Homeless in the USA.

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Jesus fuckin christ!!! I already had two threads on the matter shit canned. But if you want to start a thread that supports the "reality" of the holocaust on the open forum, THE DOOR IS WIDE FUCKING OPEN!!!! That says everything there needs to be said on the matter. Can you understand?
They are still there. Try reading the rules a put your threads in the proper placement on the forum, otherwise you will be a victim of your ignorance.
I happen to think that homelessness is a bad thing. And that there are over 25 vacant houses for every homeless person in the U.S. is a travesty. But don't worry. I understand that an evil fuckface would feel differently.

I do not feel differently. I simply think using existing gov't property to house, feed and take care of their needs is a better idea. It provides more than shelter and does not require the huge expenditure of being people houses and paying their bills.
Wow! How convincing you are, you lose and you throw insults. Homelessness is a real problem but you want only one solution and want to be congratulated, if you were at least 60 as you claim, one would think you could be mature enough to discuss issues.

There is only one solution. And you have been mentally disabled from being able to discuss the matter. What do I mean? This.

Hitler portrait.jpg

Recognize the person in the photograph? Not long before he came to power, the German people literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. (Who knows what buying a steak would have taken) Unemployment was rampant. The holy Hitler fixed all that. That's probably the reason why he was made Time Magazines "Man of the Year." He believed in Germany first. For the U.S. today, apparently the more illegals, the better. Neither was there a holocaust. And the only reason why he invaded Poland was because ethnic Germans were being murdered there. And the only reason why he invaded Russia was because he found out that the larger Russian forces were about to invade Germany! Just about everything you think you know on the matter is a fucking LIE! Propaganda and history written by the victors. ZOG!
You again bring up a topic that I'm not allowed to discuss in the open forum. And mention people I'm probably not allowed to make extremely filthy insults towards. If you only knew the truth. Better yet, if you only wanted to know the truth.

Do you think you are the first hitler fanboy to come in here and spout nonsense about the truth? Hell, you aren't even the first to claim you were not allowed to speak the truth.

And yes, I have heard your "truth" and find it despicable.
They are still there. Try reading the rules a put your threads in the proper placement on the forum, otherwise you will be a victim of your ignorance.

What "proper place" would there be for the shitcanned threads. The conspiracy section? What I have to say isn't a conspiracy. I can prove everything I have to say far beyond anybody's ability to doubt. Even if everybody here was a Nobel Laureate, it would do you no good. Anybody can try to refute the truth. But they will all fail.
Do you think you are the first hitler fanboy to come in here and spout nonsense about the truth? Hell, you aren't even the first to claim you were not allowed to speak the truth.

And yes, I have heard your "truth" and find it despicable.

Ah, so some other sane person has received the same treatment. Big surprise. Also, only a devil could call the truth "despicable." It is what it is. You can either agree with it or not. And if I was allowed to speak about it in the open forum, I would openly welcome objections you might have about what I might have to say. Unfortunately for you, I would crush your objections with facts that even you couldn't deny. THAT'S WHY I'M NOT ALLOWED TO SAY THEM!!!
What "proper place" would there be for the shitcanned threads. The conspiracy section? What I have to say isn't a conspiracy. I can prove everything I have to say far beyond anybody's ability to doubt. Even if everybody here was a Nobel Laureate, it would do you no good. Anybody can try to refute the truth. But they will all fail.
Well ,how about posting some "Facts" then? Instead of snivelin'.
There is only one solution. And you have been mentally disabled from being able to discuss the matter. What do I mean? This.

View attachment 776452

Recognize the person in the photograph? Not long before he came to power, the German people literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. (Who knows what buying a steak would have taken) Unemployment was rampant. The holy Hitler fixed all that. That's probably the reason why he was made Time Magazines "Man of the Year." He believed in Germany first. For the U.S. today, apparently the more illegals, the better. Neither was there a holocaust. And the only reason why he invaded Poland was because ethnic Germans were being murdered there. And the only reason why he invaded Russia was because he found out that the larger Russian forces were about to invade Germany! Just about everything you think you know on the matter is a fucking LIE! Propaganda and history written by the victors. ZOG!

Time's 1939 issue describes Hitler as "the greatest threatening force that the democratic, freedom-loving world faces today."

It said Hitler's actions "left civilized men and women aghast" and called Hitler "the man most responsible for this world tragedy is a moody, brooding,
What "proper place" would there be for the shitcanned threads. The conspiracy section? What I have to say isn't a conspiracy. I can prove everything I have to say far beyond anybody's ability to doubt. Even if everybody here was a Nobel Laureate, it would do you no good. Anybody can try to refute the truth. But they will all fail.
All you are doing is hurling insults and absolutely no facts.
What "proper place" would there be for the shitcanned threads. The conspiracy section? What I have to say isn't a conspiracy. I can prove everything I have to say far beyond anybody's ability to doubt. Even if everybody here was a Nobel Laureate, it would do you no good. Anybody can try to refute the truth. But they will all fail.

You have to have been a member for 60 days in order to get into the Rubber Room. You have been here, by my calculations, for 57 days. Just a few days more and you will be able to post in the Rubber Room.

I doubt anyone will want to discuss Hitler or your conspiracy theories about the Joos!

Time's 1939 issue describes Hitler as "the greatest threatening force that the democratic, freedom-loving world faces today."

It said Hitler's actions "left civilized men and women aghast" and called Hitler "the man most responsible for this world tragedy is a moody, brooding,

They made him man of the year. That's all that matters. What any slaves of the jews or democracy cultists had to say about him doesn't matter. He took a devastated German economy and turned it into the economic envy of the world!
That is a very misleading statistic. What does "vacant" mean? Abandoned? Condemned? Temporarily empty but still owned?

I would assume that whoever came up with such a statistic researched it. I doubt if they would have included any uninhabitable houses in such a statistic. Neither does it matter who owns them. That's not the point. That they exist, that's the point.
Heres an example of your VACANT Homes.

Yes, those houses are vacant. But as I've had to say at least a couple times now, whoever came up with the statistic must have researched it. I doubt if that person would have included houses that were uninhabitable in that statistic. If that person had, it would have probably come out that there are over 500 vacant "homes" for every homeless person in the U.S. If that person also included vacant shacks out in the woods, that number would have probably been around 2000 (if not far more) vacant "homes" in the U.S. for every homeless person here.
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