.

Isn't that ironic, since Liberalism gave you the Second Amendment. Along with, I might add, the rest of the Constitution.

History is a lost art.
Yeah there would. I voted for W the first time, but he was NOT a conservative. He blew up the budget and started a war against a non-existential enemy. That's what we accused dems of doing ... LBJ.

First of all, Conservative support for Bush after he left office was well into the 70% range. So to say Bush wasn't a Conservative after the fact rings like a bunch of posturing to me. Secondly, Conservatives supported everything Bush did, from their full-throated support for the Iraq War, to their budget-bustin' tax cuts, to the housing bubble that wasn't a bubble until it popped then was someone else's fault.

Conservatives didn't support everything he did. Many conservatives were against the Patriot Act. Most conservatives were against Medicare Part D. None of us were happy with his vote buying attempt at sending 20 million dollars to fight AIDS in Africa.
Every time the left assemble there are riots and violence. If there is a mass murder, odds are it's Muslims or leftists.

Yep, that's why we need to carry guns--liberals.

The only way we could safely give up our guns is if we got rid of liberals first, and since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we have to have guns in America today. Liberals are violent people.

Isn't that ironic, since Liberalism gave you the Second Amendment. Along with, I might add, the rest of the Constitution.

History is a lost art.

Liberals didn't give us shit. The only thing liberals gave us were government dependents.
Yeah there would. I voted for W the first time, but he was NOT a conservative. He blew up the budget and started a war against a non-existential enemy. That's what we accused dems of doing ... LBJ.

First of all, Conservative support for Bush after he left office was well into the 70% range. So to say Bush wasn't a Conservative after the fact rings like a bunch of posturing to me. Secondly, Conservatives supported everything Bush did, from their full-throated support for the Iraq War, to their budget-bustin' tax cuts, to the housing bubble that wasn't a bubble until it popped then was someone else's fault.

LOL, a common mistake amongst Lefty's is to attribute their failings to everyone else. You folks walk in complete lockstep with your imbecilic leaders. MANY Conservatives detested MANY of the things Bush did. The bailouts, the dreamer crap. TARP, that stupid $300 check crap. You also aren't well educated, the "Housing Bubble" was ALWAYS going to "pop". You can't loan money to people who can't afford to pay it back and not have bad things happen. The roots of the problem began in the 90's, Bush did nothing to stop it. It's happening again now in the Auto Industry.
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Every time the left assemble there are riots and violence. If there is a mass murder, odds are it's Muslims or leftists.

Yep, that's why we need to carry guns--liberals.

The only way we could safely give up our guns is if we got rid of liberals first, and since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we have to have guns in America today. Liberals are violent people.

Isn't that ironic, since Liberalism gave you the Second Amendment. Along with, I might add, the rest of the Constitution.

History is a lost art.

Liberals didn't give us shit. The only thing liberals gave us were government dependents.

You just demonstrated the point of my last line.
Conservatives didn't support everything he did. Many conservatives were against the Patriot Act. Most conservatives were against Medicare Part D. None of us were happy with his vote buying attempt at sending 20 million dollars to fight AIDS in Africa.


Medicare Part-D was a Conservative wet dream, it privatized Medicare's CMS adminstration, it subsidized drug company profits by prohibiting the government (medicare) from negotiating for cheaper prices, and it exploded the deficit and debt. All three things Conservatives want.
Movement has been around since about 1760's after the end of French-Indian War when Crown began to tax colonist.

So that's silly. The colonists protested no taxation without representation, whereas today's teabags protest taxation with representation.

No, they protest EXORBITANT taxation just so people like you can get your free shit.
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MANY Conservatives detested MANY of the things Bush did.

No they didn't. Conservatives loved Bush...that's why he had a 70% approval rating among Conservatives after he left office. This revisionism isn't serious, is it? If you all hated Bush so much, how come you all voted for him? How come you all approved of his job performance well after he left office?

The bailouts

Which would not have been necessary had Conservatives not supported the Bush Tax Cuts and deregulation which fueled the housing bubble, which caused the economic collapse, which resulted in the bailouts. So basically, you didn't support the clean up of the fucking mess you created. Conservatives ran the economy into the ground with their tax cutting policies and deregulation, then suddenly opposed cleaning up the mess those policies had wrought. Gimmie a fucking break. You don't get to take a giant shit on the dining room table, then pretend you aren't the one who did when everyone at the table can smell your dirty, un-wiped asshole. Try again.

