Homeless in the USA.

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Well, get rid of the "rules." Because the rules imposed on them are beyond what a regular person would have to endure. For example, I have a brother who lives in section 8 housing. You can't smoke in their apartments. I say fuck them. If I want to smoke, I will damned well smoke if I want to.

The people who own the houses get to decide. If they say you can't smoke inside, you can't smoke inside. Just step outside to smoke.
Well, get rid of the "rules." Because the rules imposed on them are beyond what a regular person would have to endure. For example, I have a brother who lives in section 8 housing. You can't smoke in their apartments. I say fuck them. If I want to smoke, I will damned well smoke if I want to.
Inhaling smoke is pretty stupid, and smoking in a home while others are living there is inconsiderate and self centered. I’m glad you aren’t my neighbor.
If there are more than enough HOUSES available, why in the hell put them up in barracks. How about treating them like humans.

Because the bases are already there and belong to the gov't. Why spend billions of tax dollars if there is a much cheaper way? The homeless live indoors, have medical care and are fed. That is the goal.
Because the bases are already there and belong to the gov't. Why spend billions of tax dollars if there is a much cheaper way? The homeless live indoors, have medical care and are fed. That is the goal.
Why do that? Dimensional is a king! He can rob from others to make everything better!
Well, putting it a bit more delicately, why would you rent a home to someone who couldn't pay unless you were getting a subsidy (like a Section 8)?

Even if you were getting a subsidy, why would you rent to a bum who might wreck the property and would definitely create ill will between yourself and the other property owners in the subdivision?
Putting people in barracks is not treating them like they are not humans. I was in barracks when I was in the Navy. It certainly beats sleeping on the street.

Boot camp is a whole different matter. The thing is that if there are more than vacant 25 homes for every homeless person, why in the hell put them up in barracks. And if I were to choose, it would be a tough choice to make as to whether or not live in a barracks or be homeless. Because living in barracks sucks ass. Even living at the YMCA where you at least have your own room sucked ass.
Boot camp is a whole different matter. The thing is that if there are more than vacant 25 homes for every homeless person, why in the hell put them up in barracks. And if I were to choose, it would be a tough choice to make as to whether or not live in a barracks or be homeless. Because living in barracks sucks ass. Even living at the YMCA where you at least have your own room sucked ass.

A lot of people don't like those large housing units aka dorms. They have them in a lot of lower level penitentiaries, but some guys will act up to get reclassified into a joint that has cells where they are alone or with just one cellie.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

You aren't king. You will never be king. So that statement is worthless.

You never know. I remember a quote from Shakespeare. Whom I believe was actually somebody named Edward de Vere. The Earl of Oxford. He said, "Some people are born great. Some people become great through their own actions. And some people have greatness thrust upon them."
What are you talking about? The homeless are not illegal aliens. You seem to confusing the two.

I never said they were. I simply stated that for many illegals, they would rather be in prison in the U.S. than be free in their own countries.
”IF” you were king, easy to say, fortunately you will never be a king and you will never have that decision to make. Try living in reality, and not your fantasy. You can’t steal from one person and give to another, that is morally wrong.

Well if a king could do it, our government could too. And you never know. Someday I could be king. Next, capitalism is EVIL!!! Which is worse than stealing. Next, you think having money or being a trained useful tool makes you somehow genetically superior? If you think that, you can count yourself as being mentally, and therefore genetically inferior.
A lot of people don't like those large housing units aka dorms. They have them in a lot of lower level penitentiaries, but some guys will act up to get reclassified into a joint that has cells where they are alone or with just one cellie.

The people who own the houses get to decide. If they say you can't smoke inside, you can't smoke inside. Just step outside to smoke.

In other words, have no freedom. It's no wonder that so many choose homelessness. And all the shit for brains out there would probably call it "their" choice. What a joke.
Well if a king could do it, our government could too. And you never know. Someday I could be king. Next, capitalism is EVIL!!! Which is worse than stealing. Next, you think having money or being a trained useful tool makes you somehow genetically superior? If you think that, you can count yourself as being mentally, and therefore genetically inferior.
Where did I say anything like that? You just make silly assumptions, and you believing you may be king is delusional? Money is just a way to purchase necessities and money doesn’t make you superior however thinking you are owed anything is also delusional.
Where did I say anything like that? You just make silly assumptions, and you believing you may be king is delusional? Money is just a way to purchase necessities and money doesn’t make you superior however thinking you are owed anything is also delusional.

Where did you say anything like what. Next, throughout the animal kingdom there are those in whatever group who seek to be the top dog. Or at the very least have greater status. Humans are the same way. And money is a way of accomplishing that. So money does in fact make you "superior." But it doesn't in reality. Most people are basically the same. Seeking monetary authority over them is just a different form of aggression. People in most cases deserve to be treated equally. They are OWED that.
There just wasn't shit for work at the time
Bullshit. I have been in the workforce for over 55 years and I have never seen a day that a person that wanted a job could not find one. If you were a homeless bum and you try using this excuse you are lying. It also proves that you are an egotistical moron when you suggest you are "intellectually superior" to ANYONE. Run along idiot, you are relegated to the ash heap of society.
Where did you say anything like what. Next, throughout the animal kingdom there are those in whatever group who seek to be the top dog. Or at the very least have greater status. Humans are the same way. And money is a way of accomplishing that. So money does in fact make you "superior." But it doesn't in reality. Most people are basically the same. Seeking monetary authority over them is just a different form of aggression. People in most cases deserve to be treated equally. They are OWED that.
Money doesn’t make anyone superior, never has and the fact that you believe that shows how warped your think is. The only people I don’t that as equal are those like yourself who seem to think they are superior.
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