Homeless in the USA.

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Then let's try a few Yes/No questions.

1) Do you believe Jews and other undesirables were loaded on to rail cars?
2) Do you believe they were taken to concentration camps?

Both of those only require a Yes or a No.

How about this. You contact one of the mods. Get them to agree to let me post a thread about the holocaust in the history section. Tell them they can send me a PM telling me that they will allow me to do so. Then I will do so. You can then object to anything I post.
Oh course you don't. Because the federal gov't take $5 billion dollars or more in these "nonexistent" taxes. You look foolish to claim taxes don't exist.

If I remember right, in the thread I said that they basically don't exist. But as I said, apparently I'm not allowed to have this discussion. So put an end to bringing the matter up.
If I remember right, in the thread I said that they basically don't exist. But as I said, apparently I'm not allowed to have this discussion. So put an end to bringing the matter up.

But they DO exist. Billions of dollars don't just appear from thin air.
How about this. You contact one of the mods. Get them to agree to let me post a thread about the holocaust in the history section. Tell them they can send me a PM telling me that they will allow me to do so. Then I will do so. You can then object to anything I post.

They were simple Yes or No questions. No, you have no great truth. Just spouting the same bullshit couched in different terms.

The holocaust happened. If you want to argue numbers and say there were 3 million killed instead of 6 million, I have no argument with you. Saying none of it happened is simply delusional propaganda.
And as for taxes, the last year I worked before retirement, I was divorced, with no dependents, and no mortgage. I paid almost $40k in taxes.
If it cost the same, give them that choice. But if the choice is between soaking the tax payer for a few hundred thousand dollars or spending trillions (including trillions for the foreseeable future) there is no reason to spend trillions.

The government, and people like YOU are the whole reason why they are homeless to begin with. No wonder you prefer to take the "cheaper" approach of just shitting on them.
They were simple Yes or No questions. No, you have no great truth. Just spouting the same bullshit couched in different terms.

The holocaust happened. If you want to argue numbers and say there were 3 million killed instead of 6 million, I have no argument with you. Saying none of it happened is simply delusional propaganda.

Did you contact a mod about me posting such a thread? If so, I haven't received a PM from one saying that they would allow me to do so.
The government, and people like YOU are the whole reason why they are homeless to begin with. No wonder you prefer to take the "cheaper" approach of just shitting on them.

First of all, I am not the reason anyone is homeless. In fact, when I hired crews I kept people longer than I should have to help them land on their feet.

Second of all, nothing I have said is anything remotely close to "shitting on them".

What I have proposed is to create a place they are off the streets, can get medical care and nutritious food, and can be in a place they have support and assistance. Help finding work. Paid work on the facilities. Help with addictions and mental health issues. Grooming and hygiene would prepare them for job interviews.

Not just thrown into a house and told they are "fixed" now.
Did you contact a mod about me posting such a thread? If so, I haven't received a PM from one saying that they would allow me to do so.

No, I did not report you to a mod. I have no interest. You can't answer 2 simple questions. Which tells me your "truth" is either Cut 'n Paste or some canned propaganda.

I am interested in neither.
First of all, I am not the reason anyone is homeless. In fact, when I hired crews I kept people longer than I should have to help them land on their feet.

Second of all, nothing I have said is anything remotely close to "shitting on them".

What I have proposed is to create a place they are off the streets, can get medical care and nutritious food, and can be in a place they have support and assistance. Help finding work. Paid work on the facilities. Help with addictions and mental health issues. Grooming and hygiene would prepare them for job interviews.

Not just thrown into a house and told they are "fixed" now.

Drugs are one of the things that cause people to become homeless. Are you telling me that you support the U.S. completely shutting off the border? And deporting all the illegals that are already here? That is the only way you are going to stop the drugs. Which is a large reason for homelessness. Also, as I said elsewhere, I was homeless at one point in the past. And drugs had nothing to do with it. The filth that is our capitalist system was to blame for that. Are you telling me that you are a socialist? If your answer to both is no, then you ARE the problem. Or part of it anyway. In other words, shitting on people.

Next, in some cities I have seen the government provide apartments to homeless people. It seems to have worked out fine. There isn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between giving a homeless person an apartment or a house. Also, what gives you the idea that a homeless person wouldn't groom themselves when they have the ability to do so. As for those who may be mentally unstable, there should be institutions for that. But the government decided to go with the cheaper rout. Use prisons or let them be homeless.
Drugs are one of the things that cause people to become homeless. Are you telling me that you support the U.S. completely shutting off the border? And deporting all the illegals that are already here? That is the only way you are going to stop the drugs. Which is a large reason for homelessness. Also, as I said elsewhere, I was homeless at one point in the past. And drugs had nothing to do with it. The filth that is our capitalist system was to blame for that. Are you telling me that you are a socialist? If your answer to both is no, then you ARE the problem. Or part of it anyway. In other words, shitting on people.

