Homeless in the USA.

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Why do you doubt that? Because you want it to be true that there are fine news homes out there empty?

You are the one who had the info that there are 25 homes for every homeless person. I guarantee that lots of them are boarded up and in need of repairs.

Well I can only go by what a sane person would say. If I was the one who actually did the research and found that there were over 25 houses for every homeless person in the U.S., I wouldn't have included the ones that couldn't be lived in.
Well I can only go by what a sane person would say. If I was the one who actually did the research and found that there were over 25 houses for every homeless person in the U.S., I wouldn't have included the ones that couldn't be lived in.

found that there were over 25 houses for every homeless person in the U.S.,

Did you ever post your source?

Or do we have to take your word for it?
So the gov't takes tax dollars from the people who earned it, and buys houses to GIVE to people who did nothing to earn them. And then pays the bills so those people can stay in their free house.

And the tax payers have no say in the matter>

This is something the taxpayers should have a say in. And they should agree with it.

Hitler was a human GOD! Everything bad you ever heard about him is a fucking LIE! Take the "holocaust" for example. I started a thread about it. It disappeared. I started another thread about it. Where I didn't even want to bother going into the matter. All I asked was that like me, is there anybody else around here who knows that the holocaust is a hoax. It disappeared. But any shithead can start a thread promoting the holocaust fiction. And it doesn't go anywhere. It stays where it was posted. Also, I did a search on the matter here. I found that somebody named Sunni Man did some threads about it. As far as I could find, they were all closed down to further discussion. But I would be willing to bet that would NEVER happen to a holocaust thread that promoted the "reality" of it having happened.

Next, why in the hell do you need a unused military base when there are over 25 unoccupied houses for every homeless person. Also, didn't you say somewhere that you were in the military and lived in a barracks? I did too. And you should know as I do that living in a barracks sucks ass. Making homeless people live that way would basically be treating them like criminals.

If they don't like the accommodations on a base, they can go back to the streets. You wanting to spend billions of dollars to give away houses, when there is housing that could be converted for a few hundred thousand, is insanity. Especially since your reasoning is to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
I read that post that started your Taxes threads. Absolute bullshit.

Almost half of the income for the federal gov't comes from personal income taxes, which include payroll taxes. Billions of dollars transfered from personal income to gov't property, by force. The idea that taxes don't exist because a handful of corporations figured out legal ways of not paying tax and because some people are follish enough to set up their withholding on their paycheck high so they get a big refund? People are paying billions of dollars in personal income taxes.

Absolute bullshit? Listen here, sucker. I used to work and get taxed. When I got my tax returns, I got most of it back. Not all of it. But most of it. So taxes MOSTLY don't exist. It is a short term loan to the government. Too bad I couldn't discuss the matter in that thread. Because it disappeared. Apparently it got stashed in a place called "the rubber room." (Which I don't see) Apparently that means it is true.
Hitler was a human GOD! Everything bad you ever heard about him is a fucking LIE! Take the "holocaust" for example. I started a thread about it. It disappeared. I started another thread about it. Where I didn't even want to bother going into the matter. All I asked was that like me, is there anybody else around here who knows that the holocaust is a hoax. It disappeared. But any shithead can start a thread promoting the holocaust fiction. And it doesn't go anywhere. It stays where it was posted. Also, I did a search on the matter here. I found that somebody named Sunni Man did some threads about it. As far as I could find, they were all closed down to further discussion. But I would be willing to bet that would NEVER happen to a holocaust thread that promoted the "reality" of it having happened.

Next, why in the hell do you need a unused military base when there are over 25 unoccupied houses for every homeless person. Also, didn't you say somewhere that you were in the military and lived in a barracks? I did too. And you should know as I do that living in a barracks sucks ass. Making homeless people live that way would basically be treating them like criminals.

Hitler was insane. And are you denying that the nazis, under Hitler, rounded up Jews, homosexuals, gypsies and other undesirables, loaded them in rail cars, shipped them to concentration camps and killed them?

My uncle was in the US Army during WWII. He was at one of the camps. What he saw gave him nightmares for years.
Absolute bullshit? Listen here, sucker. I used to work and get taxed. When I got my tax returns, I got most of it back. Not all of it. But most of it. So taxes MOSTLY don't exist. It is a short term loan to the government. Too bad I couldn't discuss the matter in that thread. Because it disappeared. Apparently it got stashed in a place called "the rubber room." (Which I don't see) Apparently that means it is true.

Then you were making very little.

As I pointed out, half of the gov't income comes from personal income taxes. Trillions of dollars are taken from the people who earned it.
If they don't like the accommodations on a base, they can go back to the streets. You wanting to spend billions of dollars to give away houses, when there is housing that could be converted for a few hundred thousand, is insanity. Especially since your reasoning is to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

The point is to get them off the street. Most homeless would probably prefer to be homeless rather than live in a barracks.
This is something the taxpayers should have a say in. And they should agree with it.

Would they agree with helping the homeless? Sure!

If given 2 options, with one being using existing closed military bases that could be up and running for a few hundred thousand dollars, and the other being spending trillions of dollars and paying their bills in the houses they were given, I doubt the people would choose the latter.
Hitler was insane. And are you denying that the nazis, under Hitler, rounded up Jews, homosexuals, gypsies and other undesirables, loaded them in rail cars, shipped them to concentration camps and killed them?

My uncle was in the US Army during WWII. He was at one of the camps. What he saw gave him nightmares for years.

The holocaust never happened. Need undeniable PROOF? I'm not allowed to post it. I know because I tried. Face it, you're a brainwashed sucker. And I'm not allowed to tell you the truth. At least here in the U.S., doing so isn't against the law. But around here, it may as well be.
The point is to get them off the street. Most homeless would probably prefer to be homeless rather than live in a barracks.

If it cost the same, give them that choice. But if the choice is between soaking the tax payer for a few hundred thousand dollars or spending trillions (including trillions for the foreseeable future) there is no reason to spend trillions.
Then you were making very little.

As I pointed out, half of the gov't income comes from personal income taxes. Trillions of dollars are taken from the people who earned it.

My thread on the matter disappeared. So I don't want to discuss the matter here.
The holocaust never happened. Need undeniable PROOF? I'm not allowed to post it. I know because I tried. Face it, you're a brainwashed sucker. And I'm not allowed to tell you the truth. At least here in the U.S., doing so isn't against the law. But around here, it may as well be.

Then let's try a few Yes/No questions.

1) Do you believe Jews and other undesirables were loaded on to rail cars?
2) Do you believe they were taken to concentration camps?

Both of those only require a Yes or a No.
My thread on the matter disappeared. So I don't want to discuss the matter here.

Oh course you don't. Because the federal gov't take $5 billion dollars or more in these "nonexistent" taxes. You look foolish to claim taxes don't exist.
Would they agree with helping the homeless? Sure!

If given 2 options, with one being using existing closed military bases that could be up and running for a few hundred thousand dollars, and the other being spending trillions of dollars and paying their bills in the houses they were given, I doubt the people would choose the latter.

Did you watch the rather short video by FDR about a second bill of rights? Whatever it would cost, it would be worth it.
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