Homeless in the USA.

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How about you buy them--I don't want to and I don't want my tax dollars spent on people who won't help themselves.

How about we ALL buy them. What would that cause? A better society. But for you rich fucks, I suppose society is good enough for you. People used to think the same way before the French Revolution. Removing their heads solved that problem.
Bullshit. I have been in the workforce for over 55 years and I have never seen a day that a person that wanted a job could not find one. If you were a homeless bum and you try using this excuse you are lying. It also proves that you are an egotistical moron when you suggest you are "intellectually superior" to ANYONE. Run along idiot, you are relegated to the ash heap of society.

Are you delusional, or just stupid. There was a time in my state when I couldn't even find a job at McDonalds! And I have been to many other states to look for work. So don't tell me your bullshit on that matter. I lived it!
How about we ALL buy them. What would that cause? A better society. But for you rich fucks, I suppose society is good enough for you. People used to think the same way before the French Revolution. Removing their heads solved that problem.
How about we ALL buy them
I don't recall giving you access to my money. Who do you think you are? If you want to be a social justice warrior, have at it.
But for you rich fucks, I suppose society is good enough for you.
Listen moron, you assume much. I am far from rich. I live on a fixed income that I EARNED. How about you get off of your lazy ass and follow suit.
Removing their heads solved that problem.
Bring it keyboard warrior.
Are you delusional, or just stupid. There was a time in my state when I couldn't even find a job at McDonalds! And I have been to many other states to look for work. So don't tell me your bullshit on that matter. I lived it!
As did I, you lazy fuck. You are lying. There has not been a time in my life that jobs were not available to anyone who wanted to work. Why do you think migrants come here. Are you telling me there are no jobs for them? Try again, moron.
Money doesn’t make anyone superior, never has and the fact that you believe that shows how warped your think is. The only people I don’t that as equal are those like yourself who seem to think they are superior.

How well does being a total shithead work for you. Why do you think that slavery still exists. Also Andrew Carnegie used to subject his workers to long hours, poor working conditions and poor pay. He considered it survival of the fittest. As if he was actually doing humanity a favor. When what he was actually doing was stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold.

Also, I saw an interesting human experiment once that had to do with status. (Which money gives you) They would have children come into a room one at a time. They were seated at a table. On the table were something like four checkerboards. On the left and on the checkerboard near them, they had a number of things the child would value. On the checkerboard across from it, there were none. On the right and on the checkerboard near the child, there were a greater number of things the child would value. Across from it there were only a few items on the checkerboard that a child would value. The children were told that when another child came in, they would sit across from them and receive whatever was on the checkerboard in front of them. The vast number of them chose the checkerboard on the left with only a few valuable items on it and none on the other side. They were willing to take less as long as the other child got none at all.
How about we ALL buy them. What would that cause? A better society. But for you rich fucks, I suppose society is good enough for you. People used to think the same way before the French Revolution. Removing their heads solved that problem.

How about we offer the homeless a place on a base that will get them off the street, in a clean environment, access to medical care and nutritious food.

It is not meant to be permanant. It is meant to help get them on their feet so they can get a job and rent/buy their own place.
How well does being a total shithead work for you. Why do you think that slavery still exists. Also Andrew Carnegie used to subject his workers to long hours, poor working conditions and poor pay. He considered it survival of the fittest. As if he was actually doing humanity a favor. When what he was actually doing was stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold.

Also, I saw an interesting human experiment once that had to do with status. (Which money gives you) They would have children come into a room one at a time. They were seated at a table. On the table were something like four checkerboards. On the left and on the checkerboard near them, they had a number of things the child would value. On the checkerboard across from it, there were none. On the right and on the checkerboard near the child, there were a greater number of things the child would value. Across from it there were only a few items on the checkerboard that a child would value. The children were told that when another child came in, they would sit across from them and receive whatever was on the checkerboard in front of them. The vast number of them chose the checkerboard on the left with only a few valuable items on it and none on the other side. They were willing to take less as long as the other child got none at all.

And the labor laws have completely changed the working conditions since Carnegie was around.
I don't recall giving you access to my money. Who do you think you are? If you want to be a social justice warrior, have at it.

