Homeless in the USA.

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You have to have been a member for 60 days in order to get into the Rubber Room. You have been here, by my calculations, for 57 days. Just a few days more and you will be able to post in the Rubber Room.

I doubt anyone will want to discuss Hitler or your conspiracy theories about the Joos!

Of course they wouldn't want to discuss it. Because if they disagreed with me, I would crush their arguments. They say that ignorance is bliss. No doubt this forum is loaded down with "blissful" people.

Envy indeed.

The righteous don't always win.
They made him man of the year. That's all that matters. What any slaves of the jews or democracy cultists had to say about him doesn't matter. He took a devastated German economy and turned it into the economic envy of the world!
True he was an evil human that tried and failed to rule the world and thought he found a race superior to any other. He was Times Man of the Year for all the wrong reasons, but you go ahead and embrace evil.
In this case, an evil twat lost.

You still cry about that?

You inspired me to start a new thread. How long it will last is a different matter. You can find it in the history section. It is called, "Who was worse. Hitler or Stalin." Read it and weep.
True he was an evil human that tried and failed to rule the world and thought he found a race superior to any other. He was Times Man of the Year for all the wrong reasons, but you go ahead and embrace evil.

How easily you swallow hook line and sinker the propaganda of the winning side. Also, probably temporarily, I started a new thread in the history section called, "Who was worse. Hitler or Stalin." Give it a whirl.
How easily you swallow hook line and sinker the propaganda of the winning side. Also, probably temporarily, I started a new thread in the history section called, "Who was worse. Hitler or Stalin." Give it a whirl.
My father was an honest man, he saw first hand the evil of Hitler and his Nazi regime. What did you see first hand?
They made him man of the year. That's all that matters. What any slaves of the jews or democracy cultists had to say about him doesn't matter. He took a devastated German economy and turned it into the economic envy of the world!

In 1938 we didn't know what kind of mass murderer he was. We hadn't seen news reels of jews being loaded into cattle cars. We hadn't seen the labels they had to sew into their clothes.

Mussolini made the trains run on time too. That does not men he was not a barbaric despot.
I would assume that whoever came up with such a statistic researched it. I doubt if they would have included any uninhabitable houses in such a statistic. Neither does it matter who owns them. That's not the point. That they exist, that's the point.

The only criteria I have seen you post is "empty". If a house is empty long it always needs to be renovated, at the very least.

But you prefer spending billions of dollars to give boarded up houses to people, instead of spending 1/10th of that and getting the homeless more than just a roof.
Yes, those houses are vacant. But as I've had to say at least a couple times now, whoever came up with the statistic must have researched it. I doubt if that person would have included houses that were uninhabitable in that statistic. If that person had, it would have probably come out that there are over 500 vacant "homes" for every homeless person in the U.S. If that person also included vacant shacks out in the woods, that number would have probably been around 2000 (if not far more) vacant "homes" in the U.S. for every homeless person here.

You assume because your entire ego is wrapped up in your plan. You have no evidence at all that the houses are move-in ready.
You inspired me to start a new thread. How long it will last is a different matter. You can find it in the history section. It is called, "Who was worse. Hitler or Stalin." Read it and weep.

Wow. So now your position about hitler is "...he isn't as bad as Stalin was"?
Yeah, he doesn't seem to grasp that his "truth" is merely propaganda that calls thousands of US Veterans liars.
Crazy, we have thousands and thousands of witnesses, tons of testimony from eyewitnesses on both sides, confessions from those that participated in war crimes. It is just moronic and ignorant for people to make really stupid claims without evidence or made up evidence. To not believe in the Holocaust would require millions of people lying.
Crazy, we have thousands and thousands of witnesses, tons of testimony from eyewitnesses on both sides, confessions from those that participated in war crimes. It is just moronic and ignorant for people to make really stupid claims without evidence or made up evidence. To not believe in the Holocaust would require millions of people lying.

And the most secure and guarded man in this country couldn't keep a blowjob quiet.
Being homeless doesn't make them criminals. So there is no reason to basically treat them as criminals. If there are over 25 houses in the U.S. for every homeless person, as long as they're Americans, give them one. At the government's expense.
Well, when do I get my free house?

Oh wait, being a law abiding, full time working tax payer disqualifies me. I forgot
In 1938 we didn't know what kind of mass murderer he was. We hadn't seen news reels of jews being loaded into cattle cars. We hadn't seen the labels they had to sew into their clothes.

Mussolini made the trains run on time too. That does not men he was not a barbaric despot.

Coward. Worm. Liar. Etc. etc. etc. It is interesting how you bring up a topic that you prefer hearing lies about. Disgusting, but interesting. If I am to speak the truth, I'll not do it from underneath a rock! Which is basically what that "rubber room" I keep hearing about is. If I am going to speak of such things, I demand the same right that the liars have. To do so in the open forum. In this case, the history section. As I said, I can't do so. But being a "diamond member," you probably can. So I'll say this again. In the history section, start a thread with this title. "The Holocaust Never Happened." Then in the text of it, start out with your true feelings. Say, "I myself don't believe what the title of this thread says." After that, add, "For anybody seeing this thread, please do not leave a reply until after dimensional has replied." Are you up to this challenge? Or are you going to continue to take the "girly man" approach.
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