Homeless in the USA.

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Now you are moving the goal posts. Yes, a huge portion of our lives are made possible by blue collar workers. I was a lineman for years. Plain blue collar worker and made decent to good money.

But that is not the same the homeless. They are not providing services to society like the rest of society does. Using the streets as toilets is not providing a service.

Well, reset the goal posts to where they were. I'll try again.
I remember mentioning uninhabited. As in vacant. I don't know what you're going on about.

Inner city uninhabited are soon destroyed. Thay become uninhabitable qIuickly. Will be Condemned if the GOVT has time to get to it. Usually they try to board them up. Then they get burned down by vandals.

There is no easy answer to your one size fits all solution.
The problem is, somebody paid for that house. Somebody holds the title for that house as a financial worth. Somebody paid for the house and is paying taxes on it.

Insisting that they give it away is ridiculous.

Well the government would simply buy their house at the fair market value. Then give it to a homeless person. That would be a huge step in making them productive citizens again.
Well the government would simply buy their house at the fair market value. Then give it to a homeless person. That would be a huge step in making them productive citizens again.

Youve been shown the living & upkeep costs. It aint easy. Where are these homes?
"I just said fuck that shit. That's what they paid people to flip burgers."

And if you have no income, no job and no prospects for a better job, you flip burgers for the money. Unless you think you are too good to flip burgers.

Being a fabricator took skills that were worth more than mininum wage. Also, I couldn't find a job back then flipping burgers. I think it was at McDonalds that I went for an interview. The boss told me that I would be expected to work too hard for what they paid me. Maybe back then such employers meant jobs like that to be for high school kids.
I was complaining about the debt. I have complained about the national debt and trade imbalances for decades. And I know plenty of people who do. Not sure why you think nobody was complaining.

Apparently complaining about it does nothing. And from what I have found, most people doing so are like a boxer in a ring wearing a blindfold. Their punch are complaints. They just have no idea where to direct them. And the government sure as hell isn't going to tell you. But I will. Use this person as an example. He knew where to punch.

Hitler portrait.jpg
I answered it. It would be funded by the government. How would they fund it? Probably through taxes. Assuming what would come next, I headed it off and started a thread in the economics section called "Taxes don't exist." For some reason, it was deleted. Next, money does give you status. How do people usually get more than their fair share of money? By any means necessary. Including slavery. And for those with plenty of money, they want more.
How do you justify taking away one man’s property and giving it to another person?
I answered it. It would be funded by the government. How would they fund it? Probably through taxes. Assuming what would come next, I headed it off and started a thread in the economics section called "Taxes don't exist." For some reason, it was deleted. Next, money does give you status. How do people usually get more than their fair share of money? By any means necessary. Including slavery. And for those with plenty of money, they want more.

Your ridiculous thread on taxes not existing was not deleted. It was moved to the Rubber Room forum.
Its a horribly sad pathetic complicated situation. Different by location.

It wont be solved Federally. It is a state by state issue. Big GOVT commee blue states like the problem as-is. They have created this situation over decades. Now its catastrophic in size under Obiden 2.0.

I feel your pain dimensional but your solution must get those in highly paid in power to do something.
Apparently complaining about it does nothing. And from what I have found, most people doing so are like a boxer in a ring wearing a blindfold. Their punch are complaints. They just have no idea where to direct them. And the government sure as hell isn't going to tell you. But I will. Use this person as an example. He knew where to punch.

View attachment 774983

He was a menace, a racist, and a mass murderer.

My complaints are not my punches. My vote is my punch.

But we are not going to increase the national debt by billions of dollars because you want to give away houses and pay all the bills for people who could be served amply well by opening up an abandoned military base.
If that house was livable, it wouldn't be all boarded up. Whoever came up with the statistic that there were over 25 homes for every homeless person in the U.S., I doubt if they included uninhabitable ones.

Why do you doubt that? Because you want it to be true that there are fine news homes out there empty?

You are the one who had the info that there are 25 homes for every homeless person. I guarantee that lots of them are boarded up and in need of repairs.
Well the government would simply buy their house at the fair market value. Then give it to a homeless person. That would be a huge step in making them productive citizens again.

So the gov't takes tax dollars from the people who earned it, and buys houses to GIVE to people who did nothing to earn them. And then pays the bills so those people can stay in their free house.

And the tax payers have no say in the matter>
I answered it. It would be funded by the government. How would they fund it? Probably through taxes. Assuming what would come next, I headed it off and started a thread in the economics section called "Taxes don't exist." For some reason, it was deleted. Next, money does give you status. How do people usually get more than their fair share of money? By any means necessary. Including slavery. And for those with plenty of money, they want more.

I read that post that started your Taxes threads. Absolute bullshit.

Almost half of the income for the federal gov't comes from personal income taxes, which include payroll taxes. Billions of dollars transfered from personal income to gov't property, by force. The idea that taxes don't exist because a handful of corporations figured out legal ways of not paying tax and because some people are follish enough to set up their withholding on their paycheck high so they get a big refund? People are paying billions of dollars in personal income taxes.
How do you justify taking away one man’s property and giving it to another person?

I never said anything about taking. I said the government should buy those houses. And how to justify it? For the best reason of all. For the common good..
Its a horribly sad pathetic complicated situation. Different by location.

It wont be solved Federally. It is a state by state issue. Big GOVT commee blue states like the problem as-is. They have created this situation over decades. Now its catastrophic in size under Obiden 2.0.

I feel your pain dimensional but your solution must get those in highly paid in power to do something.

I do the best I can.
He was a menace, a racist, and a mass murderer.

My complaints are not my punches. My vote is my punch.

But we are not going to increase the national debt by billions of dollars because you want to give away houses and pay all the bills for people who could be served amply well by opening up an abandoned military base.

Hitler was a human GOD! Everything bad you ever heard about him is a fucking LIE! Take the "holocaust" for example. I started a thread about it. It disappeared. I started another thread about it. Where I didn't even want to bother going into the matter. All I asked was that like me, is there anybody else around here who knows that the holocaust is a hoax. It disappeared. But any shithead can start a thread promoting the holocaust fiction. And it doesn't go anywhere. It stays where it was posted. Also, I did a search on the matter here. I found that somebody named Sunni Man did some threads about it. As far as I could find, they were all closed down to further discussion. But I would be willing to bet that would NEVER happen to a holocaust thread that promoted the "reality" of it having happened.

Next, why in the hell do you need a unused military base when there are over 25 unoccupied houses for every homeless person. Also, didn't you say somewhere that you were in the military and lived in a barracks? I did too. And you should know as I do that living in a barracks sucks ass. Making homeless people live that way would basically be treating them like criminals.
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