Homeless in the USA.

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How well does being a total shithead work for you. Why do you think that slavery still exists. Also Andrew Carnegie used to subject his workers to long hours, poor working conditions and poor pay. He considered it survival of the fittest. As if he was actually doing humanity a favor. When what he was actually doing was stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold.

Also, I saw an interesting human experiment once that had to do with status. (Which money gives you) They would have children come into a room one at a time. They were seated at a table. On the table were something like four checkerboards. On the left and on the checkerboard near them, they had a number of things the child would value. On the checkerboard across from it, there were none. On the right and on the checkerboard near the child, there were a greater number of things the child would value. Across from it there were only a few items on the checkerboard that a child would value. The children were told that when another child came in, they would sit across from them and receive whatever was on the checkerboard in front of them. The vast number of them chose the checkerboard on the left with only a few valuable items on it and none on the other side. They were willing to take less as long as the other child got none at all.
A more interesting experiment was with white and black students. A group of ten white children and ten black children were told that they could get a piece of candy every day for a total of 7 candies in a week Or, they could get no candies every day. At the end of seven days they would get two candies a day for a total of 14 candies all at once.

The white children waited the seven days, the black children took the single candy every day because they could not grasp the concept of delayed gratification.

Naturally the white children were racists who refused to share.
Being homeless doesn't make them criminals. So there is no reason to basically treat them as criminals. If there are over 25 houses in the U.S. for every homeless person, as long as they're Americans, give them one. At the government's expense.

Those 25 homes all belong to someone. Why spend billions of dollars to help people when we can help them with existing gov't properties and infrastructure. It is not treating them like criminals to offer them a place to live, food to eat, medical care and perhaps even job training.

Ego is for those who can afford it. If you have been living on the street and begging for change, you have already treated yourself worse than my plan would.
Yeah. I have seen how they changed the working conditions. It has caused many of the workers to be speaking Chinese.

Current working conditions include minimum wage, a 40 hour week with overtime for additional hours worked, Workmans Comp for job related injuries, and some attempts at not having a hostile workplace.
We all owe each other everything. That is what a society means. Not survival of the fittest. Next, slavers (employers) don't want slaves with dignity and worth. I also remember hearing about what it was like in Europe after the black death plague had passed. Workers were in short supply and had value. You can bet your ass that potential employers didn't like that shit.

And yet, you want those who worked hard and earned to pay for those who do nothing.
Being homeless doesn't make them criminals. So there is no reason to basically treat them as criminals. If there are over 25 houses in the U.S. for every homeless person, as long as they're Americans, give them one. At the government's expense.

And just as a reminder, no one would be forcing them to live on the former military base. If you think living on a former military base is being treated like a criminal, you don't know much about how criminals are treated.
Military base? Shelter? Tent city? Trailers? Abandoned schools? Vacant GOVT buildings?

No one cares anymore if they “LIKE” it. it has been a Public health hazard for decades now to have them living on the streets. Going to the bathroom aywhere. Shooting drugs 24-7. Fighting. Stealing. Shoplifting.

They literally have tobe rounded up, captured and put into group homes. This will requrue State NATL Guard to Police them. Jail time for violaters at the new living centers. Women and kids cant stay near Single men housing, lots of issues.
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Being homeless doesn't make them criminals. So there is no reason to basically treat them as criminals. If there are over 25 houses in the U.S. for every homeless person, as long as they're Americans, give them one. At the government's expense.
One of the biggest problems with your plan is that it will cost billions of dollars. And that is just for the cost of the houses. If you have ever owned a home, you know that the mortgage is not the only expense.

The national average for electricity is $117.46 per month. For natural gas it is $61.69. And the average for water is $48.50. So utilities average $227.65 per month, or $2,731.80 annually. I guess the tax payers will be on the hook for that as well?

I did not add phone or internet.

From what I have found in my Google research, repairs and general maintenance will run around $168 a month (probably more because the houses have been empty).
Homeowners Insurance will run around $79 a month.
Lawncare and snow removal will run around $130 a month.
Property taxes will probably average around $218 a month.

So another $595.00 a month. If we cut the lawncare & snow removal in half, it will be around $530 a month. $6,360.00 annually to cover those costs.

So in addition to paying for the house, it will cost $9091.80 per year in additional costs. All that is before groceries, furniture and other living expenses.

Will you expect the gov't to pay almost $10k a year in those expenses? Money from tax payers?

There are roughly half a million homeless people in the US. If you put 50% of them in these empty homes, the tax payers will have to be soaked for somewhere north of $2 billion a year, with little hope of it ending.

