Homeless in the USA.

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I just said fuck that shit. That's what they paid people to flip burgers.
Still lying I see. If you turned your nose up at the money that was offered to you, WHY, pray tell, should working folks support your lazy ass? So there WERE jobs flipping burgers, eh? Why didn't you take it? I know, it was below your station in life as you see it---but being a lowlife parasite on the dole isn't below your station. Try again.
Prove me wrong.
You've done a bang up job of that throughout this thread. Your post #272. What kind of "hose" is Mike Rowe? Did you fail sentence structure in your sixth grade English lessons? Apparently you haven't expanded your list of pejoratives since that time. Intelligence--you have to have some before you can claim it. BTW, can you weld galvanized steel?
You are hilarious. You advocate for communism and decry the reasons for illegal immigration as globalism--you just aren't very educated are you?

Well shit for brains, the illegals aren't coming here to escape communism. They are coming here because they are basically overpopulating human bacteria. A human plague. A human swarm. I will show you a video of how they actually function. Like a slime mold. Watch and learn.

What would you know about work, you've never had a job in your entire worthless life. Ever pick peaches and get paid by the crate? Ever work hot steel in 104 degree plus weather? Ever been shot at? I know the answers to all of these questions is a resounding NO, you just want everyone to give you free stuff. Here's a newsflash---THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.

Fuck off asswipe. I've done farm work. And I fabricated steel in Texas when it was 106 in the shade. It got pretty hot when I was welding inside a large trash compactor box sitting out in the sun while wearing coveralls. I have worked all types of jobs. But getting shot at, I've never done that. And who in the HELL is asking for a "free lunch."
This is how the intellectually superior speak ^^^? LMAO. Try again when you get out of middle school.

I find it's the best way to get through thick skulls like yours. Though it doesn't work, it is better than being polite. As somebody once said, "I don't suffer fools gladly."
Still lying I see. If you turned your nose up at the money that was offered to you, WHY, pray tell, should working folks support your lazy ass? So there WERE jobs flipping burgers, eh? Why didn't you take it? I know, it was below your station in life as you see it---but being a lowlife parasite on the dole isn't below your station. Try again.
I said that was what people who flipped burgers made. I didn't say I could get a job doing it. Next, I don't give a flippin flying fuck how much you love slavery. I refuse to be one.
You've done a bang up job of that throughout this thread. Your post #272. What kind of "hose" is Mike Rowe? Did you fail sentence structure in your sixth grade English lessons? Apparently you haven't expanded your list of pejoratives since that time. Intelligence--you have to have some before you can claim it. BTW, can you weld galvanized steel?

Who are you. The grammar police? You understood what I said. Next, tig welding is the only thing I'm not well practiced at. But I can do it. It is just a matter of remembering what amperage you use on whatever thickness and kind of sheet metal you're welding.
My idea has always beens forced Tent cities in the CA desert. Round them up, give 90 days to learn to clean up and live. Not easy to fix the health and dental problems on 100,000 rounded up? If you Screw up, 5 years in Folsom prison.

After 90 days maybe some of the cleaner stock can be moved to studio housing near a job. Given a job and begin to contribute to costs? Or back to tent city?
Sweep up everyone living on the streets

If on drugs send them to a tent city drug rehab hospital far away in the desert for 6 months to get clean

Then put them into a work release program for jobs they are suitable for

If they go back on drugs then send them away for six more months
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Who are you. The grammar police? You understood what I said. Next, tig welding is the only thing I'm not well practiced at. But I can do it. It is just a matter of remembering what amperage you use on whatever thickness and kind of sheet metal you're welding.
And you call yourself a welder. You couldn't get a certification if it bit you. Better yet, go weld some galvanized steel without a respirator. Problem solved.
You got it wrong. YOU are the shithead. And the slavery the U.S. has and dose conduct is your fault. Because you support it. And what I said about what is behind status has everything to do with you. If you are human.
Again, what are you talking about? You keep jumping all over the place.

How can we afford to buy homes and permanently pay for the cost of living for millions of Americans, you are not making any sense. We are in financial trouble as the dollar may not continue to be the world currency, then we will have $30 plus trillion debt. The money will need to come from some where and taxes across all people will go up along with inflation and bank failures, how are you planning on making it work? At this point I don’t question your intentions but good intentions don’t pay bills.

Are you wanting to discuss the issues or just hurl insults?
There is show out there called "Dirty Jobs." The hose Mike Rowe speaks of those at the beginning of those who do the dirty jobs that make civilized life possible for you and everybody else.
Sorry, child, none of that babble equates to "society" meaning "everyone owes everyone everything".
That's right wormshit.
As opposed to wrong wormshit?
Those you like to look down upon are responsible for living in the society you do and having the things you have.
I don't look down on hard working people. I look down upon entitled, uneducated idiots like yourself.
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Those 25 homes all belong to someone. Why spend billions of dollars to help people when we can help them with existing gov't properties and infrastructure. It is not treating them like criminals to offer them a place to live, food to eat, medical care and perhaps even job training.

Ego is for those who can afford it. If you have been living on the street and begging for change, you have already treated yourself worse than my plan would.

Ah, the Scrooge approach I see. "Are there no prisons? And the union workhouses, are they still in operation?" To hell with existing government properties. That isn't how normal people live. It shouldn't be expected for the homeless to live that way. Next, though I was homeless, I never begged for change. But for the people who are and do, they would probably prefer that to what you suggest.
Again, what are you talking about? You keep jumping all over the place.

How can we afford to buy homes and permanently pay for the cost of living for millions of Americans, you are not making any sense. We are in financial trouble as the dollar may not continue to be the world currency, then we will have $30 plus trillion debt. The money will need to come from some where and taxes across all people will go up along with inflation and bank failures, how are you planning on making it work? At this point I don’t question your intentions but good intentions don’t pay bills.

Are you wanting to discuss the issues or just hurl insults?

All I said was that if there are over 25 vacant homes for every homeless person, give them one. Next, the only thing that could save our currency is nationalism. Not globalization.
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