Honestly....Why did trump surround himself with so many liars?

Is there anyone in D.C. who isn't a liar?

there has been a deliberate degradation of what it means to be less than honest in government.

flip-flops and shades of double triple speak are one thing, but trump is the type of liar this country has never ever seen.
Has there? Politicians have always lied with virtually every word that falls out of their mouth. There really is only 2 major differences with Trump as far as I can tell - he exaggerates/over inflates almost everything that he says and he is blatant rather than stating things in flowery bullshit.

As I see it the degree of difference is that the standard career politician will lie about whether he had sex with that woman or whether he knew Iraq had no WMD --- things that nobody would have seen --- while Rump will lie about what he just said five minutes ago that's on video. I mean there's lying, and then there's outright psychotic self-delusion. The term "lie" is extremely broad.
Because he is one terrible judge of human character?

He judges people and accepts then because they share his morals or lack thereof....

the idiots that voted for him are too damn stupid to know when they are being lied to ...
I believe that the establishment was going to destroy him and he had to accept establishment people into his administration when he became the Repub nominee in 2016. The influence of his family may have been an affect also. It was easy for the establishment to cause strife as the have been in charge for many decades. Perhaps it is like Jackie Robinson going to the Major Leagues to break the color barrier. Like Robinson he takes/took constant condemnation and accusations by people/other players/fans/voters and from those who say/said very little with also. Within the family/owner circle there were people who continued to try to influence things. So Jared/Ivanka and the owners back then were holding the reigns to slow down real progress because of beliefs that needed to end. Real equality is common sense.

This might just be the most surreal post I have ever read on this site.

A freak mentally deranged narcissist who deliberately paints his own face orange, is "Jackie Robinson" now:

Words the fuck fail me.
Liars are drawn to each other like moths to a flame

They know what the other person wants to hear and with a smile and a wink they now how to deliver

That is why Trump and Stone are like long lost brothers separate at birth but somehow found each other in the world of politics

They both have narcissistic personality disorders

And its is a good relationship until the law steps in and inevitable one will rat out the other

A touching story that eventually will be made into a movie

Tom Cruise will play trump and Newt Gingrich will play Stone and Rosanna will play Hope Hicks

It will immediately bomb at the box office but will become a cult classic
Is there anyone in D.C. who isn't a liar?

You seriously wonder if every, single person in Washington D.C. is a liar?

So you are considering the possibility that every, single military person in Washington D.C. is a liar? Every, single person who works for the FBI?


There are LOTS of honest people in D.C....not just those in the military/FBI either. TONS of government employees who do a fantastic job and who are decent people.

And it is obvious (to me) why Trump surrounds himself with people of dubious repute. He appears to demand loyalty above all else. And almost anyone who believes in loyalty over ethics/honor is usually a loser. Plus, Trump is not an honorable man - he has proven that time and time and time again.
So...he ends up surrounding himself with losers.
And anyone decent he hires who is not loyal - he seems to fire.
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Just why did trump surround himself with liars? Putting the real possibility of a criminal conspiracy aside.....Why so many liars?

The word "liar" have been co-opted by the Muller gang to mean anyone who makes a semantic mistake in a statement is automatically a "liar" and enemy of the State. Not unlike Russia's Putin who does so on a regular basis. and relegates anyone who disagrees to a concrete tomb in some Gulag.
Trump has been the most truthful politician in recent history. Compare him to Obama, Hillary, Bill, Pelosi, the Democrats attempt to muddy supreme court nominees, etc. The mass media's reporting of left wing agenda items while ignoring anything that makes a Democrat talking point look bad. Trump is a breath of fresh air.
Just why did trump surround himself with liars? Putting the real possibility of a criminal conspiracy aside.....Why so many liars?

They don't call your sources Fake Media for nothing, oh mind blowingly gullible little Jimmy

btw. have you ever posted a truly honest post... :lol:
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Trump has been the most truthful politician in recent history. Compare him to Obama, Hillary, Bill, Pelosi, the Democrats attempt to muddy supreme court nominees, etc. The mass media's reporting of left wing agenda items while ignoring anything that makes a Democrat talking point look bad. Trump is a breath of fresh air.

So...out of the hundreds and hundreds of federal politicians in recent history...you say Trump is more 'truthful' than ALL of them.

And your link to unbiased proof of this is...?
Because he is one terrible judge of human character?

He judges people and accepts then because they share his morals or lack thereof....

the idiots that voted for him are too damn stupid to know when they are being lied to ...
I believe that the establishment was going to destroy him and he had to accept establishment people into his administration when he became the Repub nominee in 2016. The influence of his family may have been an affect also. It was easy for the establishment to cause strife as the have been in charge for many decades. Perhaps it is like Jackie Robinson going to the Major Leagues to break the color barrier. Like Robinson he takes/took constant condemnation and accusations by people/other players/fans/voters and from those who say/said very little with also. Within the family/owner circle there were people who continued to try to influence things. So Jared/Ivanka and the owners back then were holding the reigns to slow down real progress because of beliefs that needed to end. Real equality is common sense.

This might just be the most surreal post I have ever read on this site.

A freak mentally deranged narcissist who deliberately paints his own face orange, is "Jackie Robinson" now:

Words the fuck fail me.
You are talking about personality and the rest or that garbage. I am talking the uphill battle he has in Washington D.C. That is what Robinson faced in Baseball. The color barrier and the swamp.
Just why did trump surround himself with liars? Putting the real possibility of a criminal conspiracy aside.....Why so many liars?
why are so many people infatuated with honesty ONLY FROM THE OTHER GOD DAMN SIDE?

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