Homeless in the USA.

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Was it harder than getting a job? If so, why didn’t you get a job? Employers generally avoid stupid people who think they’re owed things they don’t earn.

I hate how you have to keep telling stupid people the same thing over and over again. Back then, in my state, THERE WERE NO JOBS! To find a job you basically needed to know the right people. Nepotism was also big.
I hate how you have to keep telling stupid people the same thing over and over again.
It wouldn't be necessary if they weren't stupid. Will I have to tell you again?
Back then, in my state, THERE WERE NO JOBS!
What state would that be? A state of delusion?
A state that had no jobs would be pretty difficult to find.
To find a job you basically needed to know the right people. Nepotism was also big.
Or have a skill set that made you worth employing.
It would be up to the government if they bought them at the fair market price.
The government gets its money from taxpayers. Taxpayers don't owe you a home. They're busy working to afford their own homes.
The government gets its money from taxpayers. Taxpayers don't owe you a home. They're busy working to afford their own homes.

I just did a thread in the economics section about taxes. Look it up and enjoy.
All I said was that if there are over 25 vacant homes for every homeless person, give them one. Next, the only thing that could save our currency is nationalism. Not globalization.
How do you fund it is my question and you have no answer. I asked you about the bills coming in after they get the homes, you said we’d fund it, I asked how. I asked how can you step in and take homes that others own and give it to people that don’t own a home and you go off on some tangent on me believing money is a social status, which is untrue, then you speak of slavery and I’m a shithead for thinking the issue through. You just have an idea with no idea how to execute your plan.

Having an idea doesn‘t it make it happen, there is a lot of wholes to figure out. You have no execution, just an idea.
I remember mentioning uninhabited. As in vacant. I don't know what you're going on about.
There is show out there called "Dirty Jobs." The hose Mike Rowe speaks of those at the beginning of those who do the dirty jobs that make civilized life possible for you and everybody else. That's right wormshit. Those you like to look down upon are responsible for living in the society you do and having the things you have.

Now you are moving the goal posts. Yes, a huge portion of our lives are made possible by blue collar workers. I was a lineman for years. Plain blue collar worker and made decent to good money.

But that is not the same the homeless. They are not providing services to society like the rest of society does. Using the streets as toilets is not providing a service.
Well if there is a vacant house, I say give it to a homeless person. (If they're American) And pay the expenses until they get back on their feet. If they need help with anything, help them. If they are addicted to anything, supply it. Just enough to keep them functional in a workplace. You know, you can have some habit and still be able to work. And help them kick whatever habit they have. Some trade drugs for religion. It's hard to say which is worse. But the point is to at least get them off the street. A person shouldn't be homeless just because they made bad choices in life. Such as a "friend" who got them hooked on drugs.

As I was telling someone else around here, I used to be homeless. I used to be on welfare. Though you can bet your ass that I would have preferred to have a job. But there weren't any around at the time. Some clueless asshole around here refuses to believe that. It called me a liar on that point. Maybe I could have found a job, as a slave. I saw a job listing back then where somebody was looking for a person who could do things like pipe fitting, sheet metal fabrication and welding. I could do all those things. But they were only willing to pay minimum wage. Which at the time I think was $3.75 an hour. I just said fuck that shit. That's what they paid people to flip burgers.

As fot the costs you mentioned, it would probably be more than that. But it is just chump change. Back when our national debt was only around 19 trillion, every year we HAD to pay 420 billion a year just on the interest of that debt. Nobody was complaining. And every year out trade imbalance-debt with China alone was anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion. Nobody was complaining. But mention housing the homeless? Complain, complain, complain.

The problem is, somebody paid for that house. Somebody holds the title for that house as a financial worth. Somebody paid for the house and is paying taxes on it.

Insisting that they give it away is ridiculous.
Well if there is a vacant house, I say give it to a homeless person. (If they're American) And pay the expenses until they get back on their feet. If they need help with anything, help them. If they are addicted to anything, supply it. Just enough to keep them functional in a workplace. You know, you can have some habit and still be able to work. And help them kick whatever habit they have. Some trade drugs for religion. It's hard to say which is worse. But the point is to at least get them off the street. A person shouldn't be homeless just because they made bad choices in life. Such as a "friend" who got them hooked on drugs.