, the dreamer crap.

The DREAM Act was not a Bush thing, it was an Obama thing. And do you even know why you oppose giving people citizenship who were brought here as children? Is it because you are that dirty, smelly, un-wiped asshole I described above?

You already said the bailout you fucking moron. Now you're just repeating yourself as you try to figure out how to make it seem like you opposed Bush when we all know you didn't. Amazing you have to fucking lie to yourself in order to protect what? Your ego? Get over yourself. Take some personal responsibility for once in your life, please.

that stupid 300 check crap.

You mean Bush's Fiscal Stimulus? NO CONSERVATIVES OPPOSED THAT. In fact, they all supported it and are on record supporting it. It's only after the fact that it didn't do what was promised that suddenly you oppose it. Gimmie a break. Who buys this shit you're selling????

You also well educated, the "Housing Bubble" was ALWAYS going to "pop".

No, it wasn't you fucking idiot. It only popped because Bush and the Conservatives deregulated the mortgage industry, allowed the banks to police themselves, then ceased the enforcement of lending standards -at the direction of the Executive Branch, who the regulators work for- beginning in 2004 for private-label subprime loans. The housing bubble was never about putting low-income people into homes. It was about creating securities to buy and sell and insure on the secondary and tertiary mortgage markets. FHA and GSE-backed loans defaulted at rates no better or worse than prior to the bubble. But private-label loans? Well, those loans weren't subject to any CRA rules, weren't backed by the GSE's, and began defaulting in 2006, as the below chart shows:


You're welcome.
No, they protest EXORBITANT taxation just so people like you can get your free shit.

Tax rates now are at their lowest levels in a long, long time. This isn't about taxation, this is about you all trying to posture about a subject in order to be taken seriously amid political discourse.

It doesn't work. I don't take you seriously.
MANY Conservatives detested MANY of the things Bush did.

No they didn't. Conservatives loved Bush...that's why he had a 70% approval rating among Conservatives after he left office. This revisionism isn't serious, is it? If you all hated Bush so much, how come you all voted for him? How come you all approved of his job performance well after he left office?

The bailouts

Which would not have been necessary had Conservatives not supported the Bush Tax Cuts and deregulation which fueled the housing bubble, which caused the economic collapse, which resulted in the bailouts. So basically, you didn't support the clean up of the fucking mess you created. Conservatives ran the economy into the ground with their tax cutting policies and deregulation, then suddenly opposed cleaning up the mess those policies had wrought. Gimmie a fucking break. You don't get to take a giant shit on the dining room table, then pretend you aren't the one who did when everyone at the table can smell your dirty, un-wiped asshole. Try again.

, the dreamer crap.

The DREAM Act was not a Bush thing, it was an Obama thing. And do you even know why you oppose giving people citizenship who were brought here as children? Is it because you are that dirty, smelly, un-wiped asshole I described above?

You already said the bailout you fucking moron. Now you're just repeating yourself as you try to figure out how to make it seem like you opposed Bush when we all know you didn't. Amazing you have to fucking lie to yourself in order to protect what? Your ego? Get over yourself. Take some personal responsibility for once in your life, please.

that stupid 300 check crap.

You mean Bush's Fiscal Stimulus? NO CONSERVATIVES OPPOSED THAT. In fact, they all supported it and are on record supporting it. It's only after the fact that it didn't do what was promised that suddenly you oppose it. Gimmie a break. Who buys this shit you're selling????

You also well educated, the "Housing Bubble" was ALWAYS going to "pop".

No, it wasn't you fucking idiot. It only popped because Bush and the Conservatives deregulated the mortgage industry, allowed the banks to police themselves, then ceased the enforcement of lending standards -at the direction of the Executive Branch, who the regulators work for- beginning in 2004 for private-label subprime loans. The housing bubble was never about putting low-income people into homes. It was about creating securities to buy and sell and insure on the secondary and tertiary mortgage markets. FHA and GSE-backed loans defaulted at rates no better or worse than prior to the bubble. But private-label loans? Well, those loans weren't subject to any CRA rules, weren't backed by the GSE's, and began defaulting in 2006, as the below chart shows:


You're welcome.

LOL, save your revisionism for someone you fool. You haven't a clue kid.
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