Homeless in the USA.

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Who cares about Germany. I'm talking about the U.S. To have the very best politicians, we need to find every poor person in the U.S., including the homeless, and put them into a lottery. By lot, every political position in government would be filled.

So you want powerful positions filled by people who cannot hold a job, have mental issues and addiction problems? That is absolutely nuts.

Years ago, A&W created a 1/3 lb burger at their restaurants/drive-ins. It didn't sell. Why? Because too many Americans thought 1/4 lb burger was bigger because 4 is a bigger number than 3. And you want THOSE people to have an equal chance at positions of leadership?
Put them into a labor camp until they do appreciate it.

Labor camps? You want to put people into labor camps for not appreciating something they had no hand in making or earning?

What authority do you have to put people in labor camps?

Why not just call them concentration camps? Oh, wait, you don't believe those happened.
I wasn't talking about putting homeless people into asylums. Not being like criminals in prison, they deserve better.
They (many) cant even stay in shelters. They wont stop smoking drinking drugging b4 during after shelters. Not that i blame them, i would do same if all hope seemed lost over years. But shelters have rules.
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They (many) cant even stay in shelters. They wont stop smoking drinking drugging b4 during after shelters. Not that i blame them, i would do same if all hope seemed lost over years. But shelters have rules.
Others are filthy, hoarders of junk & animals. They refuse free apartments because they are not allowed to bring in their nasty bugs, rodent infested junk or 10 untrained cats & dogs.
Who will build & maintain homes for US citizens if illegals are killed off & prevented entry? You will create more homeless!

Fuck you and your "we need slaves" bullshit. Also, creating jobs to do what you mentioned would make less people unemployed. If you are employed, chances are you aren't homeless.
We put them in prison. We take away virtually every freedom they have. That is certainly not better than anything.

You must be hallucinating. Many illegals would rather be in a U.S. prison than free in their own country. Because in prison they are housed, clothed and fed.
Why not use closed military bases instead? The infrastructure is there. The people can be paid for working to upgrade and maintain the barracks and other buildings. The utilities would be cheaper for groups as opposed to individuals. Feeding them in chow halls would provide nutritious meals for all. And there are medical facilities on every base.

If there are more than enough HOUSES available, why in the hell put them up in barracks. How about treating them like humans.
But you're not doing it now.

So... put a half dozen or so homeless in your house for six months to a year and get back to us and tell us how that went.

Do you eat shit? Because from what you say, it sounds like it. Because that is what is coming out.
Not true! I have dealt with many homeless. They have been offered apartments & meals, but they refuse to follow the rules & choose homeless freedom to shelter & rules.

Well, get rid of the "rules." Because the rules imposed on them are beyond what a regular person would have to endure. For example, I have a brother who lives in section 8 housing. You can't smoke in their apartments. I say fuck them. If I want to smoke, I will damned well smoke if I want to.
Well, get rid of the "rules." Because the rules imposed on them are beyond what a regular person would have to endure. For example, I have a brother who lives in section 8 housing. You can't smoke in their apartments. I say fuck them. If I want to smoke, I will damned well smoke if I want to.

When you buy a home and let your homeless friends move in, they can all smoke!
Remember, we need to see before AND after pictures.
If there are more than enough HOUSES available, why in the hell put them up in barracks. How about treating them like humans.

Putting people in barracks is not treating them like they are not humans. I was in barracks when I was in the Navy. It certainly beats sleeping on the street.
You must be hallucinating. Many illegals would rather be in a U.S. prison than free in their own country. Because in prison they are housed, clothed and fed.
What are you talking about? The homeless are not illegal aliens. You seem to confusing the two.
If I were king, I could fix homelessness by giving people houses to live in. And cars to drive.
”IF” you were king, easy to say, fortunately you will never be a king and you will never have that decision to make. Try living in reality, and not your fantasy. You can’t steal from one person and give to another, that is morally wrong.
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