Next, in some cities I have seen the government provide apartments to homeless people. It seems to have worked out fine. There isn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between giving a homeless person an apartment or a house. Also, what gives you the idea that a homeless person wouldn't groom themselves when they have the ability to do so. As for those who may be mentally unstable, there should be institutions for that. But the government decided to go with the cheaper rout. Use prisons or let them be homeless.

You turn up your nose at the idea of doing things as efficiently and cheaply as they (the federal gov't) can. That is there job and their responsibility.
No, I did not report you to a mod. I have no interest. You can't answer 2 simple questions. Which tells me your "truth" is either Cut 'n Paste or some canned propaganda.

I am interested in neither.

I wasn't talking about reporting me to a mod. I was speaking about you asking a mod to let me post the kind of thread where I could discuss such things in the history section. If I was allowed to, I would tell you the truth. You know what would happen then? You wouldn't be able to refute me. At least, not for long. What would happen then? I would probably be banned and have my thread disappear. Just as has happened at other forums. Face it. You are only allowed to hear one side of the story. They say that history is written by the victors. And they have too much power for me to overcome. Too bad you aren't really interested in knowing the truth. I could tell you where to find it. But seeing how you aren't, I won't.
You turn up your nose at the idea of doing things as efficiently and cheaply as they (the federal gov't) can. That is there job and their responsibility.

You are wrong. The government doesn't run things. Those who paid to put them into office run things. The politicians are just their meat puppets.
I wasn't talking about reporting me to a mod. I was speaking about you asking a mod to let me post the kind of thread where I could discuss such things in the history section. If I was allowed to, I would tell you the truth. You know what would happen then? You wouldn't be able to refute me. At least, not for long. What would happen then? I would probably be banned and have my thread disappear. Just as has happened at other forums. Face it. You are only allowed to hear one side of the story. They say that history is written by the victors. And they have too much power for me to overcome. Too bad you aren't really interested in knowing the truth. I could tell you where to find it. But seeing how you aren't, I won't.

I understood what you meant. If you post it I will probably read it. But it would not change what I know.
You are wrong. The government doesn't run things. Those who paid to put them into office run things. The politicians are just their meat puppets.

Regardless, the people still pay taxes out of their pocket. They deserve to have it be spent efficiently.
Drugs are one of the things that cause people to become homeless. Are you telling me that you support the U.S. completely shutting off the border? And deporting all the illegals that are already here? That is the only way you are going to stop the drugs. Which is a large reason for homelessness. Also, as I said elsewhere, I was homeless at one point in the past. And drugs had nothing to do with it. The filth that is our capitalist system was to blame for that. Are you telling me that you are a socialist? If your answer to both is no, then you ARE the problem. Or part of it anyway. In other words, shitting on people.

Next, in some cities I have seen the government provide apartments to homeless people. It seems to have worked out fine. There isn't a whole hell of a lot of difference between giving a homeless person an apartment or a house. Also, what gives you the idea that a homeless person wouldn't groom themselves when they have the ability to do so. As for those who may be mentally unstable, there should be institutions for that. But the government decided to go with the cheaper rout. Use prisons or let them be homeless.

The filth that is our capitalist system was to blame for that.

I understood what you meant. If you post it I will probably read it. But it would not change what I know.

"If" I post it? I've already tried. And failed. Just for a laugh, I am going to assume that you want to know the truth. So lets give this a try. First, I see that you are a "Diamond Member." Maybe that means you could post something about holocaust denial in the history section and actually have it remain in the history section. Certainly threads that promote the supposed reality of the holocaust are allowed to remain in that section. It is only fair that I have the same soapbox to stand on (the history section) that those who promote the reality of the holocaust have. So do this. (If you dare)

In the history section, start a thread there yourself that says, "The Holocaust Never Happened." In the text of the thread, write this. "I myself don't agree with the title of this thread. But for any body who views this thread, please don't reply until dimensional has replied. Then, feel free to let him have it!"

So, how does that plan suit you. It seems fair to me. You keep asking me to say things about the holocaust. Well this is the only way it can be done. That is, in a way that would matter at all.
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