Homemade Comics: TrumpUSA Disaster


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does 'TrumpUSA' inspire destiny-folklore?

This yarn was inspired by My Fellow Americans.

Signing off,



As U.S. President Donald Trump prepared for a very important commerce-negotiation meeting to PyeongChang (South Korea), CNN journalists readied themselves to cover the meeting which might spell all kinds of intrigue for modern nuclear-treaties between North Korea and South Korea. The meeting would possibly concern the exporting of South Korea's Samsung consumer-electronics to North Korea for peace-pacts, so Trump brought to PyeongChang a certain 'Christian faith' (or idealism perhaps!). When Trump arrived, he was delighted to find a Christian stained-glass cross hanging outside the window of the South Korean minister to welcomed him.


Back in America, the vigilantes known as Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) were busy developing tactics to deal with a new NYC crime-syndicate known as Black Mask which was possibly harboring a new mysterious 'super-villain' named the Phantasm. Black Mask was involved in corrupt political ties to the terrorist group ISIS as well as narcotics-smuggling in China (mostly opium). Spider-Man and Black Cat wanted to infiltrate Black Mask's lair and extract from them information regarding the enigmatic Phantasm and what the 'super-villain' was doing in NYC. Spider-Man and Black Cat remained idealistic.


A member of ISIS was in America busy trying to coordinate a well-timed attack on Trump Tower in United Nations Plaza in NYC while President Trump was negotiating in PyeongChang about Samsung TVs. This ISIS-terrorist wanted to throw a proverbial 'monkey-wrench' into these optimistic trade-talks between North Korea and South Korea the Trump Administration was trying to coordinate. The terrorist intended to start a fire distracting enough to create headlines and create a general angst and perhaps even an 'omen' about modern capitalism, since Trump Tower was such a 'beacon' of traffic.


Unfortunately, the Hollywood (USA) super-celebrity Leo DiCaprio was at the time at Trump Tower hosting a special eco-activism meeting on behalf of his eco-consciousness organization the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. The meeting was about water-pollution and acid-rain, and Leo wanted to host the meeting while Trump was negotiating about commerce/industry with the Koreas. The meeting would be attended by a comic book artist named Ajay Satan, an eccentric Algerian-American who used comic book 'avatars' to create political cartoons, and Leo loved Ajay's renditions of the iconic DC Comics eco-terrorist Poison Ivy. Leo was very excited about this eco-meeting, and he had no idea that an ISIS terrorist was planning something evil at Trump Tower.


Ajay Satan grew up in Algeria, reading the philosophies of the FLN and the works of Frantz Fanon. Ajay was a fan of revolutionary ethos and was partly interested in the American Revolution, particularly Patrick Henry and Benedict Arnold. Ajay wanted to attend Leo's eco-meeting at Trump Tower so he could talk about the role of censorship and pornography in modern media discussions regarding free-speech ethos. Leo wanted Ajay to make a special Poison Ivy rendering for a political cartoon about TrumpUSA eco-policy. That's why Ajay was at Trump Tower, and he ironically came dressed as an 'Edward Abbey radical' (so Leo would be impressed with new age commercial marketing and sarcasm!).


As the meeting at Trump Tower proceeded, executives of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation welcomed the various guests/attendees, including Ajay Satan and celebrity-actor Ben Affleck who was possibly making a new Batman (DC Comics) film featuring Poison Ivy as a villain. Just then, a terrible explosion went off on one of the lower floors, and it soon dawned on Leo and the others in Trump Tower that a terrorist-act was performed. The vigilante known as Captain America (Steve Rogers) swooped in to put the blaze out and calm everyone down. Captain America ran into the ISIS terrorist responsible for the bomb, and he threw his shield at his head, knocking him unconscious for the FBI to carry away. Captain America 'managed' the crisis.


As firefighters of the NYFD came in to handle the aftermath, Captain America escorted the attendees/guests of Leo's eco-meeting which was obviously a disaster because of the terrorism. Ajay Satan told Leo that they'd need to re-schedule such an important meeting for some other day and at some other 'more secure' location, and Leo agreed. Meanwhile, President Trump saw the CNN news-story about the Trump Tower blaze from PyeongChang and was alarmed, wondering if ISIS was coordinating some multi-event terrorism similar to 9/11.


Leo told Ajay to make a comic book rendition of the new 'super-villain' apparently being harbored by the crime syndicate Black Mask. The stick-figure doodle could complement a political cartoon about modern urban unrest in the American landscape confounding new age commerce/traffic negotiations (e.g., PyeongChang). Ajay thought it was a terrific plan and proceeded to make the art/story/cartoon, and he considered himself a 'historian' of new age pedagoguery. Ajay Satan thought back to the political cartoons of Thomas Nast and reflected on the 'evolution' of journalism culminating in the modern media focus on 'drama-politics.'


Ajay Satan's color-pencil rendering of the eerie Phantasm coupled with a more professional painting and complemented by his political cartoon about urban terror/distraction confounding general governance clarity was submitted to both Kingfeatures Syndicate and the New Yorker, and it won Ajay the Pulitzer Prize and an offer to teach a course titled "Folk Politics" at Yale University, which Ajay accepted. The political cartoon about the eerie Phantasm caught the attention of the 'super-villain' himself who indeed was working with the crime syndicate Black Mask to smuggle black market munitions into Hong Kong and nuclear-missiles into North Korea. That's why the vigilantes Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) wanted Ajay Satan's art to capture all the social interest and CIA investments in pursuing this darkside menace known as 'the Phantasm.' Even the vigilante Nightwing (Dick Grayson), whom Ajay also portrayed in his Phantasm artwork, was obsessed with 'coiling' the Phantasm.


Ajay Satan decided to get married. He met a beautiful online-bride from India named Gushit Ganguly who was very wise and nice. Ajay made sure she could move to America and obtain a residence-permit. Ajay and Gushit married, and Ajay continued to work with the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation regarding potential eco-terrorism themed political cartoons involving the DC Comics villain Poison Ivy in 'TrumpUSA.' Yes, Ajay was a 'settled diplomat' of modernism media, and Leo considered him as valuable a 'liaison' as perhaps even Spider-Man or President Trump.


President Trump concluded his mostly-successful commerce-meeting in PyeongChang and returned home to talk with Spider-Man about the Phantasm's potential ties to ISIS and Black Mask in NYC. Trump told Spider-Man that First Lady Melania Trump should have 'extra-protection' and Spider-Man promised him that Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) would handle that task personally. Trump explained that commerce-negotiation with Eastern countries (e.g., Korea, China, etc.) represented a new age globalization-politics investment in 'trade aesthetics' so American homeland trade-traffic should feel 'extra-safe.' Spider-Man understood what he meant.


TRUMP: For the time being, our three heroes seem to be working...
CARTER: Spider-Man, Black Cat, and Captain America are defenders!
TRUMP: Even their 'apprentice' Nightwing is busy tracking the Phantasm.
CARTER: Modernization is confounded by the treat of terrorists...
TRUMP: Perhaps we simply need more idealistic journalism and dialogue.
CARTER: Maybe a film-maker will present a story about 'activism-hygiene.'
TRUMP: Sure; I like Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story in some respects.
CARTER: Dialogue about modernism is always healthy.
TRUMP: Hopefully, PyeongChang will be complemented by more 'deeds'!
CARTER: Are you a fan of the terrorism-intelligence film Spy Game (Robert Redford)?
TRUMP: Yes; I like stories about 'political psychiatry.'
CARTER: Hail to the heroes.



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