Listen moron, you assume much. I am far from rich. I live on a fixed income that I EARNED. How about you get off of your lazy ass and follow suit.

Bring it keyboard warrior.

As did I, you lazy fuck. You are lying. There has not been a time in my life that jobs were not available to anyone who wanted to work. Why do you think migrants come here. Are you telling me there are no jobs for them? Try again, moron.

1. Social justice isn't something a single person can do. It is something that it takes a whole nation to fix.

2. What I assume is that you are practically brain dead. And from what you say, my assumption is correct.

3. It is brought.

4. I'm not lying. For example, you are a complete shithead. That isn't a lie. Next, illegals come here because for the countries they come from, it is an economical way to defeat a stronger country. I have heard somebody in a border town in mexico point out this fact. "Somebody is paying for them to come here." Next, there probably isn't much in the way of work for them in the countries they come from. Except for maybe jobs as slaves. But here there are jobs. OUR JOBS! Which they are willing to work for less to get. Also, around 63% of the illegals that come here go on welfare. The vast majority of the others are probably involved in crime.
Are you delusional, or just stupid.
Delusional is thinking society owes you a home. Stupid is not using a question mark when asking a question.
There was a time in my state when I couldn't even find a job at McDonalds!
No one wants to hire lazy socialist turds with entitlement mentalities.
How about we offer the homeless a place on a base that will get them off the street, in a clean environment, access to medical care and nutritious food.

It is not meant to be permanant. It is meant to help get them on their feet so they can get a job and rent/buy their own place.

Being homeless doesn't make them criminals. So there is no reason to basically treat them as criminals. If there are over 25 houses in the U.S. for every homeless person, as long as they're Americans, give them one. At the government's expense.
And the labor laws have completely changed the working conditions since Carnegie was around.

Yeah. I have seen how they changed the working conditions. It has caused many of the workers to be speaking Chinese.
Delusional is thinking society owes you a home. Stupid is not using a question mark when asking a question.

No one wants to hire lazy socialist turds with entitlement mentalities.

We all owe each other everything. That is what a society means. Not survival of the fittest. Next, slavers (employers) don't want slaves with dignity and worth. I also remember hearing about what it was like in Europe after the black death plague had passed. Workers were in short supply and had value. You can bet your ass that potential employers didn't like that shit.
How well does being a total shithead work for you. Why do you think that slavery still exists. Also Andrew Carnegie used to subject his workers to long hours, poor working conditions and poor pay. He considered it survival of the fittest. As if he was actually doing humanity a favor. When what he was actually doing was stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold.

Also, I saw an interesting human experiment once that had to do with status. (Which money gives you) They would have children come into a room one at a time. They were seated at a table. On the table were something like four checkerboards. On the left and on the checkerboard near them, they had a number of things the child would value. On the checkerboard across from it, there were none. On the right and on the checkerboard near the child, there were a greater number of things the child would value. Across from it there were only a few items on the checkerboard that a child would value. The children were told that when another child came in, they would sit across from them and receive whatever was on the checkerboard in front of them. The vast number of them chose the checkerboard on the left with only a few valuable items on it and none on the other side. They were willing to take less as long as the other child got none at all.
I have no idea what slavery or Carnegie or you being a shithead have to do with me.

I also have no idea what your anecdotal evidence has to do with anything I posted. I am curious why you don’t answer any questions and can only hurl insults with others who disagree with you rather than discussing matters like an adult?
How about we ALL buy them. What would that cause? A better society. But for you rich fucks, I suppose society is good enough for you. People used to think the same way before the French Revolution. Removing their heads solved that problem.
Then Napoleon came along and thought the French would be much better off with a dictator.
Dimensional, Inhabitable house is a whole lot different than a condemned uninhabitable house. An Inhabitantal home cost money to keep up. You dont get it. Your fantasy is tied up by GOVT rules.
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Being homeless doesn't make them criminals. So there is no reason to basically treat them as criminals. If there are over 25 houses in the U.S. for every homeless person, as long as they're Americans, give them one. At the government's expense.
They would sell the home, use the money to buy drugs and be homeless.
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