By the same token, the closed military bases will provide housing, a place for medical care and dining hall. For far far less money.
Do you have a link?

You are correct, but you are too shallow to understand that they are being brought here to WORK because YOU are too lazy to do the job.

Link? Being a bit racist aren't you?

1. I don't need a link to you being a complete shithead. I told you.
2. You are wrong. They are coming here to take what you have.
3. Racism is GOOD! That's why you have been told otherwise.

Have a literate adult look up the word “society” for you. It doesn’t mean we owe each other everything. Grow the fuck up, kid.

There is show out there called "Dirty Jobs." The hose Mike Rowe speaks of those at the beginning of those who do the dirty jobs that make civilized life possible for you and everybody else. That's right wormshit. Those you like to look down upon are responsible for living in the society you do and having the things you have.
I have no idea what slavery or Carnegie or you being a shithead have to do with me.

I also have no idea what your anecdotal evidence has to do with anything I posted. I am curious why you don’t answer any questions and can only hurl insults with others who disagree with you rather than discussing matters like an adult?

You got it wrong. YOU are the shithead. And the slavery the U.S. has and dose conduct is your fault. Because you support it. And what I said about what is behind status has everything to do with you. If you are human.
There is show out there called "Dirty Jobs." The hose Mike Rowe speaks of those at the beginning of those who do the dirty jobs that make civilized life possible for you and everybody else. That's right wormshit. Those you like to look down upon are responsible for living in the society you do and having the things you have.
What would you know about work, you've never had a job in your entire worthless life. Ever pick peaches and get paid by the crate? Ever work hot steel in 104 degree plus weather? Ever been shot at? I know the answers to all of these questions is a resounding NO, you just want everyone to give you free stuff. Here's a newsflash---THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.
Dimensional, Inhabitable house is a whole lot different than a condemned uninhabitable house. An Inhabitantal home cost money to keep up. You dont get it. Your fantasy is tied up by GOVT rules.

I remember mentioning uninhabited. As in vacant. I don't know what you're going on about.
One of the biggest problems with your plan is that it will cost billions of dollars. And that is just for the cost of the houses. If you have ever owned a home, you know that the mortgage is not the only expense.

The national average for electricity is $117.46 per month. For natural gas it is $61.69. And the average for water is $48.50. So utilities average $227.65 per month, or $2,731.80 annually. I guess the tax payers will be on the hook for that as well?

I did not add phone or internet.

From what I have found in my Google research, repairs and general maintenance will run around $168 a month (probably more because the houses have been empty).
Homeowners Insurance will run around $79 a month.
Lawncare and snow removal will run around $130 a month.
Property taxes will probably average around $218 a month.

So another $595.00 a month. If we cut the lawncare & snow removal in half, it will be around $530 a month. $6,360.00 annually to cover those costs.

So in addition to paying for the house, it will cost $9091.80 per year in additional costs. All that is before groceries, furniture and other living expenses.

Will you expect the gov't to pay almost $10k a year in those expenses? Money from tax payers?

There are roughly half a million homeless people in the US. If you put 50% of them in these empty homes, the tax payers will have to be soaked for somewhere north of $2 billion a year, with little hope of it ending.

By the same token, the closed military bases will provide housing, a place for medical care and dining hall. For far far less money.

Well if there is a vacant house, I say give it to a homeless person. (If they're American) And pay the expenses until they get back on their feet. If they need help with anything, help them. If they are addicted to anything, supply it. Just enough to keep them functional in a workplace. You know, you can have some habit and still be able to work. And help them kick whatever habit they have. Some trade drugs for religion. It's hard to say which is worse. But the point is to at least get them off the street. A person shouldn't be homeless just because they made bad choices in life. Such as a "friend" who got them hooked on drugs.

As I was telling someone else around here, I used to be homeless. I used to be on welfare. Though you can bet your ass that I would have preferred to have a job. But there weren't any around at the time. Some clueless asshole around here refuses to believe that. It called me a liar on that point. Maybe I could have found a job, as a slave. I saw a job listing back then where somebody was looking for a person who could do things like pipe fitting, sheet metal fabrication and welding. I could do all those things. But they were only willing to pay minimum wage. Which at the time I think was $3.75 an hour. I just said fuck that shit. That's what they paid people to flip burgers.

As fot the costs you mentioned, it would probably be more than that. But it is just chump change. Back when our national debt was only around 19 trillion, every year we HAD to pay 420 billion a year just on the interest of that debt. Nobody was complaining. And every year out trade imbalance-debt with China alone was anywhere from 300 billion to over 700 billion. Nobody was complaining. But mention housing the homeless? Complain, complain, complain.
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