As I was telling someone else around here, I used to be homeless. I used to be on welfare. Though you can bet your ass that I would have preferred to have a job. But there weren't any around at the time. Some clueless asshole around here refuses to believe that. It called me a liar on that point. Maybe I could have found a job, as a slave. I saw a job listing back then where somebody was looking for a person who could do things like pipe fitting, sheet metal fabrication and welding. I could do all those things. But they were only willing to pay minimum wage. Which at the time I think was $3.75 an hour. I just said fuck that shit. That's what they paid people to flip burgers.

As fot the costs you mentioned, it would probably be more than that. But it is just chump change. Back when our national debt was only around 19 trillion, every year we HAD to pay 420 billion a year just on the interest of that debt. Nobody was complaining. And every year out trade imbalance-debt with China alone was anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion. Nobody was complaining. But mention housing the homeless? Complain, complain, complain.

"I just said fuck that shit. That's what they paid people to flip burgers."

And if you have no income, no job and no prospects for a better job, you flip burgers for the money. Unless you think you are too good to flip burgers.
Well if there is a vacant house, I say give it to a homeless person. (If they're American) And pay the expenses until they get back on their feet. If they need help with anything, help them. If they are addicted to anything, supply it. Just enough to keep them functional in a workplace. You know, you can have some habit and still be able to work. And help them kick whatever habit they have. Some trade drugs for religion. It's hard to say which is worse. But the point is to at least get them off the street. A person shouldn't be homeless just because they made bad choices in life. Such as a "friend" who got them hooked on drugs.

As I was telling someone else around here, I used to be homeless. I used to be on welfare. Though you can bet your ass that I would have preferred to have a job. But there weren't any around at the time. Some clueless asshole around here refuses to believe that. It called me a liar on that point. Maybe I could have found a job, as a slave. I saw a job listing back then where somebody was looking for a person who could do things like pipe fitting, sheet metal fabrication and welding. I could do all those things. But they were only willing to pay minimum wage. Which at the time I think was $3.75 an hour. I just said fuck that shit. That's what they paid people to flip burgers.

As fot the costs you mentioned, it would probably be more than that. But it is just chump change. Back when our national debt was only around 19 trillion, every year we HAD to pay 420 billion a year just on the interest of that debt. Nobody was complaining. And every year out trade imbalance-debt with China alone was anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion. Nobody was complaining. But mention housing the homeless? Complain, complain, complain.

I was complaining about the debt. I have complained about the national debt and trade imbalances for decades. And I know plenty of people who do. Not sure why you think nobody was complaining.
Fuck off asswipe. I've done farm work. And I fabricated steel in Texas when it was 106 in the shade. It got pretty hot when I was welding inside a large trash compactor box sitting out in the sun while wearing coveralls. I have worked all types of jobs. But getting shot at, I've never done that. And who in the HELL is asking for a "free lunch."

If you have steel fabrication skills and can weld, why would you EVER be unemployed?

And YOU are asking for a free lunch. Whether it is for you or not. You expect people to give away property or the gov't to take people's property and GIVE it to homeless people.
Ah, the Scrooge approach I see. "Are there no prisons? And the union workhouses, are they still in operation?" To hell with existing government properties. That isn't how normal people live. It shouldn't be expected for the homeless to live that way. Next, though I was homeless, I never begged for change. But for the people who are and do, they would probably prefer that to what you suggest.

It is not normal to need for someone else to provide for your basic needs for living. If the point is to get them on there feet and turned into a productive member of society, living in barracks is not a problem.
How do you fund it is my question and you have no answer. I asked you about the bills coming in after they get the homes, you said we’d fund it, I asked how. I asked how can you step in and take homes that others own and give it to people that don’t own a home and you go off on some tangent on me believing money is a social status, which is untrue, then you speak of slavery and I’m a shithead for thinking the issue through. You just have an idea with no idea how to execute your plan.

Having an idea doesn‘t it make it happen, there is a lot of wholes to figure out. You have no execution, just an idea.

I answered it. It would be funded by the government. How would they fund it? Probably through taxes. Assuming what would come next, I headed it off and started a thread in the economics section called "Taxes don't exist." For some reason, it was deleted. Next, money does give you status. How do people usually get more than their fair share of money? By any means necessary. Including slavery. And for those with plenty of money, they want more.
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