Homeless in the USA.

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You keep bring up taxes. Seeing how my thread on the matter was shit canned, there is no point in discussing it. Also, didn't you bring up the holocaust somewhere? Where you wanted to talk about it? I told you how to make that a reality if you wanted to. I looked in the history section. I didn't see it.

I bring up taxes because you keep claiming that thread with the ridiculous notion that taxes don't exist. And you want the federal gov't to buy houses (with those tax dollars that don't exist) and give the houses away.
Why do you keep posting links to things I can't see.
That is probably because you haven‘t met the guidelines for going into and seeing the rubber room. Interesting how all your posts are so comical that they end up in the rubber room. My father was a WWII and he liberated prisoners in concentration camps and to they day he died, he said it was the worst conditions he had seen humans suffer, so spare me your propaganda BS, I will take the word of a WWII vet with medals including the Medal of Honor and was there, over a person that was never there and is claiming millions lied about the camps. I can’t imagine humans treating other humans the way it was in those camps, but you’re pretending it never happened doesn’t change the fact it did happen. Hitler was a psychopath that thought nothing of sacrificing millions of people to achieve a warped distorted dream of white supremacy.

Funny how when the greatest generation is dying off, evil seeps in and tries to change what is actually recorded. Sorry you failed in history.
That is probably because you haven‘t met the guidelines for going into and seeing the rubber room. Interesting how all your posts are so comical that they end up in the rubber room. My father was a WWII and he liberated prisoners in concentration camps and to they day he died, he said it was the worst conditions he had seen humans suffer, so spare me your propaganda BS, I will take the word of a WWII vet with medals including the Medal of Honor and was there, over a person that was never there and is claiming millions lied about the camps. I can’t imagine humans treating other humans the way it was in those camps, but you’re pretending it never happened doesn’t change the fact it did happen. Hitler was a psychopath that thought nothing of sacrificing millions of people to achieve a warped distorted dream of white supremacy.

Funny how when the greatest generation is dying off, evil seeps in and tries to change what is actually recorded. Sorry you failed in history.

Well said!!
Because the way you posted sent them there, post better quality or grow up, either way works, the issue isn’t the site it is you.

Fuck the forum. And those who run it. I posted a thread that said "Taxes don't exist." What is so offensive about that. Though in the text of it, I said that for the most part that is true. Because when you get your tax returns, you get most of those taxes you paid back. So for the most part, the taxes you pay are basically a short term loan to the government. What the wealthy pay is hard to say. I'm not wealthy. Also, look at Trump. He is supposed to be worth over 2 billion dollars. But there was the one year that they spoke of on the news that he only paid $750.00 in taxes. It might interest you to know that it is the working poor who pay the majority of taxes in this country.

So what does all this mean? Well, apparently there is a mod here who shit canned my thread about taxes. Could that mod be reading this? If so, know this. You are a lowlife piece of shit! You are worthy too suck the maggots out of a dead elephants cock! If in the future you have any children, I hope they come out more deformed than what they normally would be. That is, with a "thing" like you as one of their parents. I want to see you DEAD! It is a tragedy that any of those mass shooters out there missed you. What an improvement to humanity it would have been if they blew your brains out. Or just as good, one of your children. You shit eating faggot.
That is probably because you haven‘t met the guidelines for going into and seeing the rubber room. Interesting how all your posts are so comical that they end up in the rubber room. My father was a WWII and he liberated prisoners in concentration camps and to they day he died, he said it was the worst conditions he had seen humans suffer, so spare me your propaganda BS, I will take the word of a WWII vet with medals including the Medal of Honor and was there, over a person that was never there and is claiming millions lied about the camps. I can’t imagine humans treating other humans the way it was in those camps, but you’re pretending it never happened doesn’t change the fact it did happen. Hitler was a psychopath that thought nothing of sacrificing millions of people to achieve a warped distorted dream of white supremacy.

Funny how when the greatest generation is dying off, evil seeps in and tries to change what is actually recorded. Sorry you failed in history.

First, give post 406 a read. Secondly, why do you bring up what your father supposedly saw. I'm pretty sure it is against the rules to insult the family of a members. As for "propaganda," you couldn't refute anything I might tell you on the matter. THAT'S WHY I'M NOT ALLOWED TO SAY IT! At least not in the open forum. Sucker.
Fuck the forum. And those who run it. I posted a thread that said "Taxes don't exist." What is so offensive about that. Though in the text of it, I said that for the most part that is true. Because when you get your tax returns, you get most of those taxes you paid back. So for the most part, the taxes you pay are basically a short term loan to the government. What the wealthy pay is hard to say. I'm not wealthy. Also, look at Trump. He is supposed to be worth over 2 billion dollars. But there was the one year that they spoke of on the news that he only paid $750.00 in taxes. It might interest you to know that it is the working poor who pay the majority of taxes in this country.

So what does all this mean? Well, apparently there is a mod here who shit canned my thread about taxes. Could that mod be reading this? If so, know this. You are a lowlife piece of shit! You are worthy too suck the maggots out of a dead elephants cock! If in the future you have any children, I hope they come out more deformed than what they normally would be. That is, with a "thing" like you as one of their parents. I want to see you DEAD! It is a tragedy that any of those mass shooters out there missed you. What an improvement to humanity it would have been if they blew your brains out. Or just as good, one of your children. You shit eating faggot.

If you are over 18 you just have to meet the threshold for posts and you'll be able to access the Rubber Room.

And yes, your thread on Taxes was stupid. More than half of the federal gov't's money comes from personal income tax. Only people making very little or people who are seriously rich don't pay taxes. The majority of the adult population does pay taxes.
Fuck the forum. And those who run it. I posted a thread that said "Taxes don't exist." What is so offensive about that. Though in the text of it, I said that for the most part that is true. Because when you get your tax returns, you get most of those taxes you paid back. So for the most part, the taxes you pay are basically a short term loan to the government. What the wealthy pay is hard to say. I'm not wealthy. Also, look at Trump. He is supposed to be worth over 2 billion dollars. But there was the one year that they spoke of on the news that he only paid $750.00 in taxes. It might interest you to know that it is the working poor who pay the majority of taxes in this country.

So what does all this mean? Well, apparently there is a mod here who shit canned my thread about taxes. Could that mod be reading this? If so, know this. You are a lowlife piece of shit! You are worthy too suck the maggots out of a dead elephants cock! If in the future you have any children, I hope they come out more deformed than what they normally would be. That is, with a "thing" like you as one of their parents. I want to see you DEAD! It is a tragedy that any of those mass shooters out there missed you. What an improvement to humanity it would have been if they blew your brains out. Or just as good, one of your children. You shit eating faggot.

Just because you're 60 and never paid net federal income taxes doesn't mean they don't exist.

It might interest you to know that it is the working poor who pay the majority of taxes in this country.

You were lying when you said you didn't pay?
I bring up taxes because you keep claiming that thread with the ridiculous notion that taxes don't exist. And you want the federal gov't to buy houses (with those tax dollars that don't exist) and give the houses away.

I happen to think that homelessness is a bad thing. And that there are over 25 vacant houses for every homeless person in the U.S. is a travesty. But don't worry. I understand that an evil fuckface would feel differently.
If you are over 18 you just have to meet the threshold for posts and you'll be able to access the Rubber Room.

And yes, your thread on Taxes was stupid. More than half of the federal gov't's money comes from personal income tax. Only people making very little or people who are seriously rich don't pay taxes. The majority of the adult population does pay taxes.

Well here's the thing. I don't really have any interest in participating in a thread in a shit can section. If it isn't good enough to be in the regular forum, then fuck whoever put it there. I had some interesting things to say on the matter. But if this forum prefers to keep the public at large as ignorant as possible, there's nothing I can do about it.
You are just now figuring it out?

I had two members of my family be a part of liberating concentration camps.

You again bring up a topic that I'm not allowed to discuss in the open forum. And mention people I'm probably not allowed to make extremely filthy insults towards. If you only knew the truth. Better yet, if you only wanted to know the truth.
First, give post 406 a read. Secondly, why do you bring up what your father supposedly saw. I'm pretty sure it is against the rules to insult the family of a members. As for "propaganda," you couldn't refute anything I might tell you on the matter. THAT'S WHY I'M NOT ALLOWED TO SAY IT! At least not in the open forum. Sucker.
You can say anything you want there are plenty Holocaust deniers that have posted threads and proven wrong but go right ahead. Idiot!
Just because you're 60 and never paid net federal income taxes doesn't mean they don't exist.

It might interest you to know that it is the working poor who pay the majority of taxes in this country.

You were lying when you said you didn't pay?

I have no comment on any thread I made that was sent to the shit can section. Enjoy your ignorance.
I happen to think that homelessness is a bad thing. And that there are over 25 vacant houses for every homeless person in the U.S. is a travesty. But don't worry. I understand that an evil fuckface would feel differently.
Wow! How convincing you are, you lose and you throw insults. Homelessness is a real problem but you want only one solution and want to be congratulated, if you were at least 60 as you claim, one would think you could be mature enough to discuss issues.
You can say anything you want there are plenty Holocaust deniers that have posted threads and proven wrong but go right ahead. Idiot!

Jesus fuckin christ!!! I already had two threads on the matter shit canned. But if you want to start a thread that supports the "reality" of the holocaust on the open forum, THE DOOR IS WIDE FUCKING OPEN!!!! That says everything there needs to be said on the matter. Can you understand?
Well here's the thing. I don't really have any interest in participating in a thread in a shit can section. If it isn't good enough to be in the regular forum, then fuck whoever put it there. I had some interesting things to say on the matter. But if this forum prefers to keep the public at large as ignorant as possible, there's nothing I can do about it.
Ohhhh! You had interesting things to say! You Could have proved it in this thread but went to trash talking and we know that isn’t your fault, nothing seems to be, it is everyone else that’s at fault.
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