Homeless in the USA.

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You want a house check medical from GOVT? We already have that. Sect 8 + Welfare etc. allows millions to lay home and breed 10 kids from 7 fathers with a check per kid. Rinse & repeat. Millions of 30 yr. Old grandmas floating about too.

10 kids, 7 fathers? Maybe if they're mexicans or blacks. And the government would provide them with employment.
And a better election is one where it's harder to buy votes.

Germany spends less for its federal elections than one Senate race in the US.

Why? Because with PR all you need to do is spread your message. In the US you're restricted to two viable political parties.
In Germany the AfD was founded in 2013, by 2017 they got 12.6% of the vote and 90 seats.
In the UK, with FPTP, UKIP was found in the early 1990s, by 2015 they got 12.6% of the vote and 1 seat.

Do you see the difference?
UKIP got 3.8 million votes and less seats than a political party which got 100,000 votes. Democracy that isn't.
It also meant that in Germany the CDU/CSU were in turmoil and in the UK the Conservatives were sitting pretty, all because of the system that benefits the largest two parties.

Who cares about Germany. I'm talking about the U.S. To have the very best politicians, we need to find every poor person in the U.S., including the homeless, and put them into a lottery. By lot, every political position in government would be filled.
They are losers who cant be helped and are only dragging everyone else down with them

See San Francisco or Portland business districts

And being a slave to the system makes you a winner? Think again.
We actually used to feed and house the homeless... but Jack Nicholson made a movie about it and everyone started thinking it was a bad idea.

So now, they sleep on the streets so we don't have to have those scary old asylums.

I wasn't talking about putting homeless people into asylums. Not being like criminals in prison, they deserve better.
I'm not sure I've heard you present any ideas. I've only heard you complain about what others aren't doing.

How many homeless are you willing to take into your house? I'll bet the garage can hold at least a dozen.

Maybe more, if you throw away the old playboy and Xmas decorations.

Sure. I'll use my property to house them. Read post 160.
If they're empty, any part of the country could declare eminent domain on the property and take it. And pay the owner the fair market value for it. Then put a homeless person in it. Along with paying their utilities until they get back on their feet.

You first.
Make me king of the U.S. I would own everything. Because I am the KING! Then yes, I personally would use my own property to see to it that there are no homeless Americans. As for illegals, the U.S.-mexico border would be lined with their impaled bodies. Then you wouldn't even need border walls. That is a line no illegal would dare cross.
Who will build & maintain homes for US citizens if illegals are killed off & prevented entry? You will create more homeless!
If they're empty, any part of the country could declare eminent domain on the property and take it. And pay the owner the fair market value for it. Then put a homeless person in it. Along with paying their utilities until they get back on their feet.

Why not use closed military bases instead? The infrastructure is there. The people can be paid for working to upgrade and maintain the barracks and other buildings. The utilities would be cheaper for groups as opposed to individuals. Feeding them in chow halls would provide nutritious meals for all. And there are medical facilities on every base.
Homeless people aren't known for their ability to travel to warmer places. Also, very few of the homeless are beyond help. And even if they are, they should still be helped.
Not true! I have dealt with many homeless. They have been offered apartments & meals, but they refuse to follow the rules & choose homeless freedom to shelter & rules.
Who cares about Germany. I'm talking about the U.S. To have the very best politicians, we need to find every poor person in the U.S., including the homeless, and put them into a lottery. By lot, every political position in government would be filled.

"Who cares about Germany", What a comment.

How can I have a proper discussion with someone who refuses to even expand their knowledge?

Can't be BOTHERED.
If they're empty, any part of the country could declare eminent domain on the property and take it. And pay the owner the fair market value for it. Then put a homeless person in it. Along with paying their utilities until they get back on their feet.
So you want to take property away from property owners, sounds evil to